Tuesday 17 November 2009

क़ुरआन - - -सूरह अल्बक्र

पाँचवीं और आखीर किस्त

तालिबानी आयत

"अल्लाह के राह में क़त्ताल करो"
कुरआन का यही एक जुमला तमाम इंसानियत के लिए चैलेंज है, जिसे कि तालिबान नंगे हथियार लेकर दुन्या के सामने खड़े हुए हैं. अल्लाह की राह क्या है? इसे कालिमा ए शहादत "ला इलाहा इल लिल लाह, मुहम्मदुर रसूल अल्लाह" यानी (एक आल्लाह के सिवा कोई अल्लाह आराध्य नहीं और मुहम्मद उसके दूत हैं) को आंख बंद करके पढ़ लीजिए और उनकी तालिबानी राह पर निकल पडिए या इस के बारे में कुछ जानना चाहते हैं तो किसी मदरसे के तालिब इल्म (छात्र) से अधूरी जानकारी और वहां के मौलाना से पूरी पूरी जानकारी ले लीजिए.जो लड़के उनके हवाले होते हैं उनको खुफिया तालीम दी जाती है. मौलाना रहनुमाई करते हैं और क़ुरआन और हदीसें इनको मंजिल तक पहुँचा देते हैं. मगर ज़रा रुकिए ये सभी इन्तेहाई दर्जे धूर्त और दुष्ट लोग होते है, आप का हिन्दू नाम सुनत्ते ही सेकुलर पाठ खोल देंगे, फ़िलहाल मुझ पर ही भरोसा कर सकते हैं. हम जैसे सच्चों को इस्लाम मुनाफिक़ कहता है क्यूंकि आप के चेतना और ज़मीर को कालिमा पहले ही खा लेता है. जी हाँ ! यही कालिमा इंसान को इंसान से मुसलमान बनाता है जो सिर्फ एक कत्ल नहीं क़त्ल का बहु वचन क़त्ताल सैकडों, हज़ारों क़त्ल करने का फ़रमान जारी करता है. यह फ़रमान किसी और का नहीं अल्लाह में बैठे मुहम्मदुर रसूल अल्लाह का होता है. अल्लाह तो अपने बन्दों का रोयाँ भी दुखाना नहीं चाहता होगा, अगर वह होगा तो बाप की तरह ही होगा.
देखिए मुहम्मद के मुंह से अल्लाह को या अल्लाह के मुंह से मुहम्मद को, यह बैंकिंग प्रोग्राम पेश करते हैं, जेहाद करो - - - अल्लाह के पास आपनी जान जमा करो , मर गए तो दूसरे रोज़ ही जन्नत में दाखला, मोती के महल, हूरे, शराब, कबाब, ऐश-ऐ-लाफानी, अगर कामयाब हुए तो जीते जी माले गनीमत का अंबार और अगर क़त्ताल से जान चुराते हो का याद रखो लौट कर अल्लाह के पास ही जाना है, वहाँ खबर ली जाएगी. कितनी मंसूबा बंद तरकीब है बे वकूफों के लिए
." और अल्लाह कि राह में क़त्ताल करो. कौन शख्स है ऐसा जो अल्लाह को क़र्ज़ दिया और फिर अल्लाह उसे बढा कर बहुत से हिस्से कर दे और अल्लाह कमी करते हैं और फराखी करते हैं और तुम इसी तरफ ले जाए जाओगे"
(सूरह अलबकर-२ तीसरा परा तिरकर रसूल आयत २४४+२४५)
" अगर अल्लाह को मंज़ूर होता वह लोग (मूसा के बाद किसी नबी की उम्मत)उनके बाद किए हुआ बाहम कत्ल ओ क़त्ताल नहीं करते, बाद इसके, इनके पास दलील पहुँच चुकी थी, लेकिन वह लोग बाहम मुख्तलिफ हुए सो उन में से कोई तो ईमान लाया और कोई काफिर रहा. और अगर अल्लाह को मंज़ूर होता तो वह बाहम क़त्ल ओ क़त्ताल न करते लेकिन अल्लाह जो कहते है वही करते हैं"
(सुरह अलबकर-२ तीसरा परा तिरकर रसूल आयत २५३)
मुहम्मद ने कैसा अल्लाह मुरत्तब किया था? क्या चाहता था वह? क्या उसे मंज़ूर था? मन मानी? मुसलमान कब तक कुरानी अज़ाब में मुब्तिला रहेगा ? कब तक यह मुट्ठी भर इस्लामी आलिम अपमी इल्म के ज़हर की मार गरीब मुस्लिम अवाम चुकाते रहेंगे, मूसा को मिली उसके इलोही की दस हिदायतें आज क्या बिसात रखती हैं, हाँ मगर वक़्त आ गया है कि आज हम उनको बौना साबित कर रहे हैं. मूसा की उम्मत यहूद इल्म जदीद के हर शोबे में आसमान से तारे तोड़ रही है और उम्मते मुहम्मदी आसमान पर खाबों की जन्नत और दोज़ख तामीर कर रही है. इसके आधे सर फरोश तरक्की याफ़्ता कौमों के छोड़े हुए हतियार से खुद मुसलमानों पर निशाना साध रहे हैं और आधे सर फरोश इल्मी लियाक़त से दरोग फरोशी कर रहे हैं.
आयत न २४४ के स्पोर्ट में मुहम्मद फिर एक बार मुसलमानों को भड़का रहे हैं कि अल्लाह को मंज़ूर है कि हम काफिरों का क़त्ल ओ कत्तल करें .
"अल्लाह जिंदा है, संभालने वाला है, न उसको ऊंघ दबा सकती है न नींद, इसी की ममलूक है सब जो आसमानों में हैं और जो कुछ ज़मीन में है- - - -इसकी मालूमात में से किसी चीज़ को अपने अहाता ए इल्मी में नहीं ला सकते, मगर जिस कदर वह चाहे इस की कुर्सी ने सब आसमानों और ज़मीन को अपने अन्दर ले रखा है,और अल्लाह को इन दोनों की हिफाज़त कुछ गराँ नहीं गुज़रती और वह आली शान और अजीमुश्शान है"
(सूरह अलबकर-२ तीसरा परा तिरकर रसूल आयत 255)
मुहम्मद साहब को पता नहीं क्यूँ ये बतलाने की ज़रुरत पड़ गई कि अल्लाह मियां मुर्दा नहीं हैं, उन में जान है. और वह बन्दों की तरह ला परवाह भी नहीं हैं, जिम्मेदार हैं। अफ्यून या कोई नशा नहीं करते कि ऊंगते हों, या अंटा गफ़ील हो जाएँ, सब कुछ संभाले हुए हैं, ये बात अलग है की सूखा, बाढ़, क़हत, ज़लज़ला, तो लाना ही पड़ता है. अजब ज़ौक के मखलूक हैं, जो भी हो अहेद के पक्के हैं. दोज़ख के साथ किए हुए मुआहिदा को जान लगा कर निभाएंगे, उस गरीब का पेट जो भरना है. सब से पहले उसका मुंह चीरा है, बाक़ी का बाद में - - - चालू कसमें खा कर.
" दीन में ज़बरदस्ती नहीं."
क़ुरआन में ताजाद ((विरोधाभास) का यह सब से बड़ा निशान है. दीने इस्लाम में तो इतनी ज़बरदस्ती है कि इसे मानो या जज्या दो या गुलामी कुबूल करो या तो फिर इस के मुंकिर होकर जान गंवाओ.
"दीन में ज़बरदस्ती नहीं."ये बात उस वक़्त कही गई थी जब मुहम्मद की मक्का के कुरैश से कोर दबती थी. जैसे आज भारत में मुसलामानों की कोर दब रही है, वर्ना इस्लाम का असली रूप तो तालिबानी ही है.
(सूरह अलबकर-२ तीसरा परा तिरकर रसूल आयत 256)
दीन की बातें छोड़ कर मुहम्म्द्द फिर किस्सा गोई पर आ जाते हैं। अल्लाह से एक क़िस्सा गढ़वाते है क़िस्सा को पढ़ कर आप हैरान होंगे कि क़िस्सा गो मकानों को उनकी छतों पर गिरवाता है. कहानी पढिए, कहानी पर नहीं, कहानी कार पर मुकुरइए और उन नमाजियों पर आठ आठ आंसू बहाइए जो इसको अनजाने में अपनी नमाजों में दोहरात्ते हैं. उनके ईमान पर मातम कीजिए जो ऐसी अहमकाना बातों पर ईमान रखते हैं. फिर दिल पर पत्थर रख कर सब्र कर डालिए कि वह मय अपने बल बच्चों के, तालिबानों का नावाला बन्ने जा रहे हैं.
"तुम को इस तरह का क़िस्सा भी मालूम है, जैसे की एक शख्स था कि ऐसी बस्ती में ऐसी हालत में उसका गुज़र हुवा कि उसके मकानात अपनी छतों पर गिर गए थे, कहने लगे कि अल्लाह ताला इस बस्ती को इस के मरे पीछे किस कैफियत से जिंदा करेंगे, सो अल्लाह ताला ने उस शख्स को सौ साल जिंदा रक्खा, फिर उठाया, पूछा, कि तू कितनी मुद्दत इस हालत में रहा? उस शख्स ने जवाब दिया एक दिन रहा हूँगा या एक दिन से भी कम. अल्लाह ने फ़रमाया नहीं, बल्कि सौ बरस रहा. तू अपने खाने पीने को देख ले कि सड़ी गली नहीं और दूसरे तू अपने गधे की तरफ देख और ताकि हम तुझ को एक नज़र लोगों के लिए बना दें.और हड्डियों की तरफ देख, हम उनको किस तरह तरकीब दी देते हें, फिर उस पर गोश्त चढा देते हैं - - - बे शक अल्लाह हर चीज़ पर पूरी कुदरत रखते हैं.".
(सूरहह अलबकर-२ तीसरा परा तिरकर रसूल आयत 259)
मुहम्मद ऐसी ही बे सिर पैर की मिसालें क़ुरआन में गढ़त्ते हैं जिसकी तफ़सीर निगार रफ़ू किया करते. मुफ़स्सिर इसे यूं लिखता है - - -यानी पहले छतें गिरीं फिर उसके ऊपर दीवारें गिरीं, मुराद यह कि हादसे से बस्ती वीरान हो गई।" इस सूरह में अल्लाह ने इसी क़िस्म की तीन मिसालें और दी हैं जिन से न कोई नसीहत मिलती है, न उसमें कोई दानाई है, पढ़ कर खिस्याहट अलग होती है. अंदाजे बयान बचकाना है, बेज़ार करता है, अज़ीयत पसंद हज़रात चाहें तो कुरआन उठा कर आयत २६१ देखें. सवाल उठता है हम ऐसी बातें वास्ते सवाब पढ़ते हैं? दिन ओ रात इन्हें दोहराते हैं, क्या अनजाने में हम पागल पन की हरकत नहीं करते ? हाँ! अगर हम इसको अपनी जबान में बआवाज़ बुलंद दोहराते रहें. सुनने वाले यकीनन हमें पागल कहने लगेंगे और इन्हें छोडें, कुछ दिनों बाद हम खुद अपने आप को पागल महसूस करने लगेंगे. आम तौर पर मुसलमान इसी मरज़ का शिकार है जिस की गवाह इस की मौजूदा तस्वीर है. वह अपने मुहम्मदी अल्लाह का हुक्म मान कर ही पागल तालिबान बन चुका है''
(सूरह अलबकर-२ तीसरा परा तिरकर रसूल आयत 261)
खर्च पर मुसलसल मुहम्मदी अल्लाह की ऊट पटांग तकरीर चलती रहती है. मालदार लोगों पर उसकी नज़रे बद लगी रहती है, सूद खोरी हराम है मगर बज़रीआ सूद कमाई गई दौलते साबका हलाल हो सकती है अगर अल्लाह की साझे दारी हो जाए. रहन, बय, सूद और इन सब के साथ साथ गवाहों की हाजिरी जैसी आमियाना बातें अल्लाह हिकमत वाला खोल खोल कर समझाता है.
(सूरह अलबकर-२ तीसरा परा तिरकर रसूल आयत 263-273)
अल्लाह ने आयतों में खर्च करने के तरीके और उस पर पाबंदियां भी लगाई हैं. कहीं पर भी मशक्क़त और ईमानदारी के साथ रिज़्क़ कमाने का मशविरा नहीं दिया है. इस के बर अक्स जेहाद लूट मार की तलकीन हर सूरह में है.
"ऐ ईमान वालो! तुम एहसान जतला कर या ईजा पहुंचा कर अपनी खैरात को बर्बाद मत करो, उस शख्स की तरह जो अपना मॉल खर्च करता है, लोगों को दिखने की ग़रज़ से और ईमान नहीं रखता - - - ऐसे लोगो को अपनी कमाई ज़रा भी हाथ न लगेगी और अल्लाह काफिरों को रास्ता न बतला देंगे."
जरा मुहम्मद की हिकमते अमली पर गौर करें कि वह लोगों से कैसे अल्लाह का टेक्स वसूलते हैं. जुमले की ब्लेक मेलिंग तवज्जेह तलब है - - -और अल्लाह काफिरों को रास्ता न बतला देंगे - - -
एक मिसाल अल्लाह की और झेलिए- - -
"भला तुम में से किसी को यह बात पसंद है कि एक बाग़ हो खजूर का और एक अंगूर का. इस के नीचे नहरें चलती हों, उस शख्स के इस बाग़ में और भी मेवे हों और उस शख्स का बुढापा आ गया हो और उसके अहलो अयाल भी हों, जान में कूवत नहीं, सो उस बाग़ पर एक बगूला आवे जिस में आग हो ,फिर वह बाग जल जावे. अल्लाह इसी तरह के नज़ाएर फरमाते हैं, तुम्हारे लिए ताकि तुम सोचो,"
(सूरह अलबकर-२ तीसरा परा तिरकर रसूल आयत 266)
" और जो सूद का बकाया है उसको छोड़ दो, अगर तुम ईमान वाले हो और अगर इस पर अमल न करोगे तो इश्तहार सुन लो अल्लाह की तरफ से की जंग का - - - और इस के रसूल कि तरफ से। और अगर तौबा कर लो गे तो तुम्हारे अस्ल अमवाल मिल जाएँगे। न तुम किसी पर ज़ुल्म कर पाओगे, न कोई तुम पर ज़ुल्म कर पाएगा."
(सूरह अलबकर-२ तीसरा परा तिरकर रसूल आयत 279)
एक अच्छी बात निकली मुहम्मद के मुँह से पहली बार
"लेन देन किया करो तो एक दस्तावेज़ तैयार कर लिया करो, इस पर दो मर्दों की गवाही करा लिया करो, दो मर्द न मलें तो एक मर्द और दो औरतों की गवाही ले लो"
(सूरह अलबकर-२ तीसरा परा तिरकर रसूल आयत 283)
यानि दो औरत=एक मर्द
क़ुरआन में एक लफ्ज़ या कोई फिकरा या अंदाजे बयान का सिलसिला बहुत देर तक कायम रहता है जैसे कोई अक्सर जाहिल लोग पढ़े लिखों की नक़्ल में पैरवी करते हैं. इस लिए भी ये उम्मी मुहम्मद का कलाम है, साबित करने के लिए लसानी तूल कलामी दरकार है. यहाँ पर धुन है लोग आप से पूछते हैं. अल्लाह का सवाल फर्जी होता है, जवाब में वह जो बात कहना चाहता है. ये जवाब एन इंसानी फितरत के मुताबिक होते हैं, जो हजारों सालों से तस्लीम शुदा हैं. जिसे आज मुस्लमान कुरानी ईजाद मानते हैं. आम मुसलमान समझता है इंसानियत, शराफत, और ईमानदारी, सब इसलाम की देन है, ज़ाहिर है उसमें तालीम की कमी है. उसे महदूद मुस्लिम मुआशरे में ही रखा गया है. " क़ुरआन में कीडे निकलना भर मेरा मकसद नहीं है बहुत सी अच्छी बातें हैं, इस पर मेरी नज़र क्यूँ नहीं जाती?" अक्सर ऐसे सवाल आप की नज़र के सामने मेरे खिलाफ कौधते होंगे. बहुत सी अच्छी बातें, बहुत ही पहले कही गई हैं, एक से एक अज़ीम हस्तियां और नज़रियात इसलाम से पहले इस ज़मीन पर आ चुकी हैं जिसे कि कुरानी अल्लाह तसव्वुर भी नहीं कर सकता. अच्छी और सच्ची बातें फितरी होती हैं जिनहें आलमीं सचचाइयाँ भी कह सकते हैं. क़ुरआन में कोई एक बात भी इसकी अपनी सच्चाई या इन्फरादी सदाक़त नहीं है. हजारों बकवास और झूट के बीच अगर किसी का कोई सच आ गया हो तो उसको क़ुरआन का नहीं कहा जा सकता,"माँ बाप की खिदमत करो" अगर क़ुरआन कहता है तो इसकी अमली मिसाल श्रवण कुमार इस्लाम से सदियों पहले क़ायम कर चुका है. मौलाना कूप मंदूकों का मुतलिआ क़ुरआन तक सीमित है इस लिए उनको हर बात क़ुरआन में नज़र आती है. यही हाल अशिक्षित मुसलमानों का है. सूरह के आखीर में अल्लाह खुद अपने आप से दुआ मांगता है, बकौल मुहम्मद कुरआन अल्लाह का कलाम है, देखिए आयत में अल्लाह अपने सुपर अल्लाह के आगे कैसे ज़ारों कतार गिडगिडा रहा है. सदियों से अपने फ़ल्सफ़े को दोहरते दोहराते मुल्ला अल्ला को बहरूपिया बना चुका है, वह दुआ मांगते वक़्त बन्दा बन जाता है. मुहम्मद दुआ मांगते हैं तो एलानिया अल्लाह बन जाते हैं. उनके मुंह से निकली बात, चाहे उनके आल औलादों के खैर के लिए हो, चाहे सय्यादों के लिए बरकत की हो, कलाम इलाही बन कर निकलती है. आले इब्राहीमा व आला आले इब्राहिम इन्नका हमीदुं मजीद. यानि आले इब्राहीम गरज यहूदियों की खैर ओ बरकत की दुआ दुन्या का हर मुस्लमान मांगता है और वही यहूदी मुसलमानों के जानी दुश्मन बने हुए . हम हिदुस्तानी मुसलमान यानि अरबियों कि भाष में हिंदी मिस्कीन अरबों के जेहनी गुलाम बने हुए हैं. अल्लाह को ज़ारों कतार रो रो कर दुआ मांगने वाले पसंद हैं. यह एक तरीके का नफ़्सियति ब्लेक मेल है. रंज ओ ग़म से भरा हुआ इंसान कहीं बैठ कर जी भर के रो ले तो उसे जो राहत मिलती है, अल्लाह उसे कैश करता है,
(सूरह अलबकर-२ तीसरा परा तिरकर रसूल आयत 284-286)
क़ुरआन की एक बड़ी सूरह अलबकर अपनी २८६ आयातों के साथ तमाम हुई- जिसका लब्बो लुबाबा दर्ज जेल है - -

