सूरह अलएराफ़ ७ -आठवाँ पारा आयत (१)
यह एक अर्थ हीन शब्द है. मुहम्मद ने मदारियों और जोगियों की नकल में इस तरह के बहुत से शब्द कुरआन में गढ़े हैं. सूरह शुरू करने से पहले वह मंतर की तरह इन्हें पढ़ते हैं. मुल्लाओं ने इसको '' हुरूफे मुक़त्तेआत '' नाम दिया है. यह भी कोई एक आयत है, अल्लाह की कही हुई एक बात है, अल्लाह का पैगाम है।जिस का मतलब अल्लाह ही जनता है.
''यह एक किताब है जो आप के पास इस लिए भेजी गई है कि आप इस के ज़रिए से डराएँ, सो आप के दिल में इस से बिलकुल तंगी न होना चाहिए और यह नसीहत है ईमान वालों के वास्ते.''
''सूरह अलएराफ़ ७ -आठवाँ पारा आयत (२)
मुहम्मद का अभियान सब से बड़ा यह है कि लोगों को किताब में बखानी गई दोज़ख से डराओ, लोग डरने लगें तो उन पर क़ाबू पाकर, उनको मनमानी ढंग से इशारे पर नचाओ। डरपोकों को जन्नत की लालच भी दी गई है. इन्हीं दो मंत्रो से क़ाबू पाकर मुसलामानों को जंगी भट्टियों में झोका गया है.''आप के दिल में इस से बिलकुल तंगी न होना चाहिए'' ऐसे जुमले जो इजहारे ख़याल न कर पा रहे हों जाहिल मुहम्मद की मजबूरी थी जिसको ओलिमा ने '' अल्लाह के कहने का मतलब ये है '' लिख कर मुहम्मद की मदद की है।
'' और बहुत सी बस्तियों को हमने तबाह कर दिया है. और उन पर हमारा अज़ाब रात के वक़्त पहुंचा, या ऐसी हालत में दोपहर को जब वह आराम में थे. सो जिस वक़्त उन के ऊपर अज़ाब आया , उस वक़्त उन के मुंह से बजुज़ इस के कुछ भी न निकला कि वाकई हम ही ज़ालिम थे.''
''सूरह अलएराफ़ ७ -आठवाँ पारा आयत (४-५)
मुहम्मदी अल्लाह कैसा है? इंसानी बस्तियों का और इंसानों का मश्शाक शिकारी ? मुहम्मद अपनी हिकमते अमली अल्लाह के जुबानी कुरआन में बतला रहे हैं. वह खुद हमेशा सुब्ह तडके बस्तियों पर हमला करते थे जब लोग गहरी नींद में हों या सो कर उठ रहे हों, इसको उस अल्लाह का तरीका बतला रहे हैं जो बन्दों का खालिक और बाप की तरह है. मुहम्मद के लुटेरे हत्यारों के ज़ुल्म ढाने पर मुसलामानों की नादान नस्लें कहने लगी हैं कि वाकई हमारे पूर्वज ही ज़ालिम और काफ़िर थे।
*इस सूरह में मुहम्मद आदम, हव्वा और शैतान की मशहूर बाइबिल की कल्पना को अपने ढंग से पेश करते हैं. फारसी कहावत है कि झूटे की याद दाश्त बहुत कमज़ोर होती है, गरज मुहम्मद इन्जीली बातों को जितनी बार गढ़ते है, वह बदल जाती है, यहाँ मुहम्मद गढ़ते हैं कि शैतान को मरदूद और मातूब करके जन्नत से निकाल दिया जाता है, इस जुर्म पर कि वह माटी के माधव आदम को सजदा नहीं करता. इन्तेकामन वह आदम और हव्वा को जन्नत में भड़काने लगता है. सवाल यह उठता है कि जब अल्लाह ने उसको जन्नत से निकल दिया तो वह जन्नत में दाखिल कैसे हो पाता था?क्या मुहम्मदी अल्लाह के निज़ाम में इंसानी गफ़लत हुआ करती है? ऐसे सवाल जब अहले मक्का मुहम्मद के सामने उठाते तो वह इसे कुरान की सर्ताबी क़रार देते ।बहुत ही ढीट तबा थे मुहम्मद. अल्लाह से ज़बान दराज़ी करते हुए इब्लीस (बड़ा शैतान) कहता है - - -
'' मुझको मोहलत दीजिए क़यामत के दिन तक. फरमाया कि तुझ को मोहलत दी गई. वह कहने लगा बसबब इसके कि आप ने मुझ को गुमराह किया , मैं क़सम खाता हूँ कि मैं उनके लिए सीधी राह पर बैठूंगा, फिर उन पर हमला करूंगा, उनके आगे से भी, उनके पीछे से भी, उनके दाहिने से भी, उनके बाएँ जानिब से भी और आप उनमें से अक्सर एहसान मानने वाला न पाएँगे.''
