Saturday, 7 November 2009

सूरह - - - अल्बक्र (कुरआन)

दूसरी किस्त

यह कितनी बड़ी विडंबना है कि एक तरफ तो इंसानों से हम नफ़रत का पाठ पढाने वालों को सम्मान देकर सर आँखों पर बिठाते हैं, उनकी मदद सरकारी कोष से करते हैं, उनके हक में हमारा कानून भी है, मगर जब उनके पढे पाठों का रद्दे अमल इंसानियत पर होता है तोहम उनको अपराधी ठहराते हैं. ये हमारे मुल्क और क़ौम का दोहरा मेयार है. धर्म अड्डों धर्म गुरुओं को खुली छूट कि वोह किसी भी अधर्मी और विधर्मी को एलान्या गालियाँ देता रहे भले ही सामने वाला विशुद्ध मानव मात्र हो या योग्य कर्मठ पुरुष हो अथवा चिन्तक नास्तिक हो. इनको कोई अधिकार नहीं कि यह अपनी मान हानि का दावा कर सकें. मगर उन मठाधिकारियों को अपने छल बल के साथ न्याय का संरक्षण मिला हुवा है. ऐसे संगठन, और संसथान धर्म के नाम पर लाखों के वारे न्यारे करते हैं, अय्याशियों के अड्डे होते हैं और अपने स्वार्थ के लिए देश को खोखला करते हैं.
इन्हीं के साथ साथ हमारे मुल्क में एक कौम है मुसलमानों की जिसको दुनयावी दौलत से ज़्यादः आसमानी दौलत की चाह है. यह बात उन के दिलो दिमाग में सदियों से इस्लामी ओलिमा (धर्म गुरु) भर रहे हैं, जिनका ज़रीआ मुआश (भरण-पोषण) इस्लाम प्रचार पर निर्भर करता है. हिंदुत्व की तरह ये भी हैं. मगर इनका पुख्ता माफिया बना है. इनकी भेड़ें (मुस्लिम अवाम) न सर उठा सकती हैं न कोई इन्हें चुरा सकता है. यह हराम खोर बागियों को फतवा की तौक़ पहना कर बेयारो-मददगार कर दिया करते है. कहने को हिदू बहु-संख्यक भारत में हैं मगर क्षमा करें धन लोभ और धर्म पाखण्ड ने उनको कायर बना रखा है, १०% मुस्लमान उन पर भारी है, तभी तो गाँव गाँव, शहर शहर मदरसे खुले हुए हैं जहाँ तालिबानी की तलब और अलकायदा के कायदे बच्चों को पढाए जाते हैं. भारत में जहाँ एक ओर पाखंडियों, और लोभियों की खेती फल फूल रही है वहीँ दूसरी और तालिबानियों और अल्काय्दयों की फसल तैयार हो रही है..सियासत दान देश के इतिहास में अपना नाम दर्ज कराने में बद मस्त हैं.
क्या दुन्या के मान चित्र पर कभी कोई भारत था? क्या आज कहीं कोई भारत है? धर्म और मज़हब की अफीम खाए हुए, लोभ और अमानवीय मूल्यों को मूल्य बनाए हुए क्या हम कहीं से देश भक्त भारतीय भी हैं? नकली नारे लगाते हुए, ढोंग का परिधान धारण किए हुए हम केवल स्वार्थी ''मैं'' हूँ। हम तो मलेशिया, इंडोनेशिया तक भारत थे, थाई लैंड, बर्मा, श्री लंका और काबुल कंधार तक भारत थे. कहाँ चला गया भारत? अगर यही हाल रहा तो पता नहीं कहाँ जाने वाला है भारत. भारत को भारत बनाना है तो अतीत को दफ़्न करके वर्तमान को संवारना होगा, धर्म और मज़हब की गलाज़त को कोडों से साफ़ करना होगा. मेहनत कश अवाम को भारत का हिस्सा देना होगा न कि गरीबी रेखा के पार रखना और कहते रहना की रूपिए का पंद्रह पैसा ही गरीबों तक पहुँच पाता है.