* शराब और जुवा में बुराइयाँ हैं और अच्छइयां भी।
* यतीमों के साथ मसलेहत की रिआयत रखना ज्यादा बेहतर है।
*खैर और खैरात में उतना ही खर्च करो जितना आसान हो।
*काफिर शौहर मत करो, उस से बेहतर गुलाम है।
*हैज़ एक गन्दी चीज़ है हैज़ के आलम में बीवियों से दूर रहो. *मर्द का दर्जा औरत से बड़ा है.
*मर्द का दर्जा औरत से बड़ा है.
*सिर्फ दो बार तलाक़ दिया है तो बीवी को अपना लो चाहे छोड़ दो.
*काफिर औरतों के साथ शादी मत करो भले ही लौंडी के साथ कर लो।
*तलाक के बाद बीवी को दी हुई चीजें नहीं लेनी चाहिएं, मगर आपसी समझौता हो तो वापसी जायज़ है. जिसे दे कर औरत अपनी जन छुडा ले.
*तीसरे तलाक़ के बाद बीवी हराम है।
* हलाला के अमल के बाद ही पहली बीवी जायज़ होगी।
*माएँ अपनी औलाद को दो साल तक दूध पिलाएं तब तक बाप इनका ख़याल रखें. ये काम दाइयों से भी कराया जा सकता है.
*एत्काफ़ में बीवियों के पास नहीं जाना चाहिए।
*बेवाओं को शौहर के मौत के बाद चार महीना दस दिन निकाह के लिए रुकना चाहिए।
*बेवाओं को एक साल तक घर में पनाह देना चाहिए
*मुसलमानों को रमजान की शब् में जिमा हलाल हुवा।
वगैरह वगैरह - - -
सूरह कि खास बातें, इस के अलावः नाकाबिले कद्र बातें जो फुजूल कही जा सकती हैं भरी हुई हैं. तमाम आलिमान क़ुरआन को चैलेंज है.
मुसलमान आँख बंद कर के कहता है क़ुरआन में निजाम हयात (जीवन-विधान) है. ये बात मुल्ला, मौलवी उसके सामने इतना दोहराते हैं कि वह सोंच भी नहीं सकता कि ये उसकी जिंदगी के साथ सब से बड़ा झूट है। ऊपर की बातों में आप तलाश कीजिए कि कौन सी इन बेहूदा बातों का आज की ज़िन्दगी से वास्ता है. इसी तरह इनकी हर हर बात में झूट का अंबार रहता है. इनसे नजात दिलाना हर मोमिन का क़स्द होना चाहिए .
निसार ''निसार-उल-ईमान''