''सूरह अलएराफ़ ७ -आठवाँ पारा आयत (१५-१६-१७)
अल्लाह की बातों में बे वज़नी मुलाहिज़ा हो. अपनी मादरी ज़बान में तर्जुमा करके इसे अपनी नमाज़ों में पढ़ कर देखिए. कुछ ही दिनों में खुद को पागल महसूस करने लगेंगे. या कम से कम परले दर्जे का बेवकूफ.
''अल्लाह ने फरमाया यहाँ से ज़लील ख्वार हो कर निकल. जो इन में से तेरा कहना मानेगा, मैं ज़रूर तुम सब को जहन्नम में भर दूंगा और ऐ आदम ! तुम और तुम्हारी बीवी जन्नत में रहो, फिर जिस जगह से चाहो दोनों आदमी खाओ और उस दरख्त के पास मत जाओ कभी कि उन लोगों में शुमार हो जाओगे कि जिंससे ना मुनासिब काम हो जाया करता है.''
''सूरह अलएराफ़ ७ -आठवाँ पारा आयत (१८-१९)
सृष्ट का रचैता अपने बनाए पहले आदमी से इस तरह बातें करता है, जब तक यह बाते यकीन और इबादत बनी रहेगी आदमी आदमी ही रहेगा, इंसान कभी नहीं बन सकता. यहूदी और ईसाई की अक्सरियत जाग चुकी है जो कि मुसलमान जैसी ही थी मगर मुसलमान इन बातों की अफीम पिए अभी भी ख़्वाबों कि जन्नत में सो रहा है जिसे कि मुहम्मद ने कस के घोट रखा है .
''फिर शैतान ने उन दोनों के दिलों में वुस्वुसा डाल दिया ताकि परदे का बदन जो एक दूसरे से पोशीदा था, दोनों के रूबरू बे पर्दा कर दे और कहने लगा तुम्हारे रब ने तुम दोनों को इस दरख़्त से और किसी सबब से मना नहीं फ़रमाया, मगर महेज़ इस वजेह से कि तुम दोनों कहीं फ़रिश्ते न हो जाओ या कहीं हमेशा जिंदा रहने वालों में न हो जाओ और इन दोनों के रूबरू क़सम खाई कि यकीन जानिए कि मैं आप दोनों का खैर ख्वाह हूँ. सो इन दोनों को फ़रेब के नीचे ले आया. पस जब इन दोनों ने दरख़्त को चखा तो दोनों का परदे का बदन एकदूसरे के सामने बे पर्दा हो गए, दोनों अपने ऊपर जन्नत के पत्ते जोड़ जोड़ कर रखने लगे और इनके रब ने इन को पुकारा ; - क्या तुम दोनों को इस दरख़्त से मुमानेअत न थी.''
'' - - - हक ताला ने फ़रमाया नीचे इसी हालत में उतर जाओ कि तुम बाहम बअज़े दूसरे बाहम बअजों के दुश्मन रहोगेऔर तुम्हारे वास्ते वहां ज़मीन में रहने की जगह है और नफ़ा हासिल करना एक वक्त तक - - -
'''सूरह अलएराफ़ ७ -आठवाँ पारा आयत (२०-२४)
हर नमाज़ी मुसलमान दिन में लगभग ४४ रेकअत नमाज पढता है, इनका सच्चा रहनुमा वह है जो इनको इनकी मादरी ज़बान में नमाज़ें पढवाए। एक रेकअत में तीन आयत पढ़ी जाती हैं, यह सब अगर वह अपनी मादरी ज़बान में पढ़े तो हमें यकीन हैकि एह दिन वह खुद सच्चाई की राह पर आ जाएगा.
निसार ''निसार-उल-ईमान''
ऐतिहासिक सत्य में क़ुरआन की हक़ीक़त
Muhammad, like his religion, was fixated on the flesh. According to the Qur'an, bodies were reassembled so that skin could be singed in hell and teased in paradise. Man's spirit was incidental. I believe this is because the religion was made in the prophet's image. It reflected his character and desires.
To appreciate Islam's elevation of body over soul, we must look at the source of his inspiration. Muhammad was right when he described the angel that visited him as a slave. Bukhari:V4B54N455 "So (Allah) conveyed the Inspiration to His slave (Gabriel) and then he (Gabriel) conveyed (it to Muhammad)." Angels, fallen or heavenly, demonic or godly, have no choice. To borrow another line from Islam, "They must submit and obey." Islam's dark spirit knew all about angelic submission, because he once was one: Qur'an 7:11 "It is We who created you and gave you shape; then We ordered the angels to fall and prostrate themselves to Adam."