अब शुरू है उम्मी का दीवान - - -
फतह मक्का के बाद अरब क़ौम अपनी इर्तेकाई उरूज को खो कर शिकस्त खुर्दगी पर गामज़न हो चुकी थी। जंगी लदान का इस्लामी हरबा उस पर इस क़दर पुर ज़ोर और इतने तवील अरसे तक रहा कि इसे दम लेने की फुर्सत न मिल सकी। इस्लामी ख़ुद साख्ता उरूज का ज़वाल उस पर इस कद्र ग़ालिब हुवा कि इस का ताबनाक माज़ी कुफ़्र का मज़्मूम सिम्बल बन कर रह गया। योरोप के शाने बशाने बल्कि योरोप से दो क़दम आगे चलने वाली अरब क़ौम, योरोप के आगे अब घुटने टेके हुए है।

अल्लाह कहता है - - -
"अल्लाह काफिरों को चैलेंज करता है कि कुरान की एक आयत जैसी आयत कोई बना कर दिखलाए (ये मुहम्मदके अन्दर का शाएर बोलता है ) और लोग दर्जनों आयतें गढ़ गढ़ कर उन के सामने रख देते हैं मगर उनका चैलेंज कायम रहता है कि क़यामत तक नहीं बना सकते।"

(सूरह अलबकर २ पहला पारा , आयत २३)

मुहम्मद का ये दावा कुरआन में कई बार दोहराया जाता है। उसके बाद कुरआन कहता है - - -
" तो फिर बचते रहो दोज़ख से जिसका ईंधन आदमी और पत्थर हैं, तैयार हुई रक्खी है, काफिरों के लिए"

(सूरहअलबकर २ पहला पारा , आयत २४ )
कभी इंसान और जिन्नात दोज़ख का ईधन हुवा करते हैं और अब बे जान, बे आमाल पत्थरों पर दोज़ख का अज़ाब नाज़िल होगा। अल्लाह को भूखी दोज़ख का पेट नहीं भरना बल्कि मुहम्मद को कुरआन का पेट भरना है अपनी बकवासों से और इस से मंसूब ओलिमा, आएमा, मुबल्लिग धंधे बाजों को अपनी अय्याराना तकरीरों और तहरीरों से. भोले भाले मुस्लिम अवाम को काश हकीक़त का एहसास हो और वक्त की आवाज़ सुनाई दे.
*कुरआन में मुहम्मद ने कुछ मिसालें अपनी इल्मी या बेईल्मी सलाहियत का मुजाहेरा करते हुए गढ़ी हैं और तारीफ में अपनी पीठ भी ठोंकी है। हालां कि सब की सब बे जान और फुस फुसी हैं,चंद एक पेश हैं---
" हाँ! वाक़ई अल्लाह ताला तो नहीं शर्माते इस बात से कि बयान करें कोई मिसाल,ख्वाह वह मछ्छर की हो, ख्वाह इस से भी बढ़ी हुई हो. जो ईमान लाए हुए हैं ,ख्वाह कुछ भी हो यकीन कर लेंगे कि बे शक ये मिसालें बहुत मौके की हैं और रह गए जो लोग काफिर हो चुके हैं, कहते रहेंगे कि वह कौन सा मतलब होगा जिस का क़स्द किया होगा अल्लाह ने, इस हकीर मिसाल से गुमराह करते हैं. अल्लाह ताला इस मिसाल से बहुतों को और हिदायत देते हैं।"

इसा मिसाल से खुदाए बरतर की हुलिया और हैसियत का तसव्वुर कायम करिए, कैसा गाऊदी, मूरख, बतौले बाज़, और घामण होगा मुहम्मदी अल्लाह ?

(सूरह अलबकर २ पहला पारा , आयत 2६ )
हवा का बुत अल्लाह दोज़ख का पेट पत्थरों से भर रहा है, ख़ुद साख्ता उम्मी मुहम्मद कुरआन का पेट इन मोह्मिल आयातों से भर रहे हैं, मुस्लमान हवाई बुत अपने अल्लाह का पेट इन बकवासी आयातों की इबादत से भर रहा है, आलिमाने दीन और मुतल्लिक़ीन दीन बराए ज़रीआ मआश अपना पेट इस्लाम से भर रहे है, नव जवानों ने जेहादी राह पकड़ी है, कमजोरों को इस्लाम ने खैराती रिज़्क़ बख्शा है। ये है इस्लामी निजाम का अंजाम. मुफक्किर को इस में जिंदा रहने की कोई राह नहीं.
* " अल्लाह फरिश्तों के सामने ये एलान करता है कि हम ज़मीन पर अपना एक नाएब इंसान की शक्ल में बनाएंगे। फ़रिश्ते इस पर एहतेजाज करते हैं कि तू ज़मीन पर फ़सादियों को पैदा करेगा जब कि हम लोग तेरी बंदगी के लिए काफी हैं। मगर अल्लाह नहीं मानता और एक बा इल्म आदम को बना कर, बे इल्म फरिश्तों की जबान बंद कर देता है। अल्लाह के हुक्म से तमाम फ़रिश्ते आदम के सामने सजदे में गिर जाते हैं, सिवाए इब्लीस के। इब्लीस मरदूद, माजूल और मातूब होता है। आदम और हव्वा जन्नत में अल्लाह की कुछ हिदायत के बाद आजाद रहने लगते हैं। हस्बे आदत अल्लाह बनी इस्राईल को काएल करता है कि हमारी किताब कुरआन भी तुम्हारी ही किताबों की तरह है। इस के बाद क़यामत और आखरत की बातें करता है."