मेरे दीगर गवाह - - -
Qur'an 2:144 "We see the turning of your face: now shall We turn you to a Qiblah that
प्लेअसेयऔत्urn then your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque (at Mecca): Wherever you are, turn your faces in that direction। The People of the Book (Jews and Christians) know well that (the Ka'aba) is the truth from their Lord। Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do।" When "god" has to lie, there's a problem. If the Jews thought the Ka'aba was godly, why did they pray facing the site of their former Temple in Jerusalem? More importantly, why did Muhammad join them? Further, how could the Ka'aba be "sacred" when it was a pagan shrine?
Unable to perform miracles, the prophet dismissed their significance. Qur'an 2:145 "Even if you were to bring to the people of the Scripture Book all the Signs, they would not follow Your Qiblah; nor are you going to follow their Qiblah; nor indeed will they follow each other's Qiblah." This is another Allah-Oops. Christians have never had a Qiblah for Yahweh's spirit resides in us. Since Allah claims to have inspired the Gospels, he ought to have known that. "If you, after knowledge has reached you, were to follow their (vain) desires, then were you indeed (clearly) in the wrong."
Qur'an 2:146 "The People of the Book, unto whom We gave the Scripture, know/recognize this revelation/him as they know/recognize their own sons; But lo! a party of them knowingly conceals truth." Like all things made of man, the deeper one digs into the Qur'an the more its flaws become apparent. Before we resolve the "know/recognize" and "this/him" controversy, ponder the impossibility of "the People of the Book unto whom We gave the Scripture" believing that every time the Bible referenced something happening in the land of Israel, the city of Jerusalem, on Mount Moriah, or in the magnificent Temple of Solomon, it was a purposeful deception. They would have to believe that it was possible for the thousands of events chronicled in the Bible to have actually occurred in Arabia, at a rock pile in a barren and deserted ravine that a thousand years later would become a motley collection of mud huts called Mecca. They would have to believe that tens of millions of people conspired together over the course of two millennia to write the Jewish Temple in and the Muslim Ka'aba out of thousands of pages of the most meticulously maintained, most broadly read and distributed scripture of all time. Then they would have to believe that Muhammad, the pirate of Medina, was actually talking with Yahweh, the God of the Bible, and telling the truth about what happened in another time and place. It's so preposterous it begs a question. Does anyone really believe Islam? Or, as Ishaq and Maududi suggest, are they all hypocrites, merely going along to keep from losing their possessions and their lives?
The translations that read "recognize him (Muhammad) rather than "know this" are equally outrageous. Muhammad is suggesting that the Jews of Yathrib recognized him as their Messiah but were concealing the truth. Yet in truth, the Jews didn't even recognize Yahshua as their Messiah, and he fulfilled hundreds of exacting prophecies regarding his genealogy, birth, time, life, mission, death, and resurrection. Muhammad didn't fulfill one. So to say that the Jews recognized Muhammad's prophetic credentials as they recognized their own sons tells us a great deal about the mindset of the man. He was as delusional as he was egotistical.
The next five verses wallow in the new Qiblah. The most important line warns the raiders not to fear the hypocrites: Qur'an 2:150 "Do not fear them; fear Me."
Motivating men to murder requires conditioning them to hate first. The intended victims must be dehumanized: Qur'an 2:171 "The semblance of the infidels is one who shouts to one who cannot hear. They are deaf, dumb, and blind. They make no sense." Qur'an 2:174 "Those who conceal Allah's revelations in the [Bible] Scripture Book, and thus make a miserable profit thereby [selling it to Muhammad], swallow Fire into themselves; Allah will not address them. Grievous will be their doom." Since they're destined for hell anyway, why not kill them? Qur'an 2:175 "They are the ones who bartered away guidance for error and Torment in place of Forgiveness. Ah, what boldness (they show) for the Fire! (Their doom is) because Allah sent down the Book in truth but those who seek causes of dispute in the Book are in a schism of great opposition."
Although this was written in code (or maybe just written badly), it provides the entire equation. It confirms that the Jews sold Muhammad the Bible stories he used to try to make himself look like a prophet. As we have discovered, Muhammad changed these to suit his agenda. Then, since the Qur'anic accounts were different, Muhammad accused his suppliers of selling him a faulty product. He said that B and Q were once identical but that the Jews corrupted B so that they could argue with him about Q.
Qur'an 2:177 "It is not piety that you turn your faces east or west; but it is the quality of one who believes in Allah and the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, and Prophets; to spend your substance in spite of love for it, for [Muhammad's]. kin, for orphans, for the wayfarer [Muhammad's mercenaries], for those who ask, and for the ransom of captives; to be steadfast in devotional obligations, and paying the zakat tax." Although two of Islam's five pillars are based upon the new Qiblah, we are told here that it isn't pious. And, while it may be a detail, Allah should have a better sense of direction. The old Qiblah was north of Medina and the new one was south; neither were east or west. Further, as with the first attempts at "religion" in Mecca, the first try in Medina was centered on Muhammad. He was even the one with captives to be ransomed.
The Meccans who teased Muhammad and shooed him away from their pagan Moon God shrine must now pay for their hate speech. He begins conditioning his faithful to believe retribution is good. Muhammad claims that Allah has told him that the mocking he suffered at the hands of his clan was so egregious that heads must roll. By verse 191, Allah has his war paint on and continues to whoop it up through verse 210, commanding Muslims to attack and kill their brethren.
The next verse is Muhammad's first stab at instituting a law. It's as barbaric as his religion. Qur'an 2:178 "Retaliation is prescribed for you in the matter of the murdered; the free for free, slave for slave, and female for female. And for him who is pardoned somewhat by his (injured) brother, then prosecution should be according to payment of blood money. He who transgresses after this will have a painful doom."
Qur'an 2:185 "Ramadhan is the (month) the Qur'an was sent down as a guide to mankind, also clear Proof/Signs for guidance and the criterion. So every one of you who is present during that month must spend it fasting." The only reason Muhammad wrestled with the cave demon during Ramadhan was because it was the pagan practice of his people to observe the Tahannuth rituals in Ramadhan. Tahannuth was based upon self-deprivation and fasting, thus the idolatrous practice and holy month were incorporated into Islam. The Ka'aba Inc. made a new pillar out of an old one. "And you must magnify Allah (Say Allahu Akbar - Allah is Greater.)
Speaking of Islamic pillars being constructed from regurgitated paganism: Qur'an 2:189 "They ask you about the New Moons. Say: They are but signs to mark fixed seasons in (the affairs of) men, and for Hajj Pilgrimage." The enlightened world had long since abandoned the lunar calendar for the solar one we use today. Rather than "fixing seasons," the lunar calendar Muhammad's god was prescribing caused dates to float around the year. But Allah was the Moon God, so Muslims were forever condemned to the lunacy of ignorance.

