चौथी किस्तपिछली बार मैंने आपको क़ुरआन और हदीस का फर्क समझाया था।तो लीजिए मुहम्मद की एक हदीस मुलाहिजा फरमाइए - - -
"जो व्यक्ति केवल मेरी सहमति के लिए और मुझ पर विश्वास जताने हेतु तथा मेरे दूत (मुहम्मद) के प्रमाणी करण के करण मेरे रस्ते में जिहाद की उपलब्धियों के लिए निकलता है तो मेरे लिए निर्धारित है की मैं उसको बदले में माल ए गनीमत (लुटे गए माल) से माला माल कर के वापस करूँ या जन्नत में दाखिल करूँ. मोहम्मद कहते है अगर मुझे मेरी उम्मत (सम्प्रदाय) का खौफ न होता (कि मेरे बाद उनका पथ प्रदर्शन कौन करेगा) तो मैं मुजाहिदीन के किसी लश्कर के पीछे न रहता और यह पसंद करता की मैं अल्लाह के रह में सम्लित होकर जीवित रहूँ, फिर शहीद हो जाऊं, फिर जीवित हो जाऊं, फिर शहीद हो जाऊं - - - "
(हदीस बुखारी ३४)
मदरसों में शिक्षा का श्री गणेश इन हदीसों (मुहम्मद कथानात्मकों) से होती है, इससे हिन्दू ही नहीं आम मुस्लमान अनजान है. मुहम्मदी अल्लाह की सहमति मार्ग क्या है ? इसे हर मुसलमान को इस्लामदारी से नहीं, बल्कि ईमानदारी से सोचना चाहिए. मुहम्मदी अल्लाह मुसलमानों को अपने हिदू भाइयों के साथ जेहाद कि रज़ा क्यूं रखता है? इसका उचित जवाब न मिलने तक समस्त तर्क अनुचित हैं जो इस्लाम को शांति का द्योतक सिद्ध करते हैं.मुसलमानों! सौ बार बार इस हदीस को पढो, अगर एक बार में ये तुम्हारे पैगम्बर तुम्हारी समझ में न आएं कि ये किस मिट्टी के बने हुए इन्सान थे? खुद को जंग से इस लिए बचा रहे हैं कि इन को अपनी उम्मत का ख़याल है, तो क्या उम्मत के लिए अल्लाह पर भरोसा नहीं या मौत का क्या एतबार ? सब मक्र की बातें हैं. मुहम्मद प्रारंभिक इस्लामी छ सात जंगों में शामिल रहे जिसे गिज्वा कहते हैं. हमेशा लश्कर के पीछे रहते जिसको स्वयं स्वीकारते है. तरकश से तीर निकाल निकाल कर जवानो को देते और कहते कि मार तुझ पर मेरे माँ बाप कुर्बान.जंगे ओहद में मिली शर्मनाक हार के बाद अंतिम पंक्ति में मुंह छिपाए खड़े थे, .नियमानुसार जब अबू सुफ्यान ने तीन बार आवाज़ लगाईं थी कि अगर मुहम्मद जिंदा हों तो खुद को जंगी कैदी बनना मंज़ूर करें और सामने आएं . अल्लाह के झूठे रसूल, बन्दे के लिए भी झूठे मुजरिम बने. जान बचा कर अपनी उम्मत को अंधा बनाए हुए हैं
आइए अब कुरआनी आयतों को देखा जाए कि अल्लाह इन में कौन सी रहस्य की बातों पर से पर्द हटाता है - - -
" बे शक अल्लाह मेरे रब भी हैं और तुम्हारे रब भी हैं, सो तुम लोग इस की इबादत करो मगर ईसा ने जब इस से इंकार देखा तो कहा कोई ऐसे लोग भी हैं जो हमारे मदद गार हो जाएँ? अल्लाह के वास्ते. हवारीन बोले हम हैं मदद गार अल्लाह के, हम अल्लाह पर इमान लाए और आप इस के गवाह रहिए कि हम फरमा बरदार हैं."