(सूरह अलबकर २ पहला पारा ,आयत 30-43)

आदम और हव्वा की तौरेती कहानी को कुछ रद्दो बदल करके मुहम्मद ने कुरआन में कई बार दोहराया है। मज़े की बात ये है कि हर बार बात कुछ बदल जाती है कहते हैं न कि " दरोग आमोज रा याद दाश्त नदारद।" यानी झूठे की याद दाश्त कमज़ोर होती है । यहाँ पर एक बात गौर तलब है कि मुसलामानों का यकीन है कि अल्लाह ने बन्दों को अपनी इबादत के लिए पैदा किया है. आम मुसलमान इस के आगे कुछ सोच ही नहीं पाता.

*क्या गज़ब है कहते हो और लोगों को नेक काम करने को (नेक काम करने से मुराद रसूल अल्लाह सल्लाह अलैहिःवसल्लम पर ईमान लाना) और अपनी ख़बर नहीं रखते, हालां कि तुम तिलावत करते हो किताब की, तो क्या तुम इतना भी नहीं समझते।"

(सूरह अलबकर २ पहला पारा , आयत ४४ )
मुहम्मद की महफ़िल में हर किस्म के लोग हुवा करते थे। मजबूर इतने की उनके थूके हुए को मुंह पर मल लिया करते थे, खुददार और बा असर ऐसे की मुहम्मद के तमाम चाल घात को जानते हुए भी मसलहतन साथ निभाते थे। ऐसे ही कोई साहब हैं जो लोगों को नेक कामों की तलकीन करते हैं. मुहम्मद उनकी बातें सुन कर अन्गुश्त बदंदां (आर्श्चय चकित) होते हैं और मज़कूरा आयत नाज़िल करते हैं. इस आयत की पैरवी आम मुसलमान से लेकर खास तालिबान तक अच्छी तरह लाशऊरी तौर पर कर रहे हैं.

*" आदम और हव्वा की मन गढ़ंत कहानी के बाद मुहम्मद का अल्लाह बनी इस्राईल के सुने सुनाए किस्से पेश करता है। अधूरी जानकारी के बाएस अल्लाह इन का अस्ल बयान नहीं कर पाता। मगर बे सिर ओ पैर की तवील गुतुगू कर के तूल कलामी ज़रूर करता रहता है। तौरेत और मूसा के तवस्सुत से इस्लाम की तबलीग भी करता है और इन के असर से नव मुस्लिम को बचाने की कोशिश भी करता है. मुहम्मद की अधकचरी मालूमात की इस्लाह अगर कोई यहूदी अपने तारीखी पसे मंज़र में कर भी देता है तो मुहम्मदी अल्लाह उसको झूठा क़रार दे देता है कि तुम ने असलियत बदल डाली है. हम ब हैसियत अल्लाह इस बात के गवाह हैं कि हमारी बातें सच हैं. यानी झूठे के आगे सच्चा रोए. ऐसे मौके पर यहूदी आपस में बातें करते हैं, हम क्यों इन से उलझते हैं? और अपनी जानकारी इन्हें देते हैं. यह ग़ालिब लोग हैं, इनसे पार पाना मुश्किल है. अल्लाह कुछ इस अंदाज़ में बातें करता है - - - " एहसान मानो कि तुमको मूसा ने अल्लाह के हुक्म से मिस्रयों से आजाद कराया, याद करो की वीराने में तुम्हें खाने के लिए बटेरें इफ़रात कर दी थीं और याद करो कि तुम भटक कर गोशाले की तरफ़ चले गए थे.*

(सूरह अलबकर२ पहला पारा , आयत 47-93 )
* देखिए मुहम्मदी अल्लाह अपने प्यारे नबी से किस मुंसिफाना फ़रमान का एलान करवाता है - - -" "आप कह दीजिए (यहूदियों से) कि आलम आखिरत अगर तुम्हारे लिए ही फायदे मंद है तो अल्लाह के पास बिला शिरकते गैरे, मौत की तमन्ना करो, अगर तुम सच्चे हो। और वह कभी भी इस की तमन्ना नहीं करेंगे।"

