Monday, 15 February 2010

क़ुरआन - सूरह इंफाल - ८

सूरह इंफाल - ८
The Spoils of War-8

शाहों के रुखो रुखसार

" निकाह मत करो काफ़िर औरतों के साथ जब तक कि वह मुसलमान न हो जाएँ और मुस्लमान चाहे लौंडी क्यूँ न हो वह हज़ार दर्जा बेहतर है काफ़िर औरत से, गो वह तुम को अच्छी मालूम हो और औरतों को काफ़िर मर्दों के निकाह में मत दो, जब तक कि वह मुसलमान न हो जाए, इस से बेहतर मुस्लमान गुलाम है"
(सूरह अल्बक्र २ दूसरा पर आयत 221)

आने वाले कल के अच्छे और सच्चे हिन्दुस्तानी वह लोग होंगे जो इन क़ुरआनी आयतों को अपने गले से उतार के ताके-निसयाँ कर देंगे और ज़ात-पाँत के बंधन से मुक्त होकर भेद-भाव रहित विवाह करेगे. इन से पैदा होने वाली नस्लें ही सही मानो में इंसानियत के अलम बरदार होंगे। शाह रुख़ खान, आमिर खान, सलमान खान, शर्मिला टैगोर, मधुबाला, वहीदा रहमान ही नहीं महेश भट्ट और ए. आर. रहमान की जेसरत भी मानी रखती है. मुस्लिम ओलिमा इनको नचनिया, गविया कहकर टाल जाते हैं कि इस्लाम में इनका शुमार ही नहीं, जबकि कौम के यह कीमती हस्तियाँ ही मुल्क की शान हैं.
इन्हीं नचनिए गवाइयों के तुफैल में इनका (कठमुल्लों का) वजूद हिंदुस्तान में बरक़रार है वर्ना बटवारे के बाद तो इनको पाकिस्तान के उजड्ड तालिबानों के हवाले कर देना चाहिए था। फख्र हिंदुस्तान अब्दुल कलाम को सय्यद शहाबुद्दीन मुहम्मदी हिन्दू का लक़ब देते हैं, दर अस्ल वह मुहम्मदी मुस्लमान जो ठहरे। सेकुलर भारत में वह ठहरे हुए है, शुक्र गुज़ार रहें मुल्क के आईन का वगरना तालिबानी ठोकरों में गूंगे बने बैठे होते .

यह आत्म घाती लोग अचेतानावस्था में फूले नहीं समाते कि शाह रुख खान, आमिर खान, सलमान खान और ए. आर. रहमान मुस्लमान हैं मगर जब इनके अंदर संकुचित इस्लामी चेतना आ जाती है तो यह सदमें में आ जाते हैं कि काश यह इनकी तरह कि कट्टर मुसलमान बन जाएँ.
''माई नेम इज खान'' की अपार सफलता ने एक बार सच्चाइयों की गहराइयों से निकलली सुगंध बिखेर दी है. इस ने कट्टरता और फासीवाद को झकझोर कर रख दिया है। थोडा बहुत अवाम के ज़हनों पर संकोच की धूल जो जमी हुई थी वह साफ़ होनी शुरू हो चली है। शाह रुख ने पाकिस्तानी खिलाडियों कोI . P . L .में चयन न होने पर खेल-कूद की सद्भावना में अपनी साहसिक राय देकर उसके प्रति अपना फ़र्ज़ अदाa किया ठीक किया जिसकी चुभन शायद खुद बोर्ड एक दिन महसूस करेगा. कल शाह रुख खान जैसे लोग ही ऐसी आवाज़ बुलंद कर सकते हैं कि आओ हम अपने बुजुर्गों की गलती कर को भूल कर एक हो जाएँ. एक अज़ीम हिदुस्तानी वह है जिसका मज़हब. मज़हबे इंसानियत हो । इस को अच्छे इंसानों की ज़रुरत है । बाल ठाकरे जैसे लोगों को मंज़ूर न होगी वह तो अखंड हिन्दू भारत और मराठा शान पहले चाहेंगे.