सूरह आले इमरान ३ तीसरा परा आयात (51-52)
(हवारीन=ईसा के साथी धोबी)
ये पैगाम-ए-इलाही नहीं, मुहम्मद की पुकार है, ईसा की तरह मक्का के लोगो को. ईसा के हवारी बन जाने की जो ईसा मसीह को जानते हैं, वोह मुहम्मद की सुर्रे बाज़ी को समझते हैं कि वह जो कुछ कह रहे हैं वह सब झूट है, ईसा के हवारी तो एन ईसा की गिरफ्तारी पर दुम दबा कर भाग खड़े हुवे थे, किसी ने उनकी मुखबिरी की थी तो कुछ ने अदालत के सामने मसीह को पहचानने से इंकार कर दिया था. मुहम्मद के इर्द दिर्द सुसाहिबों (चमचों) की कमी नहीं मगर कुरआन का पेट ईसा की बे सर पैर की बातों से भर रहे हैं।
" अल्लाह ईसा से कहता है तुम गम न करो, मैं तुम को वफ़ात (मौत) देने वाला हूँ, मैं तुम को अपनी तरफ उठा लेता हूँ और उन लोगों से पाक करने वाला हूँ जो तुहारे मुनकिर हैं और जो तुहारा कहना मानने वाले हैं वह गालिग़ होंगे। अल्लाह ईसा से भी रोज़े महशर की कहानी छेड़ देता है कि वह मुन्किरों की खबर लेगा, इस तरह मुहम्मद अपनी तबलीग को ईसा का फ़्रेम पहना देते हैं।"
सूरह आले इमरान ३ तीसरा परा आयात (54-58) तबलीग=प्रचार
मुस्लमान इन कुरानी आयातों में क्या मनन चितन के लिए कुछ पाते हैं? या फिर जैसा इस के ज्ञानी प्रचार करते हैं कि इस में मानव पीडा का हर उपचार है, हिकमत है, युक्ति है, जीवन धारा है, दूर दूर तक कहीं ऐसा कुछ है क्या?
एक आयते अजीबिया मुलाहिज़ा हो. खुद मुहम्मद हालाते अजीबिया (आश्चर्य जनक) में हैं. पता नहीं वह वज्द (उन्मत्ता) के आलम में हैं या फिर हालते उम्मियत(निरक्छरता) में अपनी बात कह न पा रहे हों और इल्जाम अल्लाह पर है कि वोह मुश्तबाहुल मुराद (शंका युक्त) आयतें नाजिल करता है।
" बे शक हालते अजीबिया ईसा की अल्लाह के नज़दीक मुशाबह हालते अजीबिया आदम के है कि उनको मिटटी से बनाया, फिर उनको हुक्म दिया कि हो, बस वह हो गए। यह अम्र वाकई आप के परवर दिगर की तरफ से है सो शुबहा करने वालों में न से न बनो।"
सूरह आले इमरान ३ तीसरा परा आयात (59-60) मुशाबह=मुखाकृति
५० साल पहले तक जब मदरसों के मुल्ले समाज पर हावी न थे और समाज पर हदीसों का इतना असर न था, उस वक़्त अगर कोई हदीस गैर फितरी(अलौकिक) मुल्ला बयान करता तो लोगों के तेवर चढ़ जाते और उसकी ज़बान बंद करदी जाती कि "कठ मुल्लाई मत किया करो" आज मुल्लाओं का गलबा हो गया है "हुज़ूर ने फ़रमाया है" कह कर कठ मुल्लाई बयान करते फिरते हैं। मुलाहिज़ा हो कि मुहम्मद कुरआन में कैसी कठ मुल्लाई की शर्त ईसाइयों के सामने रखते हैं - -
-" जो शख्स ईसा के बाब में हुज्जत करे--- तो आप फरमा दीजिए कि आओ हम बुला लें अपने बेटों और तुम्हारे बेटों को, अपनी औरतों को और तुम्हारी औरतों को और खुद अपने तनों को और तुम्हारे तनों को, फिर हम दिल से दुआ करें इस तौर पर कि अल्लाह की लानत भेजें जो इस बहस में नाहक हो।"
सूरह आले इमरान ३ तीसरा परा आयात (61)
सूरह का नाम आले इमरान है, इमरान मरियम के बाप थे। मुहम्मद ने सुने सुनाए इन्जीली किस्सों को अपने अंदाज़ में डायलाग के साथ गढा है जिसमें अधूरे पन के साथ साथ फूहड़ पन भी है. कहानी को अल्लाह के नाम से जोड़ते हैं और अपने हक में तोड़ते हैं. तहरीर में बेशर्मी और बेहूदगी भरी हुई है. जिसारते बेजा का साफ़ साफ़ मुज़ाहिरा है. नीम दीवानगी की इन बकवासों को अल्लाह का कलाम कहा गया है. दुन्या की तमाम मज़हबी किताबों का अख्लाकी मुवाज़ना हो तो कुरआन उन में रुस्वाए ज़माना सिन्फ़ साबित होगी. इस की जवाब देही