Muhammad was now ready to reveal the real reason behind his new Qiblah. He wanted his militants to fight for what he coveted. Qur'an 2:190 "Fight in Allah's Cause those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah like not the transgressors. (This is the first Verse revealed in connection with Jihad, it was supplemented by the 9th Surah.)" Although this verse clearly orders Muslims to fight, the first of many such commands, Islamic apologists use this passage in the Western media to infer that Islamic fighting can only be defensive and moderate. Yet in context, that is not what it says. Just read the next verse: Qur'an 2:191 "And kill them wherever you find and catch them, and drive them out from where they have turned you out; for Al-Fitnah (polytheism, disbelief, oppression) is worse than slaughter." Slaying them "wherever you find and catch them" is clearly offensive, not defensive. So the prior verse has already been abrogated. And there is no moderation when one says that a belief, or even verbal abuse, is worse than slaughter.
"Fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, until they fight you there; but if they fight you, kill them. Such is the reward of those who are unbelievers." This is nonsensical. It is not possible for the Muslims of Medina to be defensive fighters if they have marched to Mecca with their fighting gear.
Qur'an 2:192 "But if they cease/desist, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." That sounds nice until you realize what they must "cease" doing. One must desist from rebuking Muhammad's claims - in other words, they must become a Muslim to avoid slaughter. Remember, no one was fighting the Muslims when this was handed down. They were the hunters. The Meccans were the prey. To be "forgiven" and not "slaughtered," one had to bow in submission and pay the zakat.
Qur'an 2:193 "And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief) and religion is only for Allah. But if they cease/desist, let there be no hostility except against infidel disbelievers." Muslims have been ordered to fight until the only religion is Islam - world conquest. And even when they have overrun the world, there shall be no safe haven for "infidel disbelievers." This is as clear as a swastika.
Qur'an 2:194 "The prohibited month for the prohibited month, and so for all things prohibited, there is the law of retaliation. If any one transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress likewise against him. But fear Allah, and know that Allah is with the pious." That was verbal diarrhea, so let's try another translation: "The forbidden month for the forbidden month, and forbidden things in retaliation. And one who attacketh you, attack him in like manner as he attacked you. Observe your duty to Allah, and know that Allah is with those who ward off (evil)." That was worse - there was no hint of restraint. Maybe a third translation will clear up Islam's "Golden Rule." "The Sacred month for the sacred month and all sacred things are retaliation; whoever then acts aggressively against you, inflict injury on him according to the injury he has inflicted on you." The problem isn't with the translators.
Remember Muhammad's problem? His henchmen murdered, robbed, and kidnapped in the pagan sacred month of Rejab when violence and thievery were forbidden. Muhammad couldn't pocket the booty because the offense was so heinous. This handy situational scripture, garbled as it may have been, said, "The pagan month is important because I'm a pagan god but I'm granting Muhammad a special exemption because I('m) like him."
Now that the booty was safely pocketed, it was time to encourage more of the same. Qur'an 2:195 "Spend your wealth in Allah's Cause [fighting infidels], and be not cast by your own hands to perdition; and do good. Lo! Allah loves the doers of good." The Qur'an finally speaks of love, and wouldn't you know it: Allah loves Jihadists who do good by slaughtering in his cause.
Now that fighting is good, Muslims needed a place to fight, so it was off to "Perform properly (according to the Prophet's Sunnah) the Hajj or Umrah, visiting Mecca for Allah. But if you are prevented then send such gifts as you can afford [i.e. if you can't go and fight, send money so that others can fight], and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches the place of sacrifice.... Fear Allah; He is severe in punishment."
Send money even if you can fight: Qur'an 2:215 "They ask you what they should spend. Say: Whatever they spend is good.... Allah is aware of it."
According to Allah peace is bad and fighting is good. Qur'an 2:216 "Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims), though you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and like a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not." Another translation reads: "Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you." This is an open-ended commandment to fight anyone and everyone who has not surrendered to Islam. How, pray tell, do the "Islam-is-a-peaceful-religion" folks explain..."Jihad is ordained for you?"
Qur'an 2:217 "They question you concerning fighting in the sacred month. Say: 'Fighting therein is a great/grave (matter); but to prevent access to Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, to expel its members, and polytheism are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they make you renegades from your religion. If any of you turn back and die in unbelief, your works will be lost and you will go to Hell. Surely those who believe and leave their homes to fight in Allah's Cause have the hope of Allah's Mercy." The Islamic god must be very small if access to him can be prevented by men. But that wasn't the purpose of this passage. Muhammad wanted the Ansar Helpers or Hypocrites to know it would get nasty if they didn't join the party. He wanted fighters, not pacifists. What's more, the last line suggests something that will be made abundantly clear in later surahs: "Fight in my cause and paradise will be yours."
Muhammad had to be certain the Ansar knew that his party was not fun and games, so he had his "god" say: Qur'an 2:219 "They ask you about wine and gambling. Say: 'In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit.'" But if you are willing to "gamble" your soul on Muhammad's scheme, you'll find rivers flowing with "wine."
After polishing his war manifesto and get rich scheme, Muhammad turned his attention to his next favorite subject - women. Qur'anic Laws were dictated that placed women in submissive roles to men just as men had been placed in submission to Muhammad. To enforce his laws, he said: "Big Brother is watching. You'll be punished if you don't obey me."
The dark spirit returned to the main theme of the surah: "Fight because our enemies have mocked us and we hate them." The infidels were called a series of childish names. Then Muhammad convoluted Bible stories to make his crusade appear religious. These twisted portrayals continued through verse 257. A delusional trip down Jewish memory lane followed. Muhammad's twisted story of Abraham was as different from the original account as it was vulgar and insulting. Next, Allah attempted rational religious thought. His stories were moral and Biblically inspired. But sadly, even the more rational passages focused on taxes, of which Muhammad was beneficiary. This led to a rant on interest and a discussion of business contracts starting in verse 275. The motivation: Muslims borrowed money from the Jews to survive. These sections were short on spirituality and long on pent-up rage.
Qur'an 2:244 "Fight in Allah's Cause, and know that Allah hears and knows all." 002:245 "Who is he that will loan Allah a beautiful loan, which Allah will double to his credit and multiply many times?" Allah's boy was broke and was begging for money.
All Muhammad had to do to justify his new behavior was bastardize Hebrew scripture. Qur'an 2:246 "Have you not considered the chiefs of the Jews after Moses? They said to a prophet of theirs: Raise up for us a king, (that) we may fight in Allah's Cause. He said: 'Would you refrain from fighting if fighting were prescribed for you?' They said: 'How could we refuse to fight in Allah's Cause, seeing that we were turned out of our homes?' But when they were commanded to fight, they turned back, except a small band." According to Allah, peace is wrong.
Some of the most incriminating Qur'anic errors are those in which Muhammad transparently projects his words and situation into the mouths and times of Jewish leaders. The Islamic scriptures have a complete disregard for time. Saul wasn't a contemporary of Moses. Therefore, in the context of history, this conversation was impossible. As such, it means either that Allah was a nincompoop or that Muhammad was an incompetent prophet, or both. Qur'an 2:247 "Their Prophet said: 'Allah has appointed Talut [Saul] as king over you.' They said: 'How can he exercise authority over us when we are better fitted than he, and he is not gifted with wealth?' He said: 'Allah has chosen him above you in preference to you, and has gifted him with knowledge, physique, and stature: Allah grants His authority to whom He pleases.'"
Qur'an 2:256 "There is no compulsion in religion." That would be tolerant if Allah didn't abrogate the verse by proclaiming: Qur'an 4:90 "If they turn back from Islam, becoming renegades, seize them and kill them wherever you find them."
The second surah ends with Allah's lap dog telling his people what his master wanted to hear: Qur'an 2:285 "The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him, (as do) the believers. Each believes in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. 'We make no distinction between His Messengers.' And they say: 'We hear and obey.'" The only reason such foolishness survived was the Islamic code: "We hear and obey." Muslims don't think; they obey. They don't believe, they surrender.
Muslims, like Germans, were deceived by an anti-Semitic charlatan: Bukhari:V7B71N662 "Allah's Apostle said, 'Eloquent speech is as effective as magic.'" Bukhari:V9B87N127 "The Prophet said, 'I have been given eloquent speech and have been awarded victory by terror so the treasures of the earth are mine.'"
The former wannabe prophet, turned pedophile pirate, was a racist tyrant: Bukhari:V9B89N256 "Allah's Apostle said, 'You should listen to and obey your ruler even if he is a black African slave whose head looks like a raisin।'" He required obedience, not faith: Bukhari:V9B89N258 "The Prophet said, 'A Muslim has to listen to and obey the order of his ruler whether he likes it or not.'" Hitler and Muhammad were cut from the same cloth. Hitler was stopped, Mein Kampf was exposed, and Nazism was eradicated, as they could not coexist with a civilized world. Haven't Muhammad, the Qur'an, and Islam earned the same fate?