आइए चलें क़ुरआन पर, देखें कि मुहम्मदी अल्लाह अपने बन्दों पर जंग थोपने का काम किस तरह करता है और बाद में लूटे गए माल की बन्दर बाँट कैसे करता है - - -

''और जान लो जो शै बतौर गनीमत तुम को हासिल हो तो कुल का पाँचवां हिस्सा अल्लाह और उसके रसूल का है और आप के क़राबत दारों का है और यतीमो का है और गरीबों का है और मुसाफिरों का है, अगर तुम अल्लाह पर यक़ीन रखते हो तो.''
सूरह -इंफाल - ८ नौवाँ परा आयत ( ४१)
मैं एक बार फिर अपने पाठकों को बतला दूँ कि जंग में लूटे हुए माल को मुहम्मद ने माले गनीमत नाम दिया और इसको ज़रीया मुआश (भरण-पोषण)का एक साधन करार दिया। यह पहले लूट मार और डकैती जैसे बुरे नाम से जानी जाती थी जिसको उन्होंने वहियों (ईश वाणी) के नाटक से अपने ऊपर जायज़ कराया. इस का किस्सा आगे हदीस के हवाले से कभी आएगा. माले गनीमत के बटवारे का कानून भी अल्लाह बनाता है अपना पांचवां हिस्सा आसमान से उतर कर ले जाता है? उसके बाद कराबत दारों यतीमों, गरीबों और मुसाफिरों का हिसा कायम करके रसूल अपने यहाँ रखवा कर ,उनको ढूंढते हैं?,कहीं कोई एदारह उनकी ज़िन्दगी में इनके लिए कायम नहीं हुवा. खुद अपने मुसाहिबों में तकसीम करके अपनी शान बघारते, जो बुनयादी फायदे होते वह कुरैशियो कि जड़ें मज़बूत होती रहतीं. उनकी मौत के बाद ही उनकी सींची हुई बाग़ लहला उट्ठी, अली,अब्बास, हसन, हुसैन, माविया और यजीद इस्लामी शहजादे बन कर उभरे. कुछ रद्द अमल में क़त्ल हुए और कुछ आज तक प्रिंस बनकर फल फूल रहे हैं.
हमें गम है कि हम न अरब, हम न कुरैश और हम न अल्वी न यजीदी, हम भारती हैं, हम भला इस्लाम कि ज़द में आकर क्यों इसके शिकार बने हुए है?
''इस ने अपनी हिकमत अमली से कभी दुश्मनों को मोमिनों कि लश्कर को कसीर दिखला कर और कभी मोमिनों की हौसलों को बढ़ने के लिए काफिरों कि फ़ौज को मुख़्तसर दिखलाया .''
सूरह -इंफाल - ८ नौवाँ परा आयत ( ४३)
नादान मुहम्मद अपने अल्लाह से दगाबाज़ी का काम करने से भी परहेज़ नहीं करते. नादान भोले भले मुसलमान तो इन बातों की गहराइयों में नहीं जाते मगर क्या यह तालीम याफ्ता मुसलमान भी इसे नज़र अंदाज़ करके कौम को पस्ती में डाल रहे हैं? वह अगर आगे आएँ तो यह नादान उनके पीछे चलने की हिम्मत कर सकते है.
'' काफिरों को हिम्मत बंधाने वाला शैतान मुसलामानों के लिए मदद के लिए आते फरिश्तों को देख कर, सर पर पाँव रख कर यह कहते हुए भागता है कि ' भय्या मैं तो अल्लाह से डरता हूँ.''
सूरह -इंफाल - ८ नौवाँ परा आयत ( ४८ )
यह है मुसलामानों तुम्हारा क़ुरआन और तुम्हारा दीन जो कि बच्चों को दिल बहलाने के लिए किसी कार्टून फिल्म के किरदार की तरह है. क्या इसी पर तुम्हारा ईमान है? क्या तुम इस पर कभी शर्मिंदा नहीं होते? या तुम को यह सब कुछ बतलाया ही नहीं जाता, बल्कि तुमसे क्यूँ यह बातें छिपाई जाती हैं? या फिर तुम हिन्दुओं के देवी देवताओं की पौराणिक कथाओं को जानते हुए इन बातों को उन से बेहतर मानते हो? ज़रा सोचो मुहम्मद ने किस समझदार शैतान को तुमको बहकाने के लिए गढ़ा है कि तुम सदियों से उसकी गुमराही में भटकते रहोगे .आँखें खोलो.