कभी भी वक़्त के मौजूदा बे कुसूर मुसलमानों की आबादी से हो सकती है कि ऐसे गैर अख्लाकी और इंसानियत दुश्मन एह्कम की पैरवी क्यूँ करते हो? कभी भी दुन्या का मुस्लमान एकदम खली हाथ हो सकता है, और उसका हशर इस्पेनी मुसलमानों जैसा हो सकता है जहाँ पर उन्हें सात सौ साल हुमरानी करने के बाद भी उन्हीं के अल्लाह के हिकमत भरे जहन्नम में झोंक दिया गया था. जी हाँ दस लाख जिंदा अल्लाह वाले एक साथ जलाए गए थे. सदियों यह ओलिमा गुमराह किए रहे इतनी बड़ी आबादी को. बेहतर है कि इस से पहले ही ये नादान क़ौम बेदार हो जाए. आला तर जदीद इंसानी क़द्रें इस के लिए आँखें बिछाए बैठी हुई है।
"यहूदी नबियों की तरह ईसाइयों के बारे में लगता है मुहम्मद की जानकारी कुछ कम है, इन के नाम ही सुन रखे हैं, इनकी कहानियां या हालत खुद बना लिए हैं और अल्लाह को उसका गवाह कर लिया है। इमरान और ज़कारिया के बारे में कुछ न कुछ बना ही लिया है। मरियम से तो नमाजों के रुकू भी कराए और नमाजें भी पढ़वाई हैं। ईसा को अपने रंग में रंगते हुए अपने हक में बातें भी कराते हैं। अपनी ही तरह उन पर वहियाँ भी उतरवाते हैं। ईसा खुद को खुदा का बेटा कहते कहते सलीब पर लटक गया और मुहम्मद उस को अपनी तरह ही अल्लाह का पैगम्बर बतलाते हैं."
सूरह आले इमरान ३ तीसरा परा आयात (62-84)
यही बातें भड़काऊ साबित होती हैं और कौमों में शर का बाईस बनी, जिस के नतीजे में लाखों इंसानी जानें गईं. आज भी अमरीका, योरोप बनाम अफगानिस्तान, ईराक, ईरान और दीगर मुस्लिम दुन्या से दुश्मनी की वजह यही कुरानी आयतें बनी हुई हैं. इन को सलीबी जंगों की बाकियात कहा जा सकता है.कुरानी भूल भुलय्या में अल्लाह मुसलमानों को छका रहा है. मुहम्मद ईसा की अल्लाह से बात चीत कराने लगते हैं जिस के बाद अल्लाह ईसा को न मानने वालों को भी काफ़िर कहने लगता है। और क़यामत में मज़ा चखने का वादा करता है, जब कि ईसा के हरीफ यहूदी ही होते हैं. ईसा को मानने वालो को अल्लाह मोमिन कहने लगता है. शोब्देबाज़ और मदारी अल्लाह कहता है - -
-" और यहूदी एक चल चले और ईसा को बचने के लिए अल्लाह एक चल चला और अल्लाह खूब चलें चलने वाला है।"" यह आयतें हम तुम को पढ़ पढ़ कर सुनाते हैं जो की मिन जुमला दलाइल की हैं और मिन जुमला हिकमत आमोज मज़ामीं की हैं।"
सोचिए कि वह अल्लाह कैसा होगा जो चालबाज़ हो?इसी तरह की बातों में अल्लाह मुसलमानों को लपेटे हुए है। इस में क्या अक़दस पाते हैं झुंड के झुंड नमाज़ी जिन्हें ओलिमा भेड़ बकरियों की तरह चरा रहे हैं.अल्लाह मियां अपने प्यारे नबी से राज़ की बात का पर्दा फाश करते हैं - - -
"इब्राहीम तो न यहूदी थे, न नसरानी और मुशरिकीन में भी न थे लेकिन तरीके मुस्तकीम वाले साहिबे इसलाम थे।"
सूरह आले इमरान ३ तीसरा परा आयात (67)
हज़रात इब्राहीम एक परदेसी थे, बद हाली और परेशानी की हालत में अपनी बीवी सारा को किसी मजबूरी के तहत अपनी बहन बतला कर मिसरी बादशाह फ़िरौन की पनाह में रहा करते थे. तौरेत के मुताबिक सारा हसीन थी और बादशाह कि मंजूरे नज़र हो कर उसके हरम में पनाह पा गई थी. सच्चाई खुलने पर हरम से बहार की गई और साथ में इब्राहीम और उनका भतीजा लूत भी. उसके बाद दोनों चचा भतीजों ने मवेशी पालन का पेशा अपनाया और कामयाब गडरिया हुए.बनी इस्राईल की शोहरत की वजेह तारीख़ में फिरअना के वज़ीर यूसुफ़ की ज़ात से हुई. युसूफ इतना मशहूर हुवा कि इसके बाप दादों का नाम तारिख में आ गया, वर्ना याकूब, इशाक , इस्माईल, और इब्राहीम जैसे मामूली लोगों का नामो निशान भी कहीं न होता.