Surah Context and Overview मटेरिअल

Let's move more deeply into the second year of the Islamic Era to see how Muhammad perpetrated his fraud. Tabari VII:24 "Allah changed the Muslim Qiblah from Jerusalem to the Ka'aba in the second year of residence in Medina. The people used to pray toward Jerusalem. He used to raise his head to see what he would be commanded. This was abrogated in favor of the Ka'aba," the true source of his inspiration.
When the prophet arrived in Yathrib he demeaned the Ka'aba, as this conversation with his new - real new - wife suggests: Bukhari:V4B55N587 "The Apostle said to Aisha: 'Don't you see that your folk did not build the Ka'aba on the foundations built by Abraham.' I said, 'O Apostle! Why don't we rebuild it on them?' He said, 'But for the fact your folk have recently given up infidelity.' Umar agreed. 'Aisha must have heard this from Allah's Apostle for he never touched the two corners facing Al-Hijr because the House had not been built on the right foundations.'" Confession is good for the soul.
But this disdain could not last. Jerusalem was claimed by the God of the Jews and was in their land. For Muhammad to be important, for him to succeed in his quest, he needed something close at hand. Perhaps the Ka'aba could be buffed up a bit - legitimized by a little plagiarized and situational scripture. Bukhari:V6B60N17/21 "While some people were offering prayer a man came and said, 'Qur'anic Literature has been revealed to Allah's Apostle tonight. He is ordered to face the Ka'aba at Mecca, so you should turn your faces towards it.' At that moment they were facing Jerusalem so they turned to the Ka'aba."
Allah was always so accommodating. Bukhari:V6B60N13 "The Prophet prayed facing Jerusalem but he wished that his Qiblah would be the Ka'aba at Mecca so Allah Revealed a Qur'an. A man who had prayed with him went out and said, 'I swear I have prayed with the Prophet facing Mecca.' Hearing that, they turned their faces to the Ka'aba while they were still bowing. Some men had died before the Qiblah was changed and we did not know what to say about them (whether their prayers toward Jerusalem were accepted or not)." If the Islamic god was everywhere, all-powerful, ever-listening, always-watching, why would he care which direction a devotee turned in prayer? Why all the fuss? To quote a Meccan: "There must be some motive behind this."
Personally, I think it was to dump on the Jews: Bukhari:V1B4N147 "People say, 'Whenever you sit for answering the call of nature, you should not face the Qiblah of Jerusalem.' I told them. 'Once I went up the roof of our house and I saw Allah's Apostle answering the call of nature while sitting on two bricks facing Jerusalem."
Since this is supposed to be a religion, let's review the first surah revealed in Medina to find a more inspired reason. The 2nd surah, the Qur'an's longest, is really its first surah, as the 1st is "The Prologue," a sixty-word invocation. Its speaker isn't Allah. The 2nd surah, which was the ninetieth received, is called "The Cow" in reference to the golden calf cast by the Israelites during their Exodus nearly 2,000 years before Islam was invented. Muslim scholars acknowledge that the surah was handed down in pieces over the course of a decade.
Maududi, our Qur'anic scholar says: "'The Cow' has been so named from the story of the golden calf associated with Moses. It has not, however, been used as a title to indicate the subject of the surah. It will, therefore, be as wrong to translate the name Al-Baqarah into 'The Co.' as to translate any English name, say Baker, Rice, or Wolf into their equivalents in other languages or vice versa, because this would imply that the surah dealt with the subject of "The Cow.'" This argument is as irrational as it is telling. It goes to the very heart of Muhammad's deception. Names and words are different things. We can and should translate the word for the profession of baker but never the name of a person named Baker. Baqarah is the Arabic word for cow. It is not the name of a cow. Similarly, "il" and "ilah" are Arabic words for god, not the names of gods. Words for things must always be translated, while the personal names of deities and people should never be. Ar-Rahman, Allah, and Yahweh are the personal names of very different gods. Anyone who replaces the name "Allah" with the word "God" is guilty of deceiving their audience and of contradicting the Qur'an.
Maududi goes on to explain: "The greater part of Al-Baqarah was revealed during the first two years of the Prophet's life at Medina. Some of it was revealed at a later period and has been included in this surah because its contents are closely related to those dealt with in this surah. For instance, the verses prohibiting interest were revealed during the last period of the Prophet's life. For the same reason, the last verses of this surah which were revealed in Mecca before the migration of the Prophet." This argument is inconsistent with the Qur'an as a whole. If it were god's plan to have like subjects grouped together, the never-ending argument and related depictions of hellish torments wouldn't be randomly strewn throughout the book. All things related to Moses would be brought together, not disseminated in two-dozen surahs. Further, the last verses are unrelated to the business discussion preceding them. They are therefore out of context and chronology.
A perfect book cannot by definition be disordered. Yet there is a larger problem. This surah contains the verse on abrogation which says: "Whenever We cancel a message or throw it into oblivion, We replace it with a better one." Without dismembering the entire Qur'an so that every line follows the revelation that immediately preceded it, the "cancel and replace" concept is futile. How is anyone to know which verses Allah "threw into oblivion?" Without context and chronology, the "cancel and replace" verse renders the entire Qur'an irrelevant. If one line encourages slavery and another condones it, which is to be believed? If one verse says that infidels are to be taxed to death and others order them put to death, what are Muslims to do?
The answer is obvious, but apparently not to Muslims (or those in our statehouses, media, and pulpits) who coddle Islam. A "god" who changes his mind repeatedly over a score of years and needs a verse to deal with his contradictions cannot be "God." A religion devoted to a false spirit isn't worth protecting - especially when it motivates men to murder.
Maududi wasn't finished incriminating his religion. "At Mecca the Qur'an generally addressed the Quraysh who were ignorant of Islam. At Medina it was concerned with the Jews who were acquainted with the unity of Allah, Prophethood, Revelation, the Hereafter and angels. They also professed to believe in the law which was revealed by Allah to their Prophet Moses, and in principle, their way was the same Islam that was being taught by Prophet Muhammad." Like all things Islam, the truth has been inverted. The reason both Jews and Muslims believed in prophets, revelation, and angels was because Muhammad stole these concepts, words, and names from them.
Further, Jews believed in the oneness of Yahweh - not in some pathetic pagan rock idol named Allah. They knew that the dark spirit of the Qur'an was Lucifer. It's obvious to anyone familiar with the Bible. Yahweh used his name 6,868 times in his scriptures. In addition, every seventieth Hebrew letter in the Torah's central book - Leviticus - forms YHWH, bringing the grand total to a perfect 7,000. Allah's name was never mentioned. The closest Hebrew word means "oak tree." The Jews had a word for god, too. It was "el," and they used it when describing pagan idols like the Islamic deity.
As for "the Jewish way" being "the same Islam," that's donkey dung. Jewish prophets predicted the future and condemned immoral behavior. The Islamic prophet authorized immoral behavior and condemned the future. They are opposites.
Torah means "instructions" not "laws," but either way those guidelines were summarized in the Ten Commandments. Muhammad declared war on all of them, as did his god. They could not have been chiseled in stone by the rock idol who established a false doctrine promoting theft and murder.
I would like to give Maududi another chance, since this is the fulcrum surah of the Qur'an. More changed than just the Qiblah. He wrote, "The Jews had strayed away from Islam during the centuries of degeneration and had adopted many un-Islamic creeds, rites, and customs of which there was no mention and for which there was no sanction in the Torah. Not only this: they had tampered with the Torah by inserting their own explanations and interpretations into its text. They had distorted even that part of the Word of God which had remained intact in their Scriptures and taken out of it the real spirit of true religion and were now clinging to a lifeless frame of rituals." This is the very heart of the matter. It is the Qur'an's justification, its sole tenuous hope of authenticity. It is the reason for the change in Qiblah, and the impetus behind Islamic hatred and Muslim militancy.
If Islam were not so ruthless, so fixated upon submission for the benefit of cleric and king, this assertion would have killed it. The claim that the Torah was inspired by Allah and its characters were Muslims requires it to have been corrupted beyond recognition. The Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls prove beyond any doubt that tampering did not occur. Since archeology has proven that the Jews did not distort the Torah, the Qur'an is a lie. Muhammad deceived men on behalf of a god no bigger than the rock he occupied.
However, it was not all as simple as that. The dark spirit that inspired Muhammad to make these preposterous claims was in a predicament himself. He (like his prophet) was covetous, so Lucifer wanted what belonged to Yahweh: the Jews and their Torah. It is no coincidence that a race representing a tiny fraction of one percent of the world's population became the victim of Islam's wrath. It should be no surprise that modern history's most famous occultist, Adolf Hitler, also wrapped himself in Bible symbols and picked the same enemy. They were both possessed by the same spirit. I dedicated the "Bad Boys" chapter in Tea With Terrorists to exposing the similarities between these men and their doctrines. I encourage you to read it if you haven't already.
Considering that Muhammad indulged in pedophilia, led a dozen terrorist raids, inspired thievery, kidnapping, and murder, and said that his "spirit" approved such things, Maududi's comments are astonishing: "Consequently their [Jewish] beliefs, their morals and their conduct had gone to the lowest depths of degeneration. The pity is that they were not only satisfied with their condition but loved to cling to it. Besides this, they had no inclination to accept any kind of reform. So they became bitter enemies of those who came to teach them the Right Way and did their worst to defeat every effort. Though they were originally Muslims, they had swerved from real Islam and made alterations in it and had fallen victims to hair splitting. They had forgotten and forsaken Allah so much so that they had even given up their original name 'Muslim' and adopted the name 'Jew' instead. They made religion the sole monopoly of the Jews." Islam is apparently contagious. Maududi has become delusional.
It's pathetic that Islamic clerics have to lie to make their prophet, scripture, god, and religion appear believable. These ideas are preposterous, wholly incongruous with history and reason. And while countless clerics have mumbled foolish things on behalf of their meal ticket, this is not Maududi's interpretation. This gross deception is proclaimed throughout the Qur'an.
I recognize that we have been over this material before, but it's essential that you appreciate the impossibility of Islam's position. For Yahweh to have been Allah, for Jerusalem to have been Mecca, for the Temple to have been the Ka'aba, for Judaism to have been Islam, for Jews to have been Muslims most every word on most every page of the Bible would have had to have been corrupted, as would world history. While there is no intersection of history and Islam prior to Muhammad's death, Judeo-Christianity lived in the crossroads of nations. Imagine millions of people not knowing who they were, where they were, what they were doing, or why. Imagine dismembering thousands of Torahs, Books of the Prophets, and Psalms in a massive conspiratorial fashion so that they would all be the exactly the same - so that they would all deny their name, their purpose, their city, their temple, their God. Not only would thousands of (at the time nonexistent) Islamic symbols, names, and places have had to have been edited out, the Jewish symbols, names and places would have had to have been surreptitiously and universally substituted. And for what - to foil a demon-possessed, dictatorial tyrant who wouldn't be born for 2,000 years? But alas, it is no greater leap of faith to believe the impossible corruption occurred than to believe that Islam is divine.
The reason I encouraged you to read about Biblical archeology was so that you might have an appreciation for the magnitude of this deception. The 20th century brought an explosion of historically-based Biblical verifications. Virtually every place, person, custom, and event depicted in the Bible has been shown to have been grounded in history. And every single archeological artifact, from Noah to Abraham, from Moses to Christ, is evidenced scripturally and dated to a time preceding Mecca's existence. Since the historically-verified people, places, and dates correspond perfectly to the Biblical account, things cannot be as the Qur'an protests. Islam is a lie.
One last dose of Maududi is in order: "A tiny Islamic State had been set up with the help of the Ansar (local supporters), so naturally the Qur'an had to turn its attention to the social, economic, political and legal matters. This accounts for the difference between the surahs revealed at Mecca and Medina. Half of this surah deals with regulations essential for the solidarity of a community." At least we agree on one thing: Islam was more about politics than religion - and we should treat it as such.
To understand the 2nd surah we must view it in the context of Yathrib, a town ten times the size of Mecca. It was principally a Jewish community. The Yathrib Jews were considerably more literate and prosperous than those who had mocked Muhammad's prophetic credentials in Mecca. Thin-skinned and insecure, the wannabe prophet chafed at the verbal abuse. As he had with the Meccans, Muhammad unleashed his "god's" wrath on his tormentors.
Ibn Ishaq devotes forty pages, five percent of his Sira, to Muhammad's awkward transition from wanting to be the Jewish Messiah to being the Jew's mortal enemy. The prophet goes from being dependent upon the Jews for scriptural inspiration to condemning their scriptures. In the process he becomes a pathological liar. Everything he says of himself, his god, and his scriptures is not only false, the opposite is true.
The first 176 verses of the 2nd surah are devoted to Muhammad's newfound critics. Allah eagerly details the punishments that await Jews, putting the Qur'an in the untenable position of attacking the book, people, and religion that inspired it. Let's see why.
Ishaq:239 "About this time Jewish rabbis showed hostility to the Apostle in envy, hatred, and malice, because Allah had chosen His Apostle from the Arabs. The Jews considered the Prophet a liar and strove against Islam." Clearly, the Jews were not deceived.
"The Aus and Khazraj joined the Jews by obstinately clinging to their heathen religion. They were hypocrites. When Islam appeared and their people flocked to it, they were compelled to pretend to accept it to save their lives." This means that fundamental Islam, the Islam of the prophet Muhammad, was so immoral, intolerant, and violent, Arabs had to feign support to keep from getting killed. In that regard it was no different than Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia. And Islam hasn't changed one iota. Every Muslim in every Islamic nation is still "compelled to pretend to accept it to save their lives."
Ishaq:239 "Jewish rabbis used to annoy the Apostle with questions, introducing confusion." There was a reason neither prophet nor god tolerated questions. To know Muhammad, Allah, and Islam is to be disgusted by them. Their doctrine is a lie, their behavior is despicable, and the result is murderous.
"Qur'ans used to come down in reference to their questions." Ishaq lists the sixty Jewish inquisitors by name. Then: Ishaq:240 "Labid bewitched Allah's Apostle so that he could not come at his wives [apparently he became as impotent as his god]. These Jewish rabbis opposed the apostle, they asked questions and stirred up trouble against Islam trying to extinguish it." They may have failed, but their legacy can help us today.
Alfred Guillaume, the scholar who translated Ibn Ishaq's Life of Muhammad into English, adds a worrisome footnote to the end of the "bewitched" allegation. He said, "The best Islamic scholars attest that this Tradition is sound. Other sources explain that the spell lasted for a year. But modernists reject the Tradition on the ground that prophets cannot be bewitched, otherwise they would sin and contradict Allah's Qur'an. They agree the Hadith is properly attested (i.e., its isnad or chain of transmitters is sound) but don't believe it is acceptable for prophets to be afflicted by sorcery."
Fortunately, there is a test to determine the influence of sorcery: Were the prophet's motivations caring or covetous; were his words truthful or deceitful; were his deeds just or immoral? You make the call.
As you ponder the source of Muhammad's inspiration, think about why spiritual inquiry would "stir up trouble" for a religion. Since a true prophet is called to reveal truth by answering questions, why would one object to them?