The same passage goes on to correctly implicate Satan and suggest angels are eternal. Qur'an 7:19 "Satan...said: 'Your Lord only forbid you this tree, lest you should become angels, immortal, living forever.'"
We pick up the story of Islam's creation account where we left off, with Iblis, better known as Lucifer. I'm going to work the narrative through the Qur'an. In the 7th surah, called "The Wall Between Heaven and Hell," Allah, or I should say, Muhammad, corrupts one of the earliest Genesis stories. But he gets sidetracked with intolerance and terrorism before he dives into his version. So in deference to the Islamic apologists, I'll keep the whole passage in context, starting at the beginning.
Before we start, however, you should know that the only reason we can read this or any surah is because an "angel" or a "clanging bell" dictated it (or gonged it) to Muhammad directly from the "Memorial Tablets" written at Allah's command by the "Pen" before the universe was created. Qur'an 7:1 "This Book [the Qur'an] has been sent down to you." The opening verse is not accurate. The Qur'an wasn't a book. Based upon the historical record, nothing would be committed to writing or compiled into a book for another century. "Do not hesitate to warn the unbelievers through it." This "warning" was not for the unbeliever.' benefit or for their salvation. All non-Muslims are predestined to hell. So the threat of impending punishments which could not be averted strongly suggests that the author was either demented or a sadist.
Muhammad's schizophrenic spirit said: Qur'an 7:3 "Follow the Revelation given to you from your Lord and follow not as protectors other than Him [third person]. Little do you remember My [first person, singular] warning. How many towns have We [plural] destroyed as a raid by night? Our punishment took them suddenly while they slept for their afternoon rest. Our terror came to them; Our punishment overtook them. No cry did they utter but: 'We were wrong-doers.'" The Islamic god's taste for terror is shocking. It's hard to fathom scripture bragging, "How many towns have We destroyed?" or, "Our punishment took them suddenly while they slept." What would possess someone to claim this was godly? The Islamic "god," by his own admission, is a terrorist.
Before we move on, I want to bring your attention to the motivation behind this opening salvo. Muhammad wanted his detractors to know that his god would terrorize anyone who rejected "those to whom Our Message was sent [Muslims] or those by whom We sent it [Muhammad]." It's a warning: "If you deny Muhammad, his followers will terrorize you."
Qur'an 7:7 "Verily, We shall recount their whole story with knowledge, for We were never absent at any time or place." Muhammad, speaking on behalf of his spirit, is acknowledging that the stories in the Qur'an appear plagiarized. But they are not, he protests, because his "god" was omnipresent. He is preparing us for an onslaught of bastardized Hebrew scripture.
"Those whose scale of good will be heavy will prosper. Those whose scale will be light will find their souls in perdition [hell], for they wrongfully treated Our Signs." That's the basis of the religion of Islam. Good works. The more you do the heavier the "good" side of your scale becomes. Unfortunately, all the good deeds in the world can't outweigh predestination. And the best "good deed" according to Muhammad is to die a jihadist terrorizing infidels.
Want proof? From Bukhari's, Book of Jihad, Chapter 1, number 1204: "A man came to Allah's Messenger and said, 'Guide me to such a deed as equals Jihad in reward. ' He said, 'I do not find such a deed.'" Bukhari:V4B52N50 "The Prophet said, 'A single endeavor of fighting in Allah's Cause is better than the world and whatever is in it.'" As we move into the Medina war surahs I will share scores of these with you.
Returning to the 7th surah, Allah's miffed men aren't thankful. Qur'an 7:10 "It is We who have placed you [Adam] with authority on earth, and provided you with means for the fulfillment of your life: small are the thanks that you give! Little give you thanks!"
"It is We who created you and gave you shape; then We ordered the angels to fall and prostrate themselves to Adam. And they fell prostrate, all save Iblis, who was not of those who made prostration." Iblis was Lucifer, a fallen angel better known as Satan. The Qur'an says that he was a jinn, or demonic spirit. Both the Qur'an and Bible agree that Lucifer rebelled against God.
According to the Bible, as an angel, Lucifer was merely a tool. His relationship with Yahweh was like that of a private to a general. Without choice angels cannot love. And they are incapable of creativity, which may explain why so much of the Qur'an was plagiarized. Lucifer's existence was defined by the same terms that gave Islam its name and authority: "submit and obey." The Bible says, when Lucifer rebelled, a third of the angels were cast out of heaven and became demons. They lashed out at Yahweh by deceiving man, separating us from God, just as they had been.