(सूरह अलबकर २ पहलापारा , आयत 94)

ख़ुद साख्ता रसूल की इस पेश काश को क्या कहा जाए ? कम से कम ये मर्दों की बात तो नहीं हो सकती। कोई क़ौम अपने मुखालिफ के बहकावे में आकर ख़ुद कुशी की तमन्ना कर सकती है क्या? यही बात यहूदी कह सकते हैं कि अगर सिर्फ़ मुसलमान बख्शे जाएंगे तो वह मौत की तमन्ना क्यूं नहीं करते? ऐसी बातों पर ही अहले मक्का मुहम्मद को मजनू कहते थे. ऐसे मुकालमात का खालिक, किर्दगार ऐ खलक को बना कर मुसलमान अज ख़ुद ज़माने के सामने दिमागी दीवालिया हो जाता है.

और सुनें अल्लाह की गुफ्तुगू अल्लाह वाले और अपने ईमान को ताज़ा करें- - -

" सुलेमान के अहद में बज़ात ख़ुद सुलेमान ने कोई कुफ़्र नहीं किया लेकिन शयातीन कुफ्र करते थे। और आदमियों को भी जादू की तालीम दिया करते और उस जादू की भी जो उस वक्त फरिश्तों पर नाजिल किया गया था. शहर बाबुल में जिस का नाम हारुत और मारूत, लोग इन से सेहर सीखते, मियां बीवी के बीच झगडा कराने के लिए. साहिर लोग किसी को ज़रर नहीं पहुँचा सकते जब तक कि अल्लाह का हुक्म न हो"

(सूरह अलबकर २ पहला पारा , आयत102)

गौर करें की आप नमाजों में क्या पढ़ते हैं। यह किसी अल्लाह का कुरआन है? या फिर किसी उम्मी की खुराफात. ऐसी इबारतें क्या वास्ते इबादत हो सकती हैं. यह अल्ला नहीं, मुल्ला आप से जादू टोना जैसा कुफ्र करा रहे हैं. जागिए. इनका दामन छोडिए. कुरआन की करीब सौ खास खास आयतों का मुतलेआ हम आप को गोश गुजार करा चुके हैं, आप ने कहीं कोई काम की बात पाई ? आलावा जिहालत के. जिन आयात को हम ने नहीं छुवा, वह हाथ लगाने लायक थीं भी नहीं, यानी दीवाने की झक.

निसार 'निसार-उल-ईमान'