Ishaq tells us that one Jew was deceived, selling his soul for a buck. His name, according to Muhammad, was Abd Allah ibn Salam. But I find that hard to believe. The Arabic and Hebrew word for Jew is Yahuwdiy - as in the followers of Yahweh, not slaves-to-Allah. So this is just another Islamic deception. Ishaq:240 "I concealed the matter from the Jews and then went to the Apostle and said, 'The Jews are a nation of liars and I want you to give me a house and hide me from them." The Jews were not a nation in the seventh century, which made at least one Jew a liar. "'If they learn I've become a Muslim, they'll utter slanderous lies against me.' So the prophet gave me a house, and when the Jews came, I emerged and said, 'O Jews, fear Allah and accept what He has sent you. For you know that he is the Apostle of Allah. You will find him described in your Torah and even named.' They accused me of lying and reviled me. I told Muhammad, 'The Jews are a treacherous, lying, and evil people.'"
Did "Abd Allah" betray God for a house? Here are some clues: "allah" means "oak tree" in Hebrew, so this man's name was "slave-to-a-tree." He said "your Torah" not our Torah. He claimed that Muhammad was "described" in it when in fact no prophet was ever described in scripture. The Jews didn't believe in "Apostles;" that was a Christian thing. "Apostle" comes from the Greek word "apostolos" which means "ambassador." Jews never evangelized. The name "Muhammad" does not appear anywhere in the Bible. Lastly, a learned Jew would quote the Torah reference, and none was mentioned.
Ishaq:241 "Mukhayriq was a learned rabbi owning much property in date palms. He recognized the Apostle by his description and felt a predilection for his religion. He violated the Sabbath to fight on behalf of Islam and was killed in battle. I am told the Prophet used to say, 'Mukhayriq is the best of the Jews [a dead one].' The Apostle took his property."
Ishaq:242 "Julas the Jew used to say, 'If Muhammad is right we are worse than donkeys.' Allah sent down concerning him: 'They swear that they did not say it, when they did say the words of unbelief.... Allah will afflict them with a painful punishment in this world and in the next.'" [Qur'an 9:75] "God" must have been a bit tardy with his condemnation as the 9th surah wouldn't be "handed down" for another nine years. Ishaq:242 "The Apostle ordered Umar to kill him, but he escaped to Mecca."
This next Hadith sports a long and distinguished isnad. There must be a reason. Ishaq:243 "I have heard the Apostle say: 'Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal.' He was a sturdy black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks. He used to come and talk with the Prophet and listen to him. He would carry what he had said to the hypocrites. Nabtal said, 'Muhammad is all ears. If anyone tells him something he believes it.' Allah sent down concerning him: 'To those who annoy the Prophet and say that he is all ears, say, 'Good ears for you.' For those who annoy the Apostle there is a painful punishment." [Qur'an 9:61] "Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, 'If a black man comes to you, his heart is more gross than a donkey's.'" The Islamic prophet was an equal-opportunity racist. It was so tolerant of him. I wonder if Louis Farrakhan ever preached from this Hadith?
The "he is all ears" line is telling. It's possible a Jew told Muhammad he was "mentioned in their scriptures." Not being able to read, he believed what he heard.
Ishaq:243 "Muhammad promised that we would enjoy the treasures of the Persians and Romans but it isn't safe for us to go to the privy.' So Allah revealed: 'The hypocrites and those with diseased hearts say Allah and His Apostle have promised nothing but delusion." [Qur'an 33:12] Privy or not, this stinks. Muhammad lured Muslims into Islam with promises of booty. It's another confirmation of the Profitable Prophet Plan.
Ishaq and Tabari disagree as to when this conversation occurred and when the charge was leveled. While I agree with the Historian's timing, the message is really all that matters so I'm going to cover these Hadith as they arise in both chronologies. Ishaq:244 "Hatib was a sturdy man steeped in paganism. Yazid, his son, was one of the best Muslims when he was disabled by wounds. At the point of death, Muslims said, 'Rejoice, son of Hatib, in the thought of Paradise.' Then his father's hypocrisy showed it self. He said, 'Humph! It is a Garden of Rue. You have sent my son to his death by your deception.' Concerning him, Allah said: 'Argue not on behalf of those who deceive themselves. Allah does not love a sinful deceiver.'" [Qur'an 4:107] I am bereaved of words.
Muhammad was not. Ishaq:245 "The Apostle used to say, 'He belongs to the people of Hell.' Yet he had fought valiantly and killed many polytheists. So when he became severely wounded Muslims said, 'Cheer up, you have done gallantly and your sufferings have been for Allah's sake.' "Why should I cheer up? I fought to protect my people.' When the pain of his wounds became unbearable he took an arrow from his quiver, slit his wrist and committed suicide. He was suspected of hypocrisy and love of Jews. This poem was written of him: 'Who will tell him that by cutting his vein he won't be glorified in Islam? Do you love Jews and their religion, you liver-hearted ass, and not Muhammad? Their religion will never march with ours.'" With each new line Muhammad's heart grew darker and his spirit became more aligned with Lucifer's. His reactions to the boy's death and his father's suffering were perverse. And he was responsible. He had deceived him. And while that's bad, consider the damage done to Islam. The Torah and Qur'an were supposed to be the same. Islam was supposed to be uncorrupted Judaism; but now: "Their religion will never march with ours."
Ishaq:245 "I have heard that Julas the Jew used to make false professions of Islam. So Allah sent down: 'Satan wishes to lead them astray.'" [Qur'an 4:63] Yes, he does.
This is one of many verses Allah uses to coax young Muslim boys into becoming terrorists. Ishaq:245 "O Muhammad, give me permission to stay at home and don't tempt me to fight.' So Allah sent down: 'Of him who says, "Give me leave to stay home and tempt me not," surely it is into temptation they have fallen and Hell encompasses them.' [Qur'an 9:49]" The Qur'an says that peaceful Muslims who refuse the temptation of booty for fighting jihad in Allah's Cause will be roasted in hell.
Ishaq:246 "The surah of the Hypocrites came down because some men sent secret messages to the Nadir Jews when the Apostle besieged them. So Allah sent down, "Have you not considered the Hypocrites who say to their brethren, the People of the Book [Jews], 'We shall never obey anyone against you. If you are attacked [by the Muslims] and driven out we will help you. Allah bears witness that they are liars. Like Satan when he says to men, "Disbelieve."' [Qur'an 59:11] This surah goes on to say: Qur'an 59:14 "They are a divided people devoid of sense. There is a grievous punishment awaiting them. Satan tells them not to believe so both of them will end up in Hell." Other Hadith say this surah was handed down regarding the expulsion of the Qaynuqa Jews, and the confiscation of their property, rather than the Nadir.
The 59th surah, called "Confrontation" , was one of many anti-Semitic rants. Highlights include: Qur'an 59:2 "It was He [Allah] who drove the [Jewish] People of the Book from their [Medina] homes and into exile. They refused to believe. You did not think that they would go away. And they imagined that their settlement would protect them against Allah. But Allah's [actually Muhammad's]. (torment) came at them from where they did not suspect and terrorized them. Their homes were destroyed. So learn a lesson O men who have eyes. This is My warning. Had Allah not decreed the expulsion of the Jews, banishing them into the desert, He would certainly have punished them in this world, and in the next they shall taste the torment of Hell Fire."
Why, you may wonder, were the Jews terrorized? Why were their homes stolen and destroyed? Why were Jewish families pushed into the desert to die? Why does Allah want to abuse them? Qur'an 59:4 "That is because they resisted Allah and opposed His Messenger. If any one resists Allah, verily Allah is severe in Punishment, stern in reprisal." Qur'an 59:6 "What Allah gave as booty to His Messenger He has taken away from them. For this you made no raid. Allah gives His Messenger Lordship over whomsoever He wills. Allah is Able to do all things. Whatever booty Allah has given to His Messenger and taken away from the [Jewish] people of the townships, belongs to Allah and to His Messenger.... So take what the Messenger assigns to you, and deny yourselves that which he withholds from you. Fear Allah; Allah is Severe in Punishment." Someone may have spoken more demented words than these but surely none ever attributed them to "God." To call Muhammad an anti-Semitic psychopath is too kind.
Three of Muhammad's greatest flaws were included in his racist rant. He was greedy. He wanted the entire spoil for himself. Muhammad had his god say that the Muslim militants who besieged the Jewish settlement weren't entitled to anything. A blockade, according to the dark spirit, was less deserving of booty than a terrorist raid. Muhammad was abusive. When the Jews wouldn't submit to his authority, and crown him Messiah, he starved a thousand families into submission. He stole their homes, property, businesses, and money. He threw them into the desert to die. Muhammad was also delusional. Having had his mercenaries blockade the township, the prophet said that it was really his god who had terrorized them. Then, he assuaged his guilt by saying that had he not cast the Jews out and stolen their homes his spirit buddy would have dealt them an even more vicious blow.
For emphasis, I edited the means to this madness out of the passage. Muhammad bribed his mercenaries. He stole to acquire and motivate raiders. He literally bought their loyalty. Check out what followed the ellipsis in the verse: "Whatever booty Allah has given to His Messenger and taken away from the people of the townships belongs to Allah and to His Messenger [....] for near relations (of Muhammad) [his family and wives], the orphans [himself and the children of his dead raiders], and the needy wayfarers [his Meccan loyalists]." In later Hadiths, Muhammad will admit using spoils to buy loyalty. While the mercenary nature of the first Muslims is strongly implied here, it will become blatantly obvious with time.
One last note before we return to Ishaq's narrative. What was Allah going to do with the stolen property? Did Muhammad throw booty toward the Ka'aba and ask Allah to grab whatever he wanted? Or was this all a ruse?
Ishaq attempts to prove that the profiteer was a prophet too. Ishaq:246 "Jewish rabbis who took refuge in Islam hypocritically, said one day after Muhammad's camel had wondered off, 'He alleges that revelations come to him from heaven yet he doesn't even know where his camel is.' When the Apostle heard what this enemy of Allah said, Allah told him where his camel was. 'It's in such-in-such a glen.' Surely it was in that very spot."
One day the wind blew: Ishaq:246 "The Prophet said, 'Don't be afraid; the wind is blowing because a great unbeliever is dead.' When he got back to Medina he found that a hypocrite had died the day the wind blew."
The prophet's preaching must have been as uninspired as his scripture because: Ishaq:246 "These Hypocrites used to assemble in the mosque and listen to the stories of the Muslims and laugh and scoff at their religion. So Muhammad ordered that they should be ejected. They were thrown out with great violence. Abu went to Amr, who was a custodian of the gods. He took his foot and dragged him out of the mosque. Another Muslim slapped a man's face while dragging him forcefully. 'Keep out of the Apostle's mosque, you Hypocrite.' he said. Another was punched in the chest and knocked down. One was pulled violently by his hair. 'Don't come near the Apostle's mosque again for you are unclean.' The first hundred verses of the Cow surah came down in reference to these Jewish rabbis and Hypocrites." Fundamental Islam at its best.
The Hadith goes on to explain the purpose of the religion: Ishaq:247 "It is a guide for those who fear Allah's punishment. It is for those who believe in the unseen, perform prostrations, share what Allah provides with the Apostle, and pay the zakat tax expecting a reward." Then speaking of the Jews, Muhammad claims his "god" said: Ishaq:248 "Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing, blinding them so that they will never find guidance. And that is because they have declared you a liar and they do not believe in what has come down from their Lord to you even though they believe in all that came down before you. For opposing you they will have an awful punishment." According to Muhammad, the reason the Jews rejected him had nothing to do with his hypocrisy, his acting like a pirate while pretending to be a prophet. It had nothing to do with the demented nature of his scripture. Their denial was a miracle from "god." How's that for delusional?
Healing the sick wasn't part of Allah's repertoire: Ishaq:248 "Allah increases their sickness. A tormented doom awaits the Jews." The terrorist spirit known as: "Allah said, 'They are mischief makers. They are fools. The Jews deny the truth and contradict what the Apostle has brought.' Allah said, 'I will mock them and let them continue to wander blindly.'" Muhammad was personally guilty of everything he falsely attributed to the Jews. As a terrorist raider, he was a "mischief maker." He was a "fool denying truth." And it was Muhammad who "contradicted" the Torah, twisting Hebrew scripture to serve his interests.
Arabs and Jews alike were openly doubting the prophet's preposterous claims: Ishaq:249 "The Apostle calls you to the truth about which there is no doubt. And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down to him or in doubt about what he says, then produce a surah like it and summon witnesses other than Allah. But you won't because you can't for the truth is beyond doubt. Fear Hell, whose fuel is men and stones prepared for the infidels.'" Posturing, propaganda, and threats are standard rhetoric for despots everywhere. Most are more credible than Muhammad, however.
Inviting Jews to Islam, the prophet preached: Ishaq:250 "Stand in awe of Me lest I bring down on you what I brought down on your fathers. The vengeance that you know of, the bestial transformation and the like." Turning Jews into apes and swine was Allah's perverse rendition of bestiality.
"Believe in what I have sent down, confirming what you already have. Be not the first to disbelieve it." (Qur'an 2:41) The Jews weren't in a race. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's ironic in a way. Had the Jews not been in Yathrib, Islam would never have survived. Without the money Muhammad confiscated by stealing Jewish homes, property, and businesses, and selling Jewish women and children into slavery, he wouldn't have been able to bribe enough militants to conquer the merchants of Mecca, much less the whole Middle East. Without the scripture he bought from the Yathrib Jews, Muhammad wouldn't have had enough religious material to make the Qur'an appear believable. Void of bastardized Bible stories, Islam's holy book is little more than hellish threats, lewd enticements, racist rants, and a call to war.
Ishaq:250 "Fear Me and do not mingle truth with falsehood or hide the truth which you know. Do not conceal the knowledge which you have about My Messenger. You recognize what he has brought to you because you find it with you in the books that are in your hands. You are readers of scripture. Why do you forbid men to believe in the prophecy you have and in the covenant of the Torah. You must pronounce My Apostle to be true." [Qur'an 2:40] Give a dishonest man enough rope and he will eventually hang himself. Desperately trying to establish his own credibility, Muhammad destroyed the last bastion of Allah's. The line, "you will find it with you in the books that are in your hands," says that the Torah of the seventh century A.D. confirmed Muhammad's Islam. It contained "prophecy" pointing to him. Its "covenant" was what "he brought." According to Allah, the Torah proclaimed the "Apostle was true." But nothing could be further from true. The Masoretic text of Muhammad's day matches today's Torah - verbatim. Read it and weep. Sorry pal, you're dead.
To demonstrate just how feeble Muhammad's mental prowess really was, I present the Sira's next paragraph: Ishaq:250 "Allah said to them, 'Enter the gate with prostrations and say, 'Hitta.' Say what I command you. But they changed that word making a mockery of His command. With regard to their changing that word, the Apostle said according to someone above suspicion: 'They entered the gate they were ordered to enter with prostrations in a crowd saying, 'Wheat is in the barley.'" Yep, the Torah that just anointed Messiahship on the Arab prophet was corrupt. The Jews had edited out the Arabic word "Hitta" from their scriptures, making a mockery of Allah's commands. Unfortunately, the Arabic word wouldn't come to have a written form for 2,000 years. Yet we're told it was edited out of written scripture. If you're curious, "Hitta" means "unloading." It's nonsensical. And "barley and wheat" were associated with the Meccans and their idol Manat (Ishaq:39), not Yahweh and the Jews. Muhammad was as dumb as the rock he called "god." You can fix a lot of things but you can't fix stupid.
The paragraph goes on to report: Ishaq:250 "Allah raised the mountain above the Jews so that they might receive what was brought to them; and the bestial transformation occurred when Allah turned Jews into apes." [Qur'an 2:65] A billion souls believe this beast of a man was a prophet. Sadly, they don't know his spirit was Satanic.
I am certain the Yathrib Jews told him that his Five Pillars conflicted with Yahweh's Ten Commandments. So the prophet who insisted his brand-new Islam confirmed 2000-year-old Judaism said, Ishaq:251 "Moses commanded them to prostrate themselves and his Lord spoke to him and they heard His voice giving them commands and prohibitions so that they understood what they heard. But when Moses went back to the Jews a party of them changed the Commandments they had been given." [Qur'an 2:75] As you might expect, Muhammad didn't bother explaining what the Commandments originally proclaimed, which of the ten the "party" changed, how they corrupted them, why they bothered, or even how they could have gotten away with the most monumental edit of all time.