मानव की रचना कालिक अवस्था में इब्राहीम को जो होना चाहिए था वोह थे, न इतने सभ्य कि उन्हें पैगाबर या अवतार कहा जाए, ना ही इतने बुरे कि जिन्हें अमानुष कहा जाय. मानवीय कमियाँ थीं उनमें कि अपनी बीवी को बहन बना कर बादशाह के शरण में गए और अपनी धर्म पत्नी को उसके हवाले किया. दूसरा उनका जुर्म ये था कि अपनी दूसरी गर्भ वती पत्नी हाजरा को पहली पत्नी सारा के कहने पर घर से निकल बाहर कर दिया था, जो कि रो धो कर सारा से माफ़ी मांग कर वापस घर आई. तीसरा जुर्र्म था कि दोबारा इस्माईल के पैदा हो जाने के बाद हाजरा को मय इस्माईल के घर से दूर मक्का के पास एक मरु खंड में मरने के लिए छोड़ आए. उनका चौथा बड़ा जुर्म था सपने के वहम को साकार करना और अपने बेटे इशाक को अल्लाह के नाम पर कुर्बान करना, जो मुसलमानों का अंध विश्वास बन गया है और हजारो जानवर हर साल मारे जाते हैं.
निसार ''निसार-उल-ईमान''
मेरे अन्य अंतर राष्ट्रीय विचारक और गवाह
But it's a great trick if you can pull it off। So in the 4th surah Allah bares all: Qur'an 4:171 "O people of the Book (Christians), do not be fanatical in your faith, and say nothing but the truth about Allah। The Messiah who is Isa (Jesus), son of Mariam, was only a messenger of Allah, nothing more. He bestowed His Word on Mariam and His Spirit. So believe in Allah and say not Trinity for Allah is one Ilah (God)...far be it from His Glory to beget a son." The "Messiah" is Yahweh's "Anointed." There are over 500 prophecies proclaiming His arrival, all of which Yahshua fulfilled (or will fulfill in his second coming). The prophet Isaiah wrote these words about him in chapter 9 of his book: "For unto us a child will be born...and His name will be Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father." In the 53rd chapter, Isaiah, speaking of the salvation the Messiah would bring to mankind from his cross, said: "He will be wounded for our transgressions.... We are like sheep, gone astray, so He will lay on Him the iniquity of us all.... The Righteous One shall bear the sins of many." If Allah was right, and "Jesus" is the Messiah, he is Mighty God. If he is God, the Allah/Lucifer combo aren't
So that there is no misunderstanding here, you should know that the Messiah is central to the Bible, the fulcrum upon which the entire story pivots. His coming was proclaimed throughout the Scriptures. And there isn't the slightest possibility of revisionist history. The Biblical prophecies were written 400 to 1,200 years before Yahweh entered our world as a man to show us what he was like, building a bridge from our polluted world to his perfect realm. The oldest Dead Sea Scroll fragments date to 250 B.C., a thousand years before the earliest surviving Qur'an. The Isaiah scroll is preserved in one piece, unaltered. It still proclaims the truth more than 2,700 years after it was inspired and 2,000 years after a scribe copied Isaiah's predictions onto the scroll that was discovered in Qumran.