मुस्लिम क़ौम देखे कि आलमी बिरादरी क़ुरआन के बारे में क्या कहती है - - -

Qur'an 2:40 "O Children of Israel, remember the favors I bestowed on you. So keep My Covenant so that I fulfil your covenant. Fear Me. And believe in what I sent down, confirming and verifying the Scripture which you possess already." This reconfirms that Islam is irrational. Q cannot verify or confirm B if Q condemns and contradicts B. Further, if B is true and Q opposes B, then Q must be false.
While an irrational god is a problem for Islam, there is a bigger issue. Qur'an 2:41 "Be not the first to deny or sell My Verses for a small price; and fear Me, and Me alone." Another translation reads: "Part not with My Revelations for a trifling price (getting a small gain by selling My Verses)." The Qur'an just confirmed that Muhammad bought his "divine revelation" from the Jews. It wasn't "handed down," "deciphered from clanging bells," or "dictated by Gabriel." It was purchased in a business transaction.
Qur'an 2:42 "Do not mix truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth when you know." The truth is: all doctrines based upon fear and submission are bad. They are designed to empower the few so that they might fleece the many.
Almost three thousand years ago the Jews substituted a powerful and nurturing relationship with Yahweh for a complex and stifling religion. The religion was good for cleric and king but devastating for the Jewish people, separating them from their land and God. The Catholic Church did the same thing, elevating rites and rituals above relationship. It was great for cleric and king but devastating for humankind. Likewise Islam offers nothing to men but the false hope of a twisted paradise. It uses fear to suppress and stupefy the masses, enriching and empowering imams and tyrants alike.
Islam, more than any doctrine conceived by man, uses mind-numbing ritual and senseless rites to manipulate and fleece the flock. Islamic prayer is not a conversation with God; it is a performance to be acted out. Islamic worship isn't heartfelt praise; it's mindless, obligatory, and repetitive. The Qur'an is not to be questioned or understood; it is to be obeyed. The Islamic "god" is "unknown" for a reason. He is repulsive.
Chairman Muhammad was ordering the Jews to capitulate to him. But they saw right through his act: Qur'an 2:43 "Perform prayer; pay the zakat tax; bow down and prostrate yourself with Ar-Raki'un (the obedient bowers). You read, recite, and study the Scripture. Why don't you understand? [Why don't you capitulate?] Nay, seek [Islamic prostration] prayer: It is indeed hard, heavy, and exacting, except for those who obey in submission." In other words, "Become Muslims and subject yourselves to my obligations because I need to control you and I covet your money."
Allah, the god who said he turned Jews into "swine and apes," claims: Qur'an 2:47 "Remember, Children of Israel, the favor which I bestowed on you, and made you exalted among the nations of the world, preferring you to men and jinn." But then: Qur'an 2:59 "The [Jewish] transgressors changed and perverted the word from that which had been spoken to them to a word distorted; so We sent a plague upon them from heaven, for their evil-doing." The god of "favors" "bestowed a plague from heaven." Bukhari:V4B56N679 "Allah's Apostle said, 'Plague was a means of torture sent on the Israelis.'" While we differ on plagues being heavenly, bigger questions remain: when, how, and why did the Bible get so distorted that it became the opposite of the Qur'an? The claim is the crux of Islam, yet no Muslim cleric, prophet, or god has ever provided a rational explanation. And without an answer, Islam is a counterfeit, a lousy job of plagiarizing, nothing more.
The Septuagint and Dead Sea Scrolls irrefutably prove that the Torah has remained unchanged since at least 250 B.C., a thousand years before the Qur'an was written. Since Islam claims otherwise, it's a fraud, not a religion.
Not only is there a mountain of historical evidence to refute Muhammad's claim, reason alone will suffice. For the Jews to have written Allah, Muhammad, Mecca, the Ka'aba, Appeasement, Arabic, Islam, Tax, Jihad, Submit, Religion, Muslim, and the Five Pillars out of the Torah and Yahweh, the Messiah, Jerusalem, the Temple, Atonement, Hebrew, Judaism, Tithe, Love, Choose, Relationship, Jews, and the Ten Commandments in, requires a conspiracy infinitely beyond anything the world has ever known. A total suspension of rational thought is required to believe Allah. And then there is the little problem of motivation. Why would the nation of Israel collectively and comprehensively alter the totality of their scriptures and history in an attempt to foil a conman a thousand miles away and a thousand years distant?
The dark spirit of Islam has sent a "plague" from his abode and it has consumed men's minds. Hopefully there will be enough healthy neurons left for Muslims to make wise choices once they are exorcised from this pestilence.
Qur'an 2:61 "Humiliation and wretchedness were stamped upon the Jews and they were visited with wrath from Allah. That was because they disbelieved Allah's Proofs, Signs and Verses and killed the prophets. They disobeyed and rebelled. Surely those who believe and Jews, and Nazareans [Christians], and the Sabaeans [Zoroastrians], whoever believes in Allah and in the Last Day, and whosoever does right, shall have his reward with his Lord and will neither have fear nor regret." Muslims quote the last part of this verse to the media to demonstrate how tolerant Islam is. Yet they must take it out of context. The prior verse that says that Allah stamped the Jews with wretchedness and that his wrath was justified. Further, Muslims must mistranslate it, too, replacing the name "Allah" with the word "God." The passage actually says: tolerance is only extended if the Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians believe in Allah and become Muslims. Convert: or fear and regret it.
Two verses later, the intolerant Allah is back on the warpath, acting like a racist. Qur'an 2:64 "But you [Jews] went back on your word and were lost losers. You know that you have broken the sanctity of the Sabbath, so We said: 'Become monkeys despised and hated.' We made this punishment an example and a warning for those who fear Allah." Whether you choose to interpret this as god calling Jews despised apes or turning them into hated monkeys, it isn't godly. And if the Sabbath was sanctified by Allah, why do Muslims ignore the warning and worship on Friday?
The following Hadith was designed to answer that question: Bukhari:V4B56N693 "The Prophet said, 'We [Muslims] are the last (to come) but we will be the foremost. Nations were given the Scripture Book before us, and we were given the Holy Book after them. Friday is the day about which they differed. So the next day, Saturday, was prescribed for the Jews and the day after it, Sunday, for the Christians. It is incumbent on every Muslim to wash his head and body on Friday.'" I suppose it would be too much to ask for the prophet to explain how a "Friday dispute" could have arisen between Jews and Christians, considering it was chiseled in stone twelve centuries before the first Christian was born.