This all led to the most infamous meal in human history. I share this Biblical perspective because once again, Muhammad, lacking imagination, plagiarized it, albeit with his own unique embellishments. Qur'an 7:12 "'What prevented you [Iblis/Lucifer] from prostrating when I commanded you?' He said: 'I am better than Adam: You created me from fire and him from clay.' So Allah said: 'Get down from this place: it is not for you to be arrogant here: get out, you are degraded, for you are of the meanest of creatures.'" The request is odd, yet the Qur'an never explains why Allah wanted his angels to humble themselves before man.
In the Qur'an, Satan protests. Qur'an 7:14 "'Give me a reprieve until the time they are raised.' Allah said: 'You have your reprieve.' He said: 'Because you have thrown me out, I will lie in wait, lurking in ambush for them on Your Right Path. I will assault them from behind, from their right and left. You will find them ungrateful.' Allah said: 'Get out of here. You are disgraced and expelled. If any follow, I will fill Hell with all of you.'" The Qur'an has clearly said that Satan is deceptive, and that he's going to hell. This is important because, from this point on, Allah will claim to be deceitful and we will find him in hell, tormenting men.
Continuing to steal from Genesis, the Islamic scriptures say: Qur'an 7:19 "We said: 'Adam, dwell with your wife in the Garden and enjoy: but approach not this tree or you will run into harm and become wrong-doers.' Then Satan began to whisper suggestions to them, bringing openly before their minds all their shame that was hidden from them. He said: 'Your Lord only forbid you this tree, lest you should become angels, immortal, living forever.'" In the Garden, Adam was immortal. Seducing Adam with a promise of immortality would be like seducing Arabs with a promise of more sand. Besides, why would Adam want to become an angel if the angels were bowing to him?
Qur'an 7:21 "He swore to them that he was their sincere adviser. So by deceit he brought about their fall." This is interesting. Muslims claim that there was no fall of man, thus no reason for the Messiah to come and reconcile fallen man back into fellowship with God. Further, Satan is mimicking Muhammad. The prophet incessantly claimed to be the "sincere adviser," yet through deceit, he brought men to their knees.
"When they tasted of the tree, their shame became manifest to them, and they began to sew together leaves, covering their bodies. Allah called: 'Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you that Satan was an avowed enemy?'" For those who are curious: Tabari I:299 "Scholars of the nation of our Prophet say, 'The tree which Allah forbade Adam and his spouse to eat was wheat.'" Yes, a wheat tree.
Qur'an 7:23 "They said: 'Allah, we have wronged our own souls: If you do not forgive us, we shall be of the lost losers.' Allah said: 'Go down from here as enemies of each other.'" Allah seems to think that the Garden of Eden, a.k.a. the Garden of Bliss, is in heaven. Thus when Adam rejected Allah, he was sent down, not cast out. Also, did you notice the line: "you will be enemies of each other?" He was speaking to Adam and Eve, foreshadowing the Islamic view of women.
Allah continued: "'On earth will be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a time.' He [third person, singular] said: "Therein shall you live, and therein shall you die, and from it shall you be raised. O children of Adam. [How did they get kids so fast?] We [first person plural] have sent clothing down to you to cover your shame, and for beauty and clothing that guards against evil. This is of the communications of Allah [now third person singular].'" Why did they need clothes to guard against evil? If their lusts carried them away - with whom were they going to be adulterous?
An interesting sidebar on the first kids comes to us in this Tradition: Tabari I:321 "When Eve became heavy with her first pregnancy, Satan came to her before she gave birth and said, 'Eve, what is that in your womb.' She said, 'I do not know.' He asked, 'Where will it come out from - your nose, your eye, or your ear.' She replied, 'I do not know.' He said, 'Don't you think, if it comes out healthy, you should obey me in whatever I command you?' When she said, 'Yes.' he said: 'Name him Abd al-Harith Iblis - Slave to the cursed.' She agreed." Believable dialog, don't you think? Just the kind of foundation you'd expect to underpin a great religion. "Adam said to him [Iblis/Lucifer], 'I obeyed you once before and you caused me to be driven out of Paradise.' So he refused to obey him and called the child Abd Ar-Rahman."
Ar-Rahman was the name of Muhammad's first "god." The 55th surah, named in Ar-Rahman's honor, begins: "Ar-Rahman bestowed the Qur'an, created man, and taught him to express clearly. The sun and moon revolve to his computation and the grasses and the trees bow to Him in adoration.... He created man." With multiple gods, Islam became pagan monotheism.
And with multiple truths, Islam is flawed revelation: Tabari I:275 "They ate from it and as a result their secret part that had been concealed became apparent।" It hadn't been much of a marriage up to that point. But if that's true, how did they get kids? And why does the Islamic Tradition say: Tabari I:299 "It was the cover of fingernails that had kept their secret parts concealed."
Prophet of Doom