Muhammad was certain his name and description were plastered throughout the Torah. He actually "believed" (if we can trust him) the "Covenant" between the Jews and Yahweh pertained to him. His arguments were equal parts delusional and egotistical. The following conversation allegedly occurred between Muhammad's "god" and the Yathrib Jews: Ishaq:252 "Have you no understanding? Why do you maintain that he is not a prophet since you know that Allah has made a Covenant with you that you should follow him? While he tells you that he is the prophet whom you are expecting, and that you will find him in Our book, you oppose him and do not recognize him. You reject his prophethood on mere opinion." [Qur'an 2:77] If this is true; if Allah spoke to the Yathrib Jews, why didn't he speak to the Muslims? And since Allah alleges that he wrote the Torah, why didn't he tell the Jews where to look for descriptions of his Arab prophet? All this verse actually proves is that Muhammad claimed to be the Messiah.
The next Hadith explains how Muhammad came to speak about Yahweh's 7,000-year plan. Ishaq:252 "The Apostle came to Medina when the Jews were saying the world would last 7,000 years and that God would only punish men in hell one day for every thousand. Allah sent down: 'And they say, "The fire will not touch us except for a few days... so they became the people of hell where they will live forever." [Qur'an 2:80] Like everything Muhammad stole from the Bible, he was right up to his point of departure. By putting Yahweh's prophetic calendar together, one discovers that seven distinct one thousand-year periods follow the fall of Adam. There is no reference to hellish days, however, and Muhammad misdated himself in the mix, wrongly predicting that the world would end in the year 1110 A.D. Since our current calendar is as pagan as Islam's, I cannot pinpoint where we are in this chronology, but there is considerable reason to believe that the sixth one thousand-year period will end during the Feast of the Tabernacles in 2033 A.D., following seven years of extreme tribulation at the hands of Satan and Islam.
Showing that Allah didn't know the difference between a covenant and a commandment, Muhammad claims he said: Ishaq:252 "We made a covenant with the Children of Israel, which is your covenant. Worship none but Allah, show kindness to parents, near relatives, and orphans. Speak kindly to men, establish obligatory prayer, and pay the zakat." [Qur'an 2:80] The Bible speaks of seven Covenants. They are agreements, not commandments. Some are unilateral, including the one Islam claims to be modeled after - the Covenant with Abraham. In it, Yahweh made promises but asked for nothing in return. The New Covenant, first presented by Jeremiah and fulfilled by Yahshua, is also unilateral. Yahweh promises salvation, eternity with him; all we can do is accept his gift.
Islam's Five Pillars which are hinted at here, are commandments, not agreements. Allah makes no promises. Further, there was never a "worship none but Allah," "speak kindly," "prostration prayer," or "zakat" tax agreement, covenant, or commandment in the Bible.
Projecting his faults on his opponents, in this case the Jews - speaking unkindly of them and killing their parents - was something Muhammad did with great regularity. He would soon violate all of these commandments he had wrongly called covenants. Although we are still in the same paragraph, it appears that Allah is now speaking to the Jews: Ishaq:253 "When we made a covenant with you, saying 'Shed not your blood and do not turn people out of their dwellings.' you ratified it. Yet you take prisoners and ransom them and expel people although it is forbidden in your religion.... Allah cursed them for their unbelief. When a scripture comes to them from Allah confirming what they already have, they deny it. Allah's curse is on them." [Qur'an 2:82] The Jews did none of these things. Muhammad did them all.
The following Hadith is one of many that show Muhammad tried to pass himself off as the Messiah. Ishaq:254 "In the pagan era the Jews were scripture folk and we were pagans. They used to say, 'Soon a prophet will be sent whom we shall follow.' When Allah sent his Apostle from the Quraysh and we followed him they denied him. Allah revealed, 'When there comes to him one they recognize, they deny him. They are wretched, so Allah cursed them, and He will give them a shameful punishment.' The double anger is His wrath because they have disregarded the Torah and anger because they disbelieved in this Prophet whom Allah has sent to them." [Qur'an 2:89] The false prophet was as similar to the Anti-Christ, and as dissimilar to the Messiah as any man who has ever lived.
There is nothing Muhammad wanted more than for the Jews to proclaim that he was the Messiah. And when they didn't (for a thousand obvious reasons), he turned his wrath on them: Ishaq:254 "Long for death [Jews], if you are truthful. Pray that God will kill whichever one of us is the most false. The Jews refused the Prophet's dare." This is not only childish, it's damning. The point of contention was whether Muhammad was the Messiah, or at least a prophet sent by God. The Jews (and the Bible) said, "No." Muhammad and his Qur'an said, "Yes." So he dared the Jews to have God kill the biggest liar.
"Allah said to His Prophet, 'They will never accept your dare because of their past deeds. But they recognize you from the knowledge they have. Yet they deny. Had they accepted your dare, not a single Jew would have remained alive on the earth. [Qur'an 2:94]" Muhammad wanted the Jews to accept something he believed would have led to their annihilation. He wanted them wiped them out to the last - every Jew dead. So did his god. Qur'an 8:7 "Allah wished to confirm the truth by His words, 'Wipe the Unbelievers out to the last.'" Genocide. The paragraph ends with: Ishaq:254 "We will not remove a Jew from the punishment. The Jew knows the shameful thing that awaits him in the next life because he has wasted the knowledge he has." [Qur'an 2:96]
Tabari, Bukhari, and Ishaq all chronicle a variety of tests Jewish rabbis allegedly put Muhammad through to determine whether he was a prophet speaking on the authority of God as he claimed. They are dated to different times and include some repetitive material. While there is no chance these discussions occurred as they are reported, Muhammad's answers are revealing. Ishaq:255 "Jewish rabbis came to the Apostle and asked him to answer four questions saying, 'If you do so we will follow you, testify to your truth, and believe in you.' They began, 'Why does a boy resemble his mother when the semen comes from the father.' Muhammad replied, 'Do you not know that a man's semen is white and thick and a woman's is yellow and thin? The likeness goes with that which comes to the top.' 'Agreed,' the rabbis proclaimed." First, only an imbecile would believe that Jewish rabbis, students of the Torah, would test a prophet's credentials in such a moronic fashion, much less concede he was right. Second, he was wrong. Third, this answer contradicts his earlier testimony in which he claimed that "likeness" was based upon who "discharged first."
Question: "Tell us about your sleep." Answer: "Do you not know that a sleep which you allege I do not have is when the eye sleeps but the heart is awake?" Question: "Tell us about what Israel [Jacob] voluntarily forbade himself." Answer: "Do you not know that the food he loved best was the flesh and milk of camels or perhaps two lobes of liver, kidneys, and fat?" Question: "Tell us about the spirit." Answer: "'Do you not know that it is Gabriel, he who comes to me.' 'Agreed.' the rabbis said. 'But Muhammad, your spirit is an enemy to us, an angel who comes only with violence and the shedding of blood, and were it not for that we would follow you." Anyone familiar with the Bible, and that would include these Jews, would have instantly recognized Muhammad's spirit as that of the fallen angel Lucifer. The description is a perfect fit.
Allah even speaks of Satan in the same paragraph. "So Allah sent down concerning them: 'When the Apostle comes to them from Allah confirming that which they have received in scripture, they put it behind their backs as if they did not know it. They follow that which Satan read concerning the kingdom of Solomon - sorcery.' One of the rabbis said, 'Don't you wonder at Muhammad? He alleges that Solomon was a prophet, and yet he was nothing but a sorcerer.' So Allah sent down, 'Solomon did not disbelieve but Satan did, practicing sorcery.'" [Qur'an 2:101] According to Muhammad and Allah, the Jews read scriptures dictated by Satan. Since Allah claims he dictated the Jewish scriptures, we have been formally introduced.
Ishaq:256 "The Apostle wrote a letter to the Jews of Khaybar [before he annihilated them]. In the name of Allah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim from Muhammad the Apostle of Allah, friend and brother of Moses who confirms what Moses brought [the Torah]. Allah says to you, 'O Scripture folk, and you will find it in your scripture "Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah. Those with him are severe against the unbelievers. You see them bowing, falling prostrate, seeking bounty, and acceptance. The mark of their prostrations is on their foreheads. That is their likeness in the Torah and in the Gospels.'" While the mark of the beast is in the Bible, it serves to prove that Islam is Satanic. As for finding "Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah. Those with him are severe against the unbelievers," written in the Torah and Gospels; I'll become a Muslim and worship Lucifer the moment someone shows me where.
The Hadith continues: Ishaq:256 "Do you find in what He has sent down to you that you should believe in Muhammad? If you do not find that in your scripture then there is no compulsion upon you. 'The right path has been plainly distinguished from erro.' [Qur'an 2:257] so I call you to Allah and His Prophet." Somebody sold this sorry sack a bag of manure. But thankfully, since Muhammad cannot be found in my scripture, there is no compulsion for me, or anyone else, to serve Satan.
Ishaq:256 "The Jews used to ask Muhammad questions which annoyed and confused him." Ishaq:257 "Your situation seems obscure to us, Muhammad." And it remains so.
But team Islam was undeterred. Ishaq:257 "'O Jews, fear Allah and submit, for you used to hope for the Messiah's help against the Arabs when we were pagans. You told us that he would be sent and then told us about him.' A Jew responded, 'Muhammad has not shown us anything we recognize as prophetic. He is not the one we spoke to you about.' So Allah revealed, 'We confirmed what they had, and We sent one they recognized, but they rejected him so We are cursing them.' The Jews replied, 'No Covenant was ever made with us about Muhammad.'" Then turning to face their tormentor, the Medina Jews said, "'Muhammad, you have not brought anything we recognize. And God has not sent down any sign or miracle suggesting that we should believe you.' So Allah said, 'We have sent down to you plain signs and only evildoers disbelieve them.'" The truth hurts. Neither prophet nor god knew how to respond to this scathing indictment.
Ishaq:257 "The Jews told Allah's Messenger, 'Bring us a book. Bring us something down from heaven that we might read it.'" After all this whining and anti-Semitism, Muhammad still didn't have a book. Nothing had been written down much less collated into scripture. Not only couldn't our boy find a prophecy pointing to himself, not only couldn't he perform a miracle, he couldn't even produce a book. But alas, he couldn't have read it if he had.
Ishaq:258 "The Jews used to turn men away from Islam. So Allah said, 'Many of the Scripture folk wish to make you unbelievers after you have believed. They are envious. But be indulgent until Allah gives you his orders [to rob them, rape them, sell them into slavery, and murder them.]" Which is precisely what he would order them to do. (Qur'an 33:25)
Muslims had this right, although not in the way they imagined: Ishaq:262 "'To arms! To arms.' the Muslims said quarreling and boasting among themselves. When this reached the Prophet, he said, 'Muslims, will you act as pagans while I am with you.' They realized that their dissension was due to Satan and the guile of their enemy. Then they went off with the Apostle attentive and obedient."
Like Hitler after him, the anti-Semitic prophet wanted to be sure no one would befriend a Jew. He had plans for them. Ishaq:262 "Some Muslims remained friends with the Jews, so Allah sent down a Qur'an forbidding them to take Jews as friends. From their mouths hatred has already shown itself and what they conceal is worse."
An enemy must be isolated and vilified to be conquered. So Muhammad said, "You believe in their Book [though you don't have a clue what it says] while they deny your book, so you have more right to hate them than they have to hate you."
Ishaq:263 "Abu Bakr went into a Jewish school [there is no mention of him ever going into a Muslim school] and found many pupils gathered around Finhas, a learned rabbi. Bakr told the Jews to fear Allah and submit. He told them that they would find that Muhammad was an Apostle written in the Torah and Gospels." Muhammad's lead general was so unaware he told Jews to look for prophetic confirmation of Muhammad in the Christian Gospels. These boys were dumb. "Finhas replied, 'We are rich compared to Allah. We do not humble ourselves to Allah [read Satan]. He humbles himself to us. We are independent of him, while he needs us. Why does your god ask us to lend him money as your master pretends.' Bakr was enraged and hit Finhas hard in the face [for telling the truth]. Were it not for the treaty between us I would cut off your head, you enemy of Allah. So Allah said, 'They will taste Our punishment of burning.'" [Qur'an 2:7, 11, 24, 27, 39, 81, 85-90, 96, 104, 114, 119, 126, 162, 165-7, 174-5, 196, 201, 206, 211, 217, 257, and 275]
Muhammad's spirit hated Jews. Ishaq:264 "Allah revealed concerning Finhas and the other rabbis: 'Allah issued orders to those who had received the Book [Torah]: 'You are to make it clear to men and not conceal it, yet they cast the Torah behind their backs and sold it for a small price. Wretched was their exchange. They will therefore receive a painful punishment.'" While the Qur'an complains about the Jews selling Muhammad Bible stories a dozen times, this is the most direct confession in the Hadith.
Next, Muhammad puts the caravan before the camel: Ishaq:264 "The Torah confirms what Muhammad brought." Then: "Rifa'a, a notable Jew, spoke to the Apostle, twisting his tongue: 'Give us your attention, Muhammad, so that we can make you understand.' Then he attacked Islam and reviled it. So Allah sent down, 'Allah knows about your enemies. Some of the Jews change words from their contexts and say: "We hear and disobey," twisting their tongues and attacking the religion. But Allah cursed them.' [Qur'an 2:59 & 4:47]" One has to be ignorant or oblivious not to condemn this stuff.
Ishaq:264 "The Jewish rabbis knew that Muhammad had brought them the truth, but they denied that they knew it. They were obstinate. So Allah revealed, 'People of the Book, believe in what we have sent down in confirmation of what you had been given before or We will efface your features and turn your face into your ass, cursing you.'" Allah was such a loving and nurturing spirit.
The Jews said: Ishaq:269 "'Tell us when the Day of Doom will be, Muhammad, if you are a prophet as you say.' So Allah sent down, 'They will ask you about the hour when it will come to pass. Say, only my Lord knows of it. None but He will reveal it at its proper time. Say, 'Only Allah knows about it but most men do not know.'" In other words, neither Muhammad or Allah were prophets. And since the Mighty Mo claimed to be the last messenger, who was going to share Allah's big surprise? "'How can we follow you, Muhammad, when you have abandoned our Qiblah? And you do not allege that Uzayr [who knows?] is the son of God.' So Allah revealed, 'The Jews say that Uzayr is the son of God [no they don't] and the Christians say the Messiah is the son of God. That is what they say with their mouths, copying the speech of those who disbelieved in the earlier times. Allah fight them! How perverse are they?'" That's so stupid, I'm speechless.
Trying to reason with the man, the Jews said: Ishaq:269 "'For our part we don't see how your Qur'an recitals are arranged anything like our Torah is.' [So Muhammad who couldn't read said,] 'you know quite well that the Qur'an is from Allah. You will find it written in the Torah which you have.'" Sorry, you won't find any mention of the Qur'an in any Torah. Not in the original from 1200 B.C., not from the Septuagint from 275 B.C., not in any of the Dead Sea Scrolls, dating from 250 B.C. to 70 A.D., not in the "Torah which they had" in 625 A.D., nor in one from 2003. Since the most important and oft repeated claim in Muhammad's prophetic career was false, Muhammad was a false prophet. It's as simple as that.
Yet the charlatans bragged: Ishaq:269 "'If men and jinn [demons] came together to produce its like they could not।' Finhas said, 'Did men or jinn tell you this, Muhammad।' [The answer was yes to both, but he said,] 'You know full well that the Qur'an is from Allah and that I am the Apostle of Allah. You will find it written in the Torah you have.' The rabbi replied, 'When God sends a prophet, He provides for him, so bring us a book that is divinely inspired that we may read it and determine if you are telling the truth. We can produce our Book.'" Unable to produce so much as a single chapter, Muhammad and his god retreated to the state of denial, their most familiar territory. "So Allah revealed, concerning their words, 'Say, "Though men and jinn should meet to produce this Qur'an, they would not produce its like, even working together."'" Let's see if Allah is right.