''देखें जब यह फ़रिश्ते काफिरों की जान कब्ज़ करने जाते हैं और आग की सजा झेलना, ये इसकी वजेह से है कि तुम ने अपने हाथों समेटे हैं कि अल्लाह बन्दों पे ज़ुल्म नहीं करता.''( सुधार करता के ब्रेकेट को निकालने के बाद अल्लाह की भाषा ऐसी ही होती है)
सूरह -इंफाल - ८ नौवाँ परा आयत ( ५०-५१)
वाह ! कितने रहम दिल हैं अल्लाह मियाँ. खुद ज़ुल्म करते हैं और अपने फरिश्तों से कराते है कि इस्लाम कुबूल करने के बाद मुसलमान हर वक़्त डरा सहमा रहता है अपने अल्लाह से. क्यूँ ? क्या उसका जुर्म यह है कि वह उसकी धरती पर पैदा हो गया? मगर वह अपनी मर्ज़ी से कहाँ इस दुन्या में आया? वह तो अपने माँ बाप के उमंग और आरज़ू का नतीजा है. उसके बाद भी मेहनत और मशक्कत से दो वक़्त की रोज़ी रोटी कमाता है, उसके लिए मुहम्मदी अल्लाह को टेक्स दे? उस से डरे उसके सामने मत्था टेके, गिड़गिडाए ? भला क्यूं? अपने वजूद को दोज़ख के न बुझने वाले अंगारों के हवाले करने का यकीन क्यूं करें?
'' बिला शुबहा अल्लाह तअला बड़ी क़ूवत वाले हैं''
सूरह -इंफाल - ८ नौवाँ परा आयत ( ५२)
जो '' कुन'' कह कर इतनी बड़ी कायनात की तखलीक करदे उसकी कूवत का यकीन एक अदना बन्दा क्यूँ करा रहा हैजिसका अल्लाह अपने बन्दों के भेजेa पर बैठी हुई मख्खी भी नहीं उड़ापाता और कोसा करता है '' अबी लहेब तेरा हाथ टूटे, तेरा कमाया हुवा तेरे कम न आए - - -
''बिला शुबहा बद तरीन खलायाक अल्लाह तअला के नज़दीक ये काफ़िर लोग हैं , तो ईमान न लाएंगे''
सूरह -इंफाल - ८ नौवाँ परा आयत ( ५५)
और खूब तरीन मोमिन हो जाएँ अगर ईमान लाकर तुम्हारे साथ तुम्हारे गढ़े हुए अल्लाह की राह पर खून खराबा के लिए चल पड़ें. जेहालत की राह पर अपनी नस्लों को छोड़ कर मुहम्मदुर रसूलिल्लाह कहते हुए इस दुया सेबेहोशी के आलम में रुखसत होजाएँ.
''और काफ़िर लोग अपने को ख़याल न करें कि वह बच गए. यकीनन वह लोग आजिज़ नहीं कर सकते.''
सूरह -इंफाल - ८ नौवाँ परा आयत ( ५९)
कूवत वाला अल्लाह, मेराकी शौहर की बीवी की तरह आजिज़ भी होता है ? क्या क्या खसलतें मुहम्मद ने अपने अल्लाह में पैदा कर रखी है. वह कमज़ोर, बीमार और चिडचिड़े बन्दों की तरह आजिजो-बेज़ार भी होता है , वह अय्यारो-मक्कार की तरह चालों पर चलें चलने वाला भी है,वह कल्बे सियाह की तरह मुन्तकिम भी है , वह चुगल खोर भी है, अपने नबी की बीवियों की बातें इधर की उधर, नबी के कान में भर के मियाँ बीवी में निफाक भी डालता है. कभी झूट और कभी वादा खिलाफी भी करता है . आगे आगे देखते जाइए मुहम्मदी अल्लाह की खसलतें. यह किरदार खुद मुहम्मद के किरदार की आइना दार हैं तरीख इस्लाम इसकी गवाह है जिसकी उलटी तस्वीर यह इस्लामी मुसन्नाफीन और उलिमा आप को दिखला कर गुमराह किए हुए हैं. आप इनकी तहरीरों पर भरोसा करके पामाल हुए जा रहे हैं तब भी आप को होश नहीं आ रहा. लिल्लाह अपनी नस्लों पर रहम खइए।
निसार ''निसार उल ईमान ''