The combination of that scroll and these verses render an undeniable verdict: Islam is a complete fraud. It provides irrefutable proof that Allah was no more divine than an average garden rock. Lucifer, the wannabe god, and Muhammad, the wannabe prophet, were a pair of cons - just common crooks. Ill-mannered and moronic, they tried to play in Yahweh's league. Moreover, they tried to steal Yahweh's league - our souls. It's little wonder Allah says, "Booty is lawful and good," that he admits to being a deceptive schemer, or that he is fixated on hell.
Continuing to speak of Yahshua, the Qur'an proclaims: Qur'an 3:46 "And he shall speak to the people when in the cradle and when of old age, and shall be one of the good ones." By claiming that he spoke while in swaddling clothes, Allah is conferring supernatural status on Christ - a status Muhammad did not enjoy. As for speaking in old age, that's impossible. There are ossuaries from mid first-century tombs with crosses carved into them and the words "Yahshua Saves." Since the Messiah was born around 2 B.C., and the sarcophaguses memorializing his crucifixion are dated to as early as 50 A.D., he couldn't have been old. Further, the Gospels detail his life in the context of history and they say that he was in his mid-thirties when he entered Jerusalem, died for our sins, and was resurrected.
Muhammad continued to impugn his own credibility with the following Hadith. He forgot that he had told Muslims that the Islamicized Abraham spoke in the cradle, too. Bukhari:V4B55N645 "The Prophet said, 'None spoke in cradle but three: The first was Jesus, the second was an Israeli called Juraij. While he was offering his prayers, his mother called him. He said, "Shall I answer her or keep on praying?" He went on praying and did not answer her. His mother said, "O Allah! Do not let him die till he sees the faces of prostitutes."" The story goes downhill from there, but you get the picture. And speaking of pictures, in the very next Hadith, the man who claimed to know more about Yahshua than Christ's Disciples, said: Bukhari:V4B55N646 "The Prophet shared, 'I met Jesus.' The Prophet described him saying, 'He was one of moderate height and was red-faced as if he had just come out of a bathroom.'"
Qur'an 3:47 "Mary said: 'O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me.' He said: 'Even so: Allah creates what He wills: When He has decreed a plan, He but says to it, 'Be.' and it is!" If Yahshua was virgin born, if he was created as a result of a Godly order, then he is unique among all creation. While it's true, it makes Islam false. According to the Qur'an, Allah made Adam and then from Adam came all men including Muhammad. But not "Jesus." So how can Christ be born of a virgin and not be divine? Ask yourself this: if Muhammad was conceived the old-fashioned way, and "Jesus" was formed by a direct order from God, whom should we trust to tell us the way to God?
Islam's prophet covers this same material in his Hadith. The Noble Qur'an refers to: Bukhari:V4B55N657 "Allah's Messenger said, 'Isa (Jesus), the son of Mariam, will shortly descend amongst you Muslims and will judge mankind by the law of the Qur'an. He will break the cross and kill the swine [Jews] and there will be no Jizyah tax taken from non-Muslims. Money will be so abundant no one will accept it. So you may recite this Holy Verse: "Isa (Jesus) was just a human being before his death. On the Day of Resurrection he (Jesus) will be a witness against the Christians."'" I wonder if the Pope read this before he kissed the Qur'an and praised Islam?
On a roll, the false prophet proclaimed: Bukhari:V4B55N658 "Allah's Apostle said 'How will you be when the son of Mary (i.e., Jesus) descends amongst you and he will judge people by the Law of the Qur'an and not by the law of Gospel.'" First, there are no laws in the Gospels. Christ's sacrifice on the cross provided a reprieve from the Old Covenant laws. Second, if the Qur'an existed before "Jesus" was born, and if the Gospels are of no value, why did Allah bother revealing them?
Before we leave this section of Bukhari, I'd like to reiterate Muhammad's greatest lie: Bukhari:V4B55N651-2 "I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'I am the nearest of all the people to Jesus. There has been no prophet between me and Jesus. All the prophets are paternal brothers; their mothers are different, but their religion is one.'" No, no, no, and especially no. But it's interesting: Muhammad is either claiming that God begot many sons, in total conflict with the Qur'an, or that he is a Jew (which is possible considering the circumstances surrounding his conception in Yathrib).
Returning to the Qur'an: Qur'an 3:48 "And Allah will teach him the Scripture Book and Wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel, and appoint him a messenger to the Children of Israel, with this message: 'Lo! I come unto you with a Sign from your Lord. Lo! I fashion for you out of clay the likeness of a bird, and I breathe into it and it is a bird, by Allah's leave. I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I raise the dead, by Allah's leave." Since the Gospels record the words and deeds of Christ - past tense - saying that Allah taught him his history and life makes absolutely no sense. And if the Gospels were so important, why aren't any of Christ's teachings in the Qur'an?