In the next fifteen verses, Allah bounces between arguing with Jews and regaling their history. Then he condemns them for overcharging Muhammad for "erroneous" Bible stories: Qur'an 2:79 "But woe to the Jews who fake the Scriptures and say, 'This is from God.' so that they might earn some profit thereby.' And woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn from it.'" What makes them "fake" is the Biblical accounts the Jews sold to Muhammad differed from the version the prophet twisted to serve his interests.
Qur'an 2:80 "Yet they (Jews) say: 'The Fire will not touch us for more than a few days... but they are enclosed in error and are inmates of Hell." Failing to scare them, Muhammad ordered Jews to: "Pay the zakat tax on your wealth for the welfare of others [Muslims]. And remember we took your Covenant: shed not blood among us or turn people out of their homes; you promised and bear witness. But you kill one another, call people guilty, and use oppression. When captives are brought you ransom them, although it was forbidden." The Yathrib Jews did none of these things. The Muslims did them all. They shed blood, murdering thousands. They forced thousands more from their homes. Their god condemned men, and his prophet founded the most oppressive regime ever conceived. During the month these situational scriptures were contrived, Muhammad personally took captives and ransomed them. Even if you don't see Muhammad as the Meccans and Jews saw him - as an insane, demon-possessed liar, forging scriptures for his own selfish gain - it's hard to miss the fact he was a hypocrite.
It's amazing how much difference a year and a few miles can make. In the last Meccan surah, Allah was congratulating the Jews for testifying to the truth of his Qur'an. Now they're going to roast in hell for not swallowing it whole. Qur'an 2:85 "Do you [Jews] believe a part of the Book and reject a part? There is no reward for them who so act but disgrace in the world, and on the Day of Doom, the severest of punishment...their torment will never decrease!" The more one is exposed to Muhammad's poisonous brew, the worse it tastes.
As we move on, Jesus is brought into the fray, and we are told that the Gospels and Torah were divinely inspired. But then we learn that Allah has cursed Christians and Jews for their disbelief. Allah's anti-Christian, anti-Jew diatribe continues for 50 verses. The same Allah who refers to himself as "We" and "Our" claims that Jesus cannot be His son because He is "One."
Allah's racist rant includes the twentieth rendition of: Qur'an 2:89 "The [Qur'an] Book was sent to them (the Jews) by Allah verifying and confirming what had been revealed to them already (the Torah and Gospel). They used to pray for victory over the unbelievers - and even though they recognized it when it came to them, they renounced it. The curse of Allah be on those who deny!" By slipping out of first person to curse the Jews, Muhammad has lifted the veil and shown us who is really behind the curtain.
We are three quarters of the way through the Qur'an, and yet this is the first time Gabriel, the Messenger's messenger, is named. Qur'an 2:97 "Say (Muhammad): Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel - for he brings it down to your heart by Allah's leave, a confirmation of what was (revealed) before, and guidance and glad tidings for those who believe. Whoever is an enemy to Allah, His angels, His Messengers, to Gabriel and Michael, Lo! Allah (Himself) is an enemy of the disbelievers." The spirit who terrorized Muhammad in the cave is now given a name, and wouldn't you know it, his name is from the Bible too. Allah seems to have a very limited imagination. And a limited range of emotions: the moment we meet the heavenly cast, they are off to war, condemning their enemies for rejecting their doctrine of submission. Every word of this reeks of Lucifer - the real enemy of the Jews.
Qur'an 2:99 "We have sent down to you Manifest Signs; and none reject them but those who are perverse." How, pray tell, can a doctrine be tolerant when its spiritual leader says that all who reject his claims are perverse? And you'd think that if Allah was going to brag about all his "signs" he would perform one - one lousy miracle. (Making the blind lame or the deaf dumb doesn't count.) Muhammad and Allah simply promise and protest. They are more like Hitler and Goebbels than Prophet and God.
Once again: Qur'an 2:101 "When there came a messenger from Allah confirming what was with them, a party of the people of the (Torah and Gospel) Scripture Book fling away the Book of Allah, tossing it behind their backs, as if they did not know!" You've probably noticed a pattern in the Qur'an. The things Muhammad and Allah protest most, they are most guilty of. They claim repeatedly that the Qur'an confirms the scripture it twists. Similar verbose assertions are: the Qur'an was a book, Allah created man, Allah showed his signs, Jews were Muslims, and Muhammad wasn't a demon-possessed madman.
Qur'an 2:102 "They follow what Satan chanted and gave out during the lifetime of Solomon. Though Solomon never disbelieved, the devils denied and taught sorcery to men, which they said had been revealed to the angels of Babylon, Harut, and Marut. However, these two (angels) never taught without saying: 'We have been sent to deceive you.'" Harut and Marut are Persian names not Hebrew or Arabic. And while the implication is that the Jewish King Solomon was a Muslim during the time the Jews were influenced by the Babylonians, Allah's timeline is errant by 400 years. While that's indicting, what's really incriminating is Allah's claim that the Torah was inspired by the Devil and yet his Qur'an verifies its message. This, ever so appropriately, is followed by three repetitions of: "If only they had sense!"
Now that the Jews had been properly chastised it was time to get down to business. Muhammad had a tenuous grip on his fledgling community, and that just wouldn't do. Tyrants require unquestioned obedience, total submission. Qur'an 2:104 "You of [the Islamic] Faith, say not (to the Prophet) words of ambiguous import like 'Listen to us.' but words of respect; and obey (him): To those who don't submit there is a grievous punishment." While there are countless verses that confirm Islam was invented to serve Muhammad, this is as effective as any.
This brings us to one of the Qur'an's biggest problems - Allah's contradictions. Muhammad wants us to believe that the creator of the universe, is capricious and unreliable, changing his mind by canceling prior truths and obliterating his divine revelations. Qur'an 2:106 "When we cancel a Verse or throw it into oblivion, We replace it with a better one." Or: "Whatever Revelation We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We substitute something better." In the context of God, this is senseless. But in the context of a forgetful man trying to counterfeit the written record of God to serve his agenda, it's perfect.
The religion of Islam failed in Mecca. Muhammad had to cast it into oblivion, to abrogate it, to move on with the doctrine of politics and submission. Allah replaces Ar-Rahman. Piracy replaces inheritance. Jews replace Meccans. Swords replace words. Muslims replace everybody. And Muhammad gets what he wants: money, women, and power.
The reason the "abrogation" verse is so important is that it wipes out Islam as a religion. The first ninety surahs are cast into oblivion. The prophet has a new Qiblah - and a political doctrine built upon submission and sword. But as bad as that sounds, you don't know the half of it yet. The last two-dozen surahs are by far the worst; they contain some of the most immoral, hateful, intolerant, and violent words ever uttered by men.