ऐतिहासिक सत्य में क़ुरआन की हकीकत

But should you want confirmation, Ishaq, the first imam to record the message of fundamental Islam interprets the verse this way: Ishaq:324 "He said, Fight them so that there is no more rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only. Allah must have no rivals." This verse should be hung in every church, in every synagogue, in every school, and statehouse. It ought to be plastered on the front door of the State Department, Pentagon, Capitol, and White House.
Incidentally, there are two wars being announced here, not one. The first is religious; the second is spiritual. Submission to the religion of Islam is entirely political, a war designed to suppress and plunder. That battle is being fought with swords, guns, and bombs. It destroys physical things including the flesh. The spiritual war is being waged for souls. Allah, as Satan, will not tolerate a rival. "Allahu Akbar," (Allah is Greater) is the battle cry. Lucifer wants us to worship him. Islam is simply his most effective and deadly scheme.
Unfortunately, the Qur'an's dark spirit knew how to motivate a merciless band of religious fanatics. Ishaq:324 "Allah taught them how to divide the spoil. He made it lawful and said, 'A fifth of the booty belongs to the Apostle.'" This is confirmed in the surah: Qur'an 8:40 "If people are obstinate, and refuse to surrender, know that Allah is your Supporter. And know that one fifth of all the booty you take belongs to Allah, and to the Messenger, and for the near relatives (of the Messenger), orphans, and the needy wayfarer [we've heard this before]. Believe in Allah and in what We sent down to Our slave on the Day of victory over the infidels when the two armies clashed. And Allah has the power to do all things." Fortunately, all Allah/Satan can do is play with the weather and tempt men to do his bidding. Unfortunately, all too many are willing. The temptation in this case was money. Muslim militants got rich [by Arab standards] robbing Muhammad's enemies. Of course, they had to give the prophet a fifth of the spoil, yet that was no more onerous than what Black Beard required. But since Badr was only a ragtag mob of mercenary misfits against a bunch of camel-driving merchants, you have to wonder about the inadequacy of a spirit who called them "armies" and required a thousand demonic angels to carry the day. I wouldn't bet my life on team Islam.
You may have picked up on it already, but if not, Muhammad had a little problem. He and his raiders had gone after a merchandise-laden caravan. The money they sought eluded them. So while they stole some swords and coats of mail, and kidnapped some men for ransom, the expedition was a bust. The caravan got away. Qur'an 8:42 "(Remember) you were on the hither side of the valley, and they were on yonder bank. The caravan was on lower ground still (by the coast). Even if you had made a mutual appointment to meet, you would certainly have declined to fight and failed to achieve your goal because Allah needed to accomplish a different matter. Those who were destroyed had to perish as a clear demonstration [of Allah's seductive control]. And those who lived survived as a positive proof (of His authority). Allah is He Who hears and knows." In other words, Allah won the coin toss. His lust for murder took precedence over Muhammad's yearning for money. As for the dark spirit of Islam hearing and knowing; it's true. Lucifer is able to maneuver in time and travel unseen. He listens and learns how to best tempt his stooges. Everyone has a soft spot, a longing, a desire, something that they crave.
Qur'an 8:45 "O believers! When you meet an army, be firm, and think of Allah's Name much; that you may prosper." It was a hellish bargain they made for money. "Obey Allah and His Messenger; and do not dispute [with them], lest you lose courage and your power departs; persevere!" The Hadith says: Ishaq:325 "Muslims, fight in Allah's Cause. Stand firm and you will prosper. Help the Prophet, obey him, give him your allegiance, and your religion will be victorious."
But not everyone had joined the party. So the bad Muslims had to be rebuked. There was no room in Islam for a second leader or for peace: Qur'an 8:47 "Be not as those who came from their homes full of their own importance, trying to turn men away from [fighting in] Allah's Cause. Allah is encircling them. Satan made their acts seem alluring to them, and said: 'No one can conquer you this day, while I am near you.' But when the two armies came in sight of each other, he turned on his heels, and said: 'Lo! I am not with you. I see what you cannot. Verily, I fear Allah: for Allah is severe in punishment.'" Ishaq tells us: "Umayr saw Satan at Badr. When the Devil turned, a surah was handed down concerning him." Then describing Allah, Umayr says: Ishaq:319 "Satan made their deeds seem good to them and said that they would be victorious because he was their protector. But the Devil deceived them." And he continues to do so.