Further, if Yahshua was the Messiah, he "authored" the Torah. Christ came to save all mankind, not just the Jews. The story of the clay bird comes from an apocryphal work attributed to Thomas. Not only didn't it occur, think for a moment about the absurdity of singling out something that trivial from a laundry list that includes: returning sight to men born blind, curing leprosy, and bringing the dead back to life. What's more, this is one of those things that is so right, it makes Islam wrong. Yes, Allah's right - Yahshua did heal the blind, the lepers, and he brought the dead back to life. So how did he do that if he wasn't God? And equally important, since Muhammad didn't do a single miracle, why trust him over the Messiah?
As if reading a different Arabic text, the Ali translation says: Qur'an 3:48 "He will teach him the Law and the Judgment, the Torah and the Gospel, and he will be Apostle to the children of Israel, (saying) 'I have come to you with a prodigy from your Lord that I will fashion the state of destiny out of the mire for you and breathe (a new spirit) into it, and (you) will rise by the will of Allah.'" Again, Allah is confused. The Torah is the Law (actually the instructions). There is no book of "Judgment" in Judaism. In Christianity, the Good News of the Gospel is that judgment has been eliminated. Since the central message of the Gospels is not laws and judgment, but a reprieve from them, why would Allah bother to teach Jesus such things? And why would Allah say that Jesus was going to fashion a state of destiny out of the mire for Israel, and breathe new life into it, when in fact, as predicted in the Bible, Israel was destroyed shortly after Yahshua was crucified, and the Jews were dispersed for nearly 2,000 years? I recognize that Mecca is a long way from civilization, but Allah ought to be smarter than this. Yahshua correctly predicted the future; Allah couldn't even get the past right.
Speaking as if he were Yahshua, Allah continues to flail blindly. Qur'an 3:50 "(I have come to you) to attest the Torah which was before me. And to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden; I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord." That's interesting: Muhammad said countless times that Allah had brought signs during his life, yet there were none. So why is it then that Yahshua was able to perform them? "So fear Allah, and obey me. Lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path." Yahshua came to fulfill the Scriptures, not eradicate them. Said another way, he made nothing that was "forbidden" lawful. He established the mechanism of forgiveness so we might be saved from judgment. Further, he knows who he is. The Messiah's name is Yahshua, which means "Yahweh Saves." He commanded us to love Yahweh, not fear Allah. And he said, "Follow me." Muhammad's ignorance is appalling.
But Islam wouldn't be Islam if it didn't expose itself. Bukhari:V4B56N814 "There was a Christian who embraced Islam and he used to write the revelations for the Prophet. Later on he returned to Christianity again he used to say: 'Muhammad knows nothing but what I have written for him.'" This Hadith impugns Islam coming and going. A literate man "who used to write the revelations for the Prophet" rejected Islam. A man Muhammad trusted enough to "write the revelations for" him said that "Muhammad knows nothing but what I have written for him." And that's the bottom line. The Qur'an is little more than a racist and violent rant sandwiched between a pathetic job of plagiarism. Islam's prophet knew so little about the Gospels, and Christ in particular, everything he professed was wrong.
Qur'an 3:52 "But when Jesus became conscious of their disbelief, he cried: 'Who will be my helpers in the Allah's Cause? The disciples said: We will be Allah's helpers. We believe in Allah, and do you bear witness that we are Muslims." The very idea of an ignorant and perverted terrorist thug and his demonic partner proclaiming in the sand dunes of Arabia that the Messiah believed in a pagan moon rock and called men to be Muslims is as preposterous as it is factually and historically impossible. So why did these buffoons so thoroughly trash their own credibility? Why didn't the Muhammad-Lucifer team simply ignore Christ in their Qur'an rather than falsely converting the Messiah to Islam? Sure, for the wannabe Messiah it was one-upmanship, but what was Lucifer's excuse? The answer is shocking. By deceiving mankind, by corrupting the Messiah's message, demoting him by artificially removing his divinity, sacrifice, and resurrection, Lucifer removed the only means of salvation. He damned billions. In Islam, Jihad saves but Jesus doesn't Never forget, there is nothing Lucifer covets more than deceit, death, and damnation (a.k.a. Islam).