Returning to the second edition of the never-ending argument we are told that the non-proselytizing Jews were evangelizing: Qur'an 2:109 "Quite a number of the People of the Book wish they could turn you [Muslim] (people) back to infidelity after you have believed [submitted], through selfish envy, even after the Truth has become manifest to them. Indulge them until Allah issues his orders." The first part is funny. The second is not. Jews, who were employed, prosperous, and literate, who possessed the longest surviving and best-documented monotheistic faith in the world were jealous of Muhammad's band of bandits? I don't think so. But what's sinister is Allah's ultimate order to exile and murder them. Within a mere six months Muhammad would perpetrate a horrible crime.
That said, it was back to business. Muhammad needed more rituals and taxes. They became his means of suppression and oppression. Qur'an 2:110 "Establish worship, ritual prayer, and pay the zakat tax; whatever good you send before for your souls, you will find with Allah; surely Allah sees what you do." Pay now, receive later.
Then it was back to the never-ending argument. Qur'an 2:111 "They say: 'None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.' Those are their (vain) desires. Say: 'Produce your proof if you are truthful.' Nay [the tolerant religion said], whoever submits His face to Allah and surrenders, he will get his reward; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. The Jews say: 'The Christians follow nothing'; and the Christians say: 'the Jews follow nothing (true);' Yet they (profess to) recite the (same) Scripture Book. But Allah will judge between them in their quarrel." By the seventh century, Jews had long since stopped criticizing Christians. And Jews only read out of half the book. Moreover, Christians believe every word of the Hebrew scriptures. So, once again, Allah has his facts entirely wrong.
Finished with the Christians and Jews for the moment, it was time for Allah to take a swipe at the Meccans. Qur'an 2:114 "And who is more unjust than he who forbids Allah's Name to be celebrated and mentioned in the sanctuary places (mosque) and strives for their ruin? It was not fitting that such should enter them except in fear. For them there is nothing but disgrace in this world, and in the next an exceeding torment, an awful doom." This is Muhammad's feeble attempt to justify his new career path as pirate, kidnapper, and murderer. "Terrorism is justified because the Meccans shooed me away from Allah's House." And while that's as lame as it is immoral, the verse is not without a pearl. If Allah's name should be celebrated then "Allah" is a name, not a word. In other words, Allah cannot be both the Arabic word for God and the name of its god at the same time. That would be like naming your pet dog "Dog." (Dog is god, backwards; so we may have stumbled onto something.)
Now that "dog" has bared his fangs at the Meccans, it's time to bite Christians. Qur'an 2:116 "They say: 'Allah hath begotten a son: glory be to Him.' Nay, to Him belongs all that is in heavens and on earth: All are subservient and obedient to Him." It's all right to say Allah has daughters if there's a buck in it, but heaven forbid you should say Christ is the son of God. "To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and earth: When He decrees a matter, He says to it: 'Be.' and it is." It's a good thing that contradictions are abrogated in the Qur'an or this would be a problem. Everything the Qur'an says Allah created, including the earth, Adam, and Jesus, were made in a manner other than saying "Be, and it is."
In an earlier chapter, the Islamic Abraham introduced us to the second surah, starting with the 118th verse. Allah lured Abraham out of Israel, the "land flowing with milk and honey," into the wastelands of Arabia to make the pagan Ka'aba appear monotheistic. The Qur'an, however, was not as daring as the Hadith. It made no attempt to explain how or why a hundred-year-old man crossed a thousand miles of desert with an illegitimate infant and a slave girl to reach a place that wouldn't be inhabited for twenty-five centuries.
In a long-winded speech, Allah said that Abraham and his Jewish kin were Muslims practicing Islam. Qur'an 2:132 "And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons by Yah'qub (Jacob); 'Oh my sons! Allah has chosen the Faith for you - the true religion; then die not except in the faith of Islam as Muslims. He said to his sons: 'What will you worship after me.' They said: 'We shall worship your Ilah (God), the Ilah (God) of your fathers, of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, the one Ilah (God): To Him we submit in Islam.'" It's a wonder such an important profession of faith eluded the Hebrew prophets. Nowhere in the Bible are the words "Muslim, Muhammad, Allah, or Islam" written. It's inconceivable that Abraham could have had such a fine religion and not even mentioned it or his pal Allah.
We also covered Allah's admission in the 138th verse that he was a Baptist. This was followed by Allah's delusional claim that he was Yahweh.
Starting at verse 142 Allah tells us that Muslims should no longer play with the Christians and Jews. They must now recognize the monotheistic holiness of Allah's pagan shrine, the rock pile in Mecca. The Ka'aba is called a sacred and holy mosque, even though the only actual mosque at this time served as Muhammad's brothel. (The mosque in Medina was an open courtyard. The buildings that surrounded it served as apartments for Muhammad's wives, sex slaves, and concubines.) And the shrine of which they spoke was still home to hundreds of rock idols, including Allah's Black Stone.