Following the Satanic interlude, Allah calls bad Muslims "diseased." Their peaceful nature evidently irked the spirit of war. Qur'an 8:49 "The hypocrites [bad Muslims] and those in whose hearts is a disease said: 'The religion has deceived and misled them.'" Bad Muslims could be good people, discerning people. They recognized that fundamental Islam was deceitful. And they knew Islam, Muhammad, and Allah better than anyone.
If this is God speaking, I move that we elect a new one. Qur'an 8:50 "If you could have seen the infidels when the angels drew away their souls, striking their faces and smiting their backs. The angels said: 'Taste the penalty of the blazing Fire.'"
Qur'an 8:52 "They [Meccans] brought this on themselves. Their case is like that of Pharaoh and of those before them. They denied and rejected the revelations of Allah, and Allah destroyed them, punishing them for their crimes: for Allah is strict, severe in punishment." And what bears saying bears repeating... Qur'an 8:54 "This was the case with Pharaoh and those before them: They denied and rejected the revelations of their Lord: so We destroyed them." This wasn't a second translation; it was a "senior moment."
The war surah marches on with these lovely words: Qur'an 8:55 "Verily the worst of creatures, the vilest of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him and will not believe. They are those with whom you make an agreement, but they break their covenant every time, and they keep not their duty [to fight]." The bad Muslims are being hammered again. Muhammad is miffed that they reneged on the Pledge of Aqabah. Muslims agreed to protect the prophet like they did their women and to fight whomever he fought. They didn't figure on that including terrorism and piracy, so they bailed on him. As a consequence, the bad peace-loving Muslims were labeled the "worst of creatures."
Enough Mr. Nice Guy. It was time to go back on the warpath. These are some of the most chilling words ever uttered in the name of god: Qur'an 8:57 "If you gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so that they would learn a lesson and be warned." It's pretty hard to reconcile these words with the Islam-is-a-peace-loving-religion myth. This sounds like one of al-Qaeda's speeches to me. The Sira presents the "Terror Manifesto" this way: Ishaq:326 "If you come upon them, deal with them so forcibly as to terrify those who would follow them that they may be warned. Make a severe example of them by terrorizing Allah's enemies."
Before anyone puts their trust in the "peace process" or supports a treaty with an Islamic organization or nation, they should consider Allah's admonition: Qur'an 8:58 "If you apprehend treachery from any group on the part of a people (with whom you have a treaty), retaliate by breaking off (relations) with them: for Allah loves not the treacherous. The infidels should not think that they can bypass (the law or punishment of Allah). Surely they cannot get away." A second translation reads: "The unbelieving infidels should not think that they can bypass Islam; surely they cannot escape."
Now that Islam has our undivided attention, it's time for Allah to scare us to death. Qur'an 8:60 "Prepare against them whatever arms and cavalry you can muster that you may strike terror in the enemies of Allah, and others besides them not known to you." This is a call for all good Muslims to amass their weapons of mass destruction. The Noble Qur'an even adds "tanks, planes, missiles, and artillery" to the text. Allah is ordering Muslims to terrorize his enemies, their enemies, and enemies yet unknown. This is as purposeful as a panzer tank, as unyielding as a kamikaze. It explains why Muslims are terrorists. And it foretells our future if we fail to expose this doctrine, if we fail to annihilate it before it annihilates us.
This is a matter of life and death, so I want to give you the benefit of another translation: "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the enemies of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom you may not know. Whatever you spend in Allah's Cause will be repaid in full, and no wrong will be done to you [for killing others]."
If you were ignorant of verses 57 through 60, you might be suckered by the 61st. Qur'an 8:61 "But if the enemy inclines toward peace, do you (also) incline to peace, and trust in Allah." However... "Should they intend to deceive or cheat you, verily Allah suffices: He strengthened you with His aid and with the Believers." The small print here is real important. "Should they intend to deceive or cheat" is an open invitation to invoke 8:57 to 60. It presupposes a hypothetical before anything occurs. And Muhammad knew it.
Within days he would claim that he "feared" the Jewish Qaynuqa. He broke the treaty he had formed with them, besieged them, exiled them, and stole their homes, property, and businesses.