Speaking of Christ's disciples, the Qur'an reports: Qur'an 3:54 "And they (the disciples from the previous verse) schemed, and Allah schemed and plotted (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." While that's true, a good schemer does not a good god make. I appreciate the confession, though. It makes the job of exposing Islam easier. Another translation reads: Qur'an 3:54 "'Lord, we believe in Your revelations [the Torah and Gospels] and follow this Apostle [Jesus]. Enroll us among the witnesses.' But the Christians contrived a plot and Allah did the same; but Allah's plot was the best." That's the premise of this book and its conclusion. Islam is a plot.
A third translation says that "they" refers to "disbelievers," not the disciples and they plotted to kill Jesus. "And they (disbelievers) plotted (to kill Isa [Jesus]) and Allah plotted too." In this case, Allah's plot is the denial of Christ's crucifixion.
In the next verse Lucifer divulged the nature of his scheme. Qur'an 3:55 "Allah said, 'Jesus, I will take you and raise you to Myself and rid you of the infidels (who have forged the lie that you are My son).... Those who are infidels will surely receive severe torment both in this world and the next; and none will they have as a savior for them." As you recall, Allah defines "infidels" in surah Qur'an 5:72 : "They are surely infidels who say; 'God is the Christ, the Messiah, the son of Mary."
Mecca, I think we have a problem. "Christ" is a derivation from the Greek word for the Hebrew "Messiah." So those who agree with Allah and say that Yahshua (Jesus) is the Messiah (Christ), are infidels, and they are going to receive a severe punishment in this world and the next. Those who trust "Jesus" to be their savior - the good news for which the Gospels are named - will find no savior, according to Allah. This is some plot.
Said another way: If you say that Yahshua (Jesus) is the Messiah (Christ), you are acknowledging his divinity. But if you say that God (divinity) is the Messiah, you are an unbelieving infidel. It's little wonder Muhammad claimed that anyone who questioned the Qur'an would reject Islam. (Jesus Christ) = (Muhammad) = (God). Yet (God) <> (Jesus Christ), even though according to Allah, (Jesus Christ) = (Muhammad). Muslims must practice a new form of logic.
After defining "Jesus" as the virgin-born, miracle-working, divinely inspired, and resurrected Messiah, the Qur'an claims the Messiah was just kidding about dying on the cross as our savior and calling himself God. Yet it professes to confirm the Torah and Gospels - books that predict and proclaim the truth it denies. Methinks this invites comparison, and even Allah seems to agree. Qur'an 4:82 "Do they not ponder over the Qur'an? Had it been the word of any other but Allah they would surely have found a good deal of variation in it." Continuing, he says: "...those who check and scrutinize will know it." This sounds like an invitation, even a dare, to do exactly as we are doing. And what we have found by "scrutinizing it" is "a good deal of variation."
If Muhammad had ignored the Bible, Adam, Satan, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Moses, and especially Christ, I would have judged Islam independently, based solely upon its own merits. But he wasn't that smart, and his dark spirit was a liability, having his own agenda.
In case you were wondering, the scheme or plot the disciples concocted according to Allah was the Gospel account of Christ - the one in which Yahshua claimed to be God in the flesh. The one in which the Messiah taught us what he's like so that we might know Yahweh and form an eternal relationship with our creator. The one in which he allowed the Romans to crucify him for proclaiming that he was divine. The one in which he rose from the dead so that his sacrifice would enable us to live forever in his presence. It was the plot of the greatest story ever told.
Muhammad's dark spirit acknowledged the single most important event in history - the resurrection of Yahshua. But then, knowing that his religion of submission didn't mesh with Yahshua's Gospel of freedom, Lucifer called God's plan of salvation blasphemy. He said the disciples' account recorded in the Gospels was false - a reason for dispute - even though he claimed he inspired them. Qur'an 3:55 "Behold! Allah said: 'O Jesus! I will take you and raise you to Myself and clear you (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow you superior to those who reject faith, to the Day of Resurrection: Then shall you all return unto me, and I will judge between you on the matters wherein you dispute."
If Yahshua was raised unto God, if he cheated death by way of divine order, he was the Messiah - and thus he was the creator of the universe. Therefore, Muhammad must be condemned, the Qur'an burned, and Islam repudiated. Nothing bothers Yahweh more than false prophets, false doctrines, and false gods. So let's review another translation to make certain we have this right. "(Remember) when Allah said: 'Jesus! Lo! I am gathering you and causing you to ascend unto Me. I am cleansing you of those who disbelieve.'"