Prophet of Doom


  1. अलबेदार के यहां से कूडा उठा के ला रहे हो तुम, कैरानवी अन्तिम अवतार के ऊँट के नीचे रौंद चुका उसे अब तेरे जैसों के लिये तो यह कि

    विचार करें कि मुहम्मद सल्ल. कल्कि व अंतिम अवतार और बैद्ध मैत्रे, अंतिम ऋषि (इसाई) यहूदीयों के भी आखरी संदेष्‍टा? हैं या यह big Game against Islam है? (Rank-2 Blog) डायरेक्‍ट लिंक

    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंज पूरी मानव-जाति को
    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंज है कि कुरआन में कोई रद्दोबदल नहीं कर सकता
    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंजः कुरआन में विरोधाभास नहीं
    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंजः आसमानी पुस्‍तक केवल चार
    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंज वैज्ञानिकों को सृष्टि रचना बारे में
    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंज: यहूदियों (इसराईलियों) को कभी शांति नहीं मिलेगी

    छ अल्लाह के चैलेंज सहित अनेक इस्‍लामिक पुस्‍तकें (Rank-3 Blog)
    डायरेक्‍ट लिंक

  2. कैरानवी कुछ समझ में भी आया जो ऊपर लिखा है कि ऊपर से ही निकल गया. ऊँट पर बैठकर वैसे भी साफ़ कुछ दीखता भी नहीं होगा......

  3. ये कैरानवी क्या अंधा है ....ढंग से पढता क्यों नहीं जो लिखा हैं....हर चीज को अपने जाहिल नजरियें से देखना क्या जरूरी हैं....