The first to interpret this surah said: Ishaq:326 "If they ask you for peace on the basis of Islam (submission), make peace on that basis. Be of one mind by His religion."
The next two verses, which speak of cementing love in the midst of a killing spree, are incomprehensible. This odd segue brings us to one of Allah's most ominous lines. Qur'an 8:65 "O Prophet, urge the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty among you with determination they will vanquish two hundred. If a hundred, they will slaughter a thousand of the unbelieving infidels: for these are a people devoid of understanding." This is the math of terror. On September 11th nineteen "good" Muslims followed Allah's instructions and murdered 3,000 innocent men, women, and children, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. They snuffed out their lives because we were a people devoid of understanding.
I know that the temptation is to read on. But please, before you do, ponder the implications of this surah. This is the spirit of Islam speaking directly to Muslims. It is why they are terrorists.
The Sira proclaims: Ishaq:326 "O Prophet exhort the believers to fight. If there are twenty good fighters they will defeat two hundred for they are a senseless people. They do not fight with good intentions nor for truth." Such could be said for America. The U.S. State Department has managed to lose the peace because they are ignorant of the truth. Believing that the "enemy of my enemy is my friend," we fight with less than ideal intentions. As a nation we have partnered with the wrong people and thereby created our next foe. We liberated China and they slaughtered us in Korea. We supported Stalin and it killed us in Vietnam. We funded the Mujahidun and they became al-Qaeda. We furnished biological weapons to Saddam and Americans died to keep him from using them. Not to be outdone, we have formed alliances with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Syria against Israel so that our friend might be victimized.
Allah wasn't finished motivating his terrorists to attack us. Qur'an 8:66 "Now Allah has lightened your (task), for He knows that there is a weak spot in you [which is precisely what he is exploiting]. So if there are a hundred of you with determination they will vanquish two hundred, and if a thousand, they will kill two thousand by the will of Allah. For Allah is with those who are determined." It's true. Letters taken from the cars the suicide bombers of 9/11 left behind included prayers to Allah. The Muslims were singing Allahu Akbar as they slit the stewardes.' throats and pointed the planes at our buildings. This is the price we pay for our blindness, for seeing Islam as a religion rather than a terrorist dogma. We allow mosques to preach the hatred and violence of the 8th surah right next door to our businesses, our schools, and our homes. The crater that was the World Trade Center stands as a memorial to our ignorance. The destruction of New York will be the legacy of our inaction.
Ishaq:326 "Abdallah told me that when this verse came down it was a shock to the Muslims who took it hard. They were afraid, as the odds were too great. So Allah relieved them and cancelled the verse with another: 'Now has Allah relieved you and He knows that there is a weakness among you, so if there are 100 [rather than 20] they shall vanquish 200.'"
Now that he had calmed the nerves of his squeamish militants, the war god of Islam was ready to approve kidnapping for ransom. He knew that terrorists craved money as much as they enjoyed murder. Qur'an 8:67 "It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughtered in the land. You desire the lure of the frail goods of this world while Allah desires the Hereafter, and Allah is Mighty." Another translation begins: "No apostle should take captives until he has battled and subdued a nation." This is a dual confession. Muhammad lusted for the ransom captives would bring, but his Allah persona was unwilling to enrich the prophet until he became a psychopathic killer. That's because Allah was entertained by torturing men in the fires of hell. And if you're unsure whether calling Muhammad a psychopath is fair, go back and read his conversation with the mutilated bodies in the pit.
Every word of this is so unbelievable, so maniacal, I have tried to buttress the Qur'anic presentation with an ample dose of Ishaq's insights. Ishaq:326 "Allah said, 'No Prophet before Muhammad took booty from his enemy nor prisoners for ransom.' Muhammad said, 'I was made victorious with terror. The earth was made a place for me to clean. I was given the most powerful words. Booty was made lawful for me. I was given the power to intercede. These five privileges were awarded to no prophet before me.'" There is no denying that Muhammad was unlike all other prophets.