A third reads: "When Allah said: 'Jesus, I am going to terminate the period of your stay (on earth) and cause you to ascend unto Me and purify you of those who disbelieve.... I will decide between you concerning that which you differed.'" While meaningless in the context of the greater whole, if Christ's life was cut short he couldn't have talked while he was old, as an earlier verse alleged. But the overall message is clear: according to the Qur'an, Christ was an ordinary man and a Muslim to boot. His Gospel message of salvation wasn't true, even though Allah revealed it. He didn't die on a cross, and yet he was resurrected. And most importantly, those who believe he is God have no savior and will roast in hell.
Speaking of Christians, Allah proclaims: Qur'an 3:56 "As for those disbelieving infidels, I will punish them with a terrible agony in this world and the next. They have no one to help or save them." It's Satan's ultimate fantasy.
Continuing on, we are told that this lunacy is a rehearsal directly from god: Qur'an 3:58 "This is what We rehearse to you of the Signs and Message, a wise reminder. The similitude (likeness) of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: 'Be.' And he was." Allah was digging himself in deeper. Now he claims that "Jesus" was created miraculously like Adam from dust. While that's not exactly true, if it were, it would render Muhammad meaningless.
Despite all evidence to the contrary: Qur'an 3:60 "The Truth (comes) from Allah alone." That would mean that all scientific discoveries are erroneous. Math is without merit and courts are folly. "So be not of those who doubt, waver or dispute. If any one disputes in this matter with you, now after knowledge has come to you, say: 'Come! Let us gather together our sons and women among ourselves. Then let us earnestly pray, and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie!'" So if someone tells a Muslim that Allah's book proves he's a phony, they're told to gather their sons and women and leave. They are not to look into the merits of the allegation. They aren't to even try and refute the charge. There is to be no discussion, no investigation, no evangelism, no thinking. None of that is in Satan's interest. Lucifer wants Muslims to pray for him to invoke a curse on those who expose him.
By the way, the Noble Qur'an says Qur'an 3:61 "If anyone disputes with you about Jesus being divine, flee them and pray that Allah will curse them." (Not save them.)
Rather than provide any proof that his view isn't a hoax, Allah simply protests: "The Qur'an is true because I said so." Qur'an 3:62 "This is the true account, the true narrative, the true explanation: There is no ilah except Allah; and Allah - He is the Mighty, the Wise. And if they turn away, then lo! Allah is aware of the corrupters, the mischief-makers. Say: 'O People of the Book, come to common terms as an agreement between us and you: That we all shall worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; and that none of us shall take others for lords beside Allah.' If then they turn back, say you: 'Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims surrendered.'" Such a deal. Everybody needs to come together and surrender to this demented, delusional, and dimwitted doctrine. What a wonderful world it would be. Or would it? Think about where terrorists are bred. Think about where the most impoverished people on earth live - those with the least freedoms. That is the world that accepted this invitation (or more correctly - the one that had it thrust upon them). Just like Hitler, Allah promises that there will be peace just as soon as he controls every soul. And even then, he's lying.
There was a phrase in the last verse I feel compelled to bring to your attention. If you "turn away" from Islam you are accused of being a "mischief-maker." In Allah's farewell address, this is what he had to done to them: Qur'an 5:33 "The recompense for those who fight against Allah and His Messenger and are mischief-makers in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off from opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in Hell." It's little wonder Islamic terrorists are so brutal.
Next, the spirit who knows just enough about the Bible to make a fool of himself says to the people who know it by heart: Qur'an 3:65 "You People of the Book! Why dispute you about Abraham, when the Law and the Gospel were not revealed till after him? Have you no understanding? Ah! You are those who fell to disputing (even) in matters of which you had some knowledge! But why dispute in matters of which you have no knowledge? It is Allah Who knows, and you who know not!" According to Allah, Abraham was supposed to have scrolls. So were Adam, Noah and others. So why is Allah only aware of the revelations that started with Moses?
Qur'an 3:67 "Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was a true Muslim, surrendered to Allah (which is Islam), and he joined not gods with Allah." The line: "Nor yet a Christian" means that according to Muhammad's Allah, Abraham was a Muslim who became a Christian. I don't think so.
Prophet of Doom