  1. हम तो पढ़ते ही जा रहे हैं...
    किस्तों की संख्या बढ़ा दें तो अच्छा हो। ब्लॉग जगत में लोगों के पास इतना लंबा पढ़ने का धैर्य नहीं होता।
    लोग पढ़ेंगे ही नहीं तो यह नेक कोशिश बेकार चली जाएगी।

  2. बेहतर है, पोस्ट की लंबाई की चिंता मत किजीये...लोग रुक करके पढ़ेंगे और जरूर पढ़ेंगे...अदभुत तार्किक अंदाज है...इसी की जरूरत थी...लमलेटबाजी बहुत दिनों से चल रहा है...अब शायद लोगों के अक्ल का घोड़ा बिना लगाम का दौड़े....

  3. beta hamne us momin ko thikane lagaya tha,,,,use to quran shabd bhi hamne samjhaya tu to utni bhi aqal nahin rakhta,,tu to lafz ghalat ko galat likhta he,,,,ha ha ha ha

    विचार करें कि मुहम्मद सल्ल. कल्कि व अंतिम अवतार और बैद्ध मैत्रे, अंतिम ऋषि (इसाई) यहूदीयों के भी आखरी संदेष्‍टा? हैं या यह big Game against Islam है?
    antimawtar.blogspot.com (Rank-2 Blog) डायरेक्‍ट लिंक

    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंज पूरी मानव-जाति को
    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंज है कि कुरआन में कोई रद्दोबदल नहीं कर सकता
    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंजः कुरआन में विरोधाभास नहीं
    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंजः आसमानी पुस्‍तक केवल चार
    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंज वैज्ञानिकों को सृष्टि रचना बारे में
    अल्‍लाह का चैलेंज: यहूदियों (इसराईलियों) को कभी शांति नहीं मिलेगी

    छ अल्लाह के चैलेंज सहित अनेक इस्‍लामिक पुस्‍तकें
    islaminhindi.blogspot.com (Rank-3 Blog)
    डायरेक्‍ट लिंक

  4. गहरी और ठोस जानकारी दी है आप ने " लाजवाब ", भाई हमने तसल्ली से पढ़ा है !!!

    कैरान्वी का प्रचार कृपया कूड़ेदान में डाले !