The Sira continues to interpret the Qur'an: Ishaq:327 "Allah said, 'A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.'" This is so ungodly, so demonic, I don't even know what to say. "Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.'"
Qur'an 8:68 "Had it not been for a previous agreement from Allah, a severe penalty would have reached you for the (ransom) that you took as booty." In other words, the prophet was given a special dispensation. Since he had shown himself worthy and been willing to slaughter his kin, ransom was his just reward. Imagine that.
But since you're my boy, revel in the loot, celebrate the butchering of your kin, turn your murderers into martyrs... Qur'an 8:69 "So enjoy what you took as booty; the spoils are lawful and good." Once again, this is demonic. Lucifer is the only spirit capable of not only authorizing thievery, but actually calling it good. And it was "good" from his perspective, because it seduced men to act badly.
The Hadith agrees: Ishaq:327 "Allah made booty lawful and good. He used it to incite the Muslims to unity of purpose. So enjoy what you have captured."
The following is hideously out of character for the author of this surah. As such, it's all part of the deception: "Fear Allah: for Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
Qur'an 8:70 "O Prophet, tell the captives in your hands: 'If Allah knows or finds any good in you, He will give you something better than what has been taken from you.'" What is the Black Stone supposed to do when it finds something good? Roll over? Jump for joy? And by the way, why do the captives who lost their sons and brothers trying to protect their belongings need forgiveness? They were victims, not villains. But that wasn't the purpose of this verse. It was designed to lure Meccans into Muhammad's service. If they joined him they too would be able to steal and kidnap with "god's. blessing.
Only the illiterate messenger of a rock idol would recite something this foolish: Qur'an 8:71 "If they try to deceive you, remember they have deceived Allah before. So he gave you mastery over them." Fortunately, Allah is dumb enough to be deceived by man. We can prevail against Lucifer and his Islam.
But first we must break the curse. We must free Muslims to think for themselves. For until we do, they will continue to pit good Muslims against bad Muslims. Qur'an 8:72 "Those who accepted Islam, left their homes, and fought with their property and lives in Allah's Cause, as well as those who gave (them) asylum, aid, and shelter, those who harbored them - these are allies of one another." According to Allah: a good Muslim kills and aids or abets killers. That explains the Taliban. What's more, a good Muslim is a suicide bomber. They sacrifice their life and property in Allah's Cause.
To define bad Muslims, the verse says: "You are not responsible for protecting those who embraced Islam but did not leave their homes [to fight] until they do so." And so that there would be no doubt, Muhammad once again helped his god characterize the nature and deeds of "good" Muslims: Qur'an 8:73 "The unbelieving infidels are allies. Unless you (Muslims of the whole world unite and) aid each other (fighting as allies, as one united block under one Caliph to make Allah's religion victorious), there will be confusion, anarchy, and discord on earth, great mischief and corruption. Those [good Muslims] who accepted Islam, left their homes to fight in Allah's Cause (al-Jihad), as well as those who give them asylum, shelter, and aid - these are (all) [good Muslim] Believers: for them is pardon and bountiful provision (in Paradise)." By definition: all good Muslims are bad people. Islam makes them that way.
We have seen Islam in action. God and prophet have revealed their true identities, their motivations, and their rage. There is no retreat from the battlefields of Badr. As with the Nazis documenting their barbaric behavior in Poland, Islam chronicled its deeds. The doctrine cannot escape the damage that it did to itself in the month of Ramadhan A.H. 2 (March, 624 A.D.). The books of Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, Muslim, and Allah agree. The verdict is unanimous: Islam is a violent and inept political doctrine, not a religion. Its founder was a pirate, not a prophet. We know this because they told us.
Prophet of Doom


  1. daliton se muft men sewa lena hi ucch varnon ka Dharm hai.
    Apni aakhrat kharab mat karo.sach ko pehchano.

    Islam ke Bharat men aane ke baad kamzoron ne bhi apna haq mangna aur pana seekh liya isi liye brahmanvadi mansikta Islam ko apne VARN DHARM ka dushman manne lagee.
    Duniya ka pahla aatankvai kaun tha?
    Kisne apni dum se pure nagar ke masum nagrikon ko jalaya tha jabki uski dushmani keval Raja se thi aur woh raja bhi brahman tha?

    is aasan se sawal ka jawab kaun dega?
    Aatm vishleshan kaun karega?
