चौथी किस्त
सूरह मायदा -5
(The Food-5)
''यहूदियों और ईसाइयों को दोस्त मत बनाना , वह एक doosre के दोस्त हैं और तुम में से जो शख्स उन से दोस्ती करेगा, बेशक वोह इन्हीं में से होगा."
सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (51)
कोई सच्चा रहनुमा कहीं इंसानों को इंसानों से इस तरह बुग्ज़ और नफरत की बातें सिखलाता है? मुहम्मद को अपना पैगम्बर मान कर वैसे भी हम तीन चौथाई दुन्या को दुश्मन बनाए हुए हैं. दोस्ती भी कोई अक़ीदत है ? दोस्ती तो हुस्ने एख्लाक पर मुनहसर करती है न कि हिदू मुस्लमान और ईसाई पर.
ऐ ईमान वालो! जो शख्स तुम में से अपने दीन से फिर जाए तो अल्लाह बहुत जल्द ऐसी क़ौम पैदा कर देगा कि जिस को इस से मोहब्बत होगी और उसको इस से मुहब्बत होगी. मेहरबान होंगे वोह मुसलमानों पर और तेज़ होंगे काफिरों पर. जेहाद करने वाले होंगे अल्लाह की रह पर."
सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (54)
कितना कमज़ोर है मुहम्मद का गढा अल्लाह जो अपनी ही कमजोरी से परेशान है. अफ़सोस मुस्लमान ऐसे कमज़ोर अल्लाह के जाल में फंसे हुए हैं जो खुद जाल बुनते वक़्त घबरा रहा था.
तारीखी पास मंज़र में अल्लाह कहता है - - -
" जिन्हों ने तुम्हारे दीन को हंसी खेल बना रक्खा है, उनको और दूसरे कुफ्फार को दोस्त मत बनाओ और अल्लाह से डरो अगर तुम ईमान वाले हो और जब तुम नमाज़ के लिए एलन करते हो तो यह तुम्हारे साथ हँसी खेल करते हैं, इस सबब से कि वह लोग ऐसे हैं कि बिलकुल अक्ल नहीं रखते."
सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (59)जब किसी क़ौम का गलबा होता है तो उसका छू मंतर भी काबिले एहतराम इबादत बन जाती है. नमाज़ कल भी एक संजीदा शख्स के लिए काबिले एतराज़ हरकत थी और आज भी हो सकती है. अवामी सतह पर उट्ठक- बैठक बनाम इबादत कल भी हंसी खेल रहा होगा आज भी यकीनन है. ऐसी बेतुकी हरकत को कम से कम इबादत तो नहीं कहा जा सकता. कम अकली के ताने देने वाला अल्लाह खुद अपने ऊपर शर्म करे कि दुन्या के कोने कोने से मुस्लमान अक्ल के अंधे काबा जाते है शैतान को कंकड़ीयाँ मरने.
" आप कहिए कि क्या मैं तुम को ऐसा तरीका बतलाऊँ जो इस से भी अल्लाह के यहाँ बदला लेने में ज़्यादा बुरा हो. वोह इन लोगों का तरीका है जिन को अल्लाह ने दूर कर दिया हो और इन पर गज़ब फ़रमाया हो और इन को बन्दर और सुवर बना दिया हो और इन्हों ने शैतान की परिस्तिश की हो."
सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (60)
मुहम्मदी अल्लाह का दिमाग कैसी कैसी गलाज़तों से भरा हुवा था? यही इबारत मुस्लमान सुबहो-शाम अपनी नमाजों में पढ़ते हैं. अगर अपनी जबान मैं पढें तो एक हफ्ते मैं शर्म से डूब मरें.
मुहम्मद से अल्लाह कहता है - - -
" और जो आप के पास आप के परवर दिगार की तरफ से भेजा जाता है वोह इनमें से बहुतों की सरकशी और कुफ्र का सबब बन जाता है और हम ने इन में बाहम क़यामत तक अदावत और बुघ्ज़ डाल दिया है. जब कभी लडाई की आग भड़काना चाहते हैं, अल्लाह ताला ,उसको फर्द कर देते हैं और मुल्क में फसाद करते फिरते हैं और अल्लाह ताला फसाद करने वालों को पसंद नहीं करते."
सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (64)यह सोंच मुहम्मद की फितरत का आइना है जिसको उनके एजेंट सदियों से पुजवाते चले आ रहे हैं। मुहम्मद खुद परस्ती के सिवाए तमाम इन्सान और इंसानियत का दुश्मन था. इसकी उलटी मुश्तःरी करके आलिमों ने सारे दुन्या की बीस फी सद आबादी के साथ दगाबाज़ी की है और करते जा रहे हैं. मुसलामानों गौर करो की यह घटिया तरीन बातें जिनको किसी से कहने में खुद तुमको शर्म आए , तुहारे कुर आनी अल्लाह की हैं. वह कभी अपने बन्दों को बन्दर बना देता है तो कभी सुवर, कभी उनको आपस में लडवा कर ज़मीन पर फसाद कराता है, क्यूँ? क्यूं करता रहता है वह ऐसा? क्या कभी हुवा भी है ऐसा ? क्या मुहम्मद का झूट, उसकी साज़िश इन बातें में तुम को नज़र नहीं आती?अरे मेरे भाइयो! खुदा के लिए आँखें खोलो वर्ना मुहम्मद का अल्लाह तुम को बे मौत मारेगा. .
" और अगर यह लोग तौरेत की और इंजील की और जो किताब इन के परवर दिगर की तरफ से इनके पास पहुँच गई है उसकी पूरी पाबन्दी करते तो ये लोग अपने ऊपर से और अपने नीचे से पूरी फरागत से खाते."सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (66)लाहौल वलाकूवत! क्या मतलब हुवा मुहम्मदी अल्लाह का? आप खुद अख्ज़ करें कि उसका ऐसा फूहड़ मजाक अहले किताब के फरमा बरदारों के साथ? अच्छा हुवा कि न फरमान हुए वरना नीचे से खाना पड़ता, शायद इसी लिए नाफ़र्मान हो गए हों. मुहम्मद की गन्दी जेहेनियत ही कही जा सकती है. अनुवाद करने वाले मक्कार आलिम इसमें मानी ओ मतलब भरते रहें.
"बे शक वोह लोग काफ़िर हो चुके हैं जिन्हों ने कहा अल्लाह ताला में मसीह इब्ने मरियम है."
सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (72)
इस्लामी इस्तेलाह में किसी को काफिर कहना, उसे गाली देने की तरह होता है। अहले किताब यानी यहूदी और ईसाई काफिर नहीं होते हैं मगर मुहम्मद का मूड कब कैसा हो? ईसाइयों को उनके आस्था पर काफ़िर कहते है, जब की ईसाई खुद कुफ़्र (खास कर मूर्ती पूजा) को सख्त न पसंद करते हैं. इस तरह ईसाइयों का मुसलमानों से बैर बंधता गया.
" जो शख्स अल्लाह और रसूल की पूरी इताअत (आज्ञा करी)करेगा, अल्लाह ताला उसको ऐसी बहिश्तों में दाखिल कर देंगे जिस के नीचे नहरें जारी होंगी, हमेशा हमेशा इन में रहेंगे.ये बड़ी कामयाबी है,"सूरह अलमायदा 5 सातवाँ पारा(वइज़ासमेओ)-आयत (75)
कुरआन में यह आयत मोहम्मद की कामर्सियल ब्रेक्क है और बार बार आती है.
" ऐ अहले किताब! तुम अपने दीन में न हक गुलू (मिथ्य) मत करो और उन लोगों के ख्याल पर मत चलो जो पहले ही गलती में आ चुके हैं और बहुतों को गलती में डाल चुके हैं."
सूरह अलमायदा 5 सातवाँ पारा(वइज़ासमेओ)-आयत (77) ऐ मोहम्मद! दूसरों को राह मत दिखलाओ, पहले खुद राह-ऐ-रास्त पर आओ। अपनी उम्मत की ज़िन्दगी पलीद किए बैठे हो और अहल ए किताब यहूदियों और ईसाइयों को चले हो राह बतलाने।
निसार ''निसार-उल-ईमान''
हमीं नहीं कि तुम पे निसार और भी हैं
If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times... Qur'an 5:51 "Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends. They are but friends and protectors to each other." You'd think that Allah would occasionally get something right. But this is another ignorant mistake. Jews and Christians were antagonistic when this was "revealed," and they remained so for another thousand years. Qur'an 5:57 "Believers, take not for friends those who take your religion for a mockery or sport, a joke, whether among those who received the Scripture before you or among those who reject Faith; but fear Allah." In other words, don't hang out with rational people. This would be funny if they weren't killing us.
The Islamic god believes he turned Jews into apes and pigs. Qur'an 5:59 "Say: 'People of the Book! Do you disapprove of us for no other reason than that we believe in Allah, and the revelation that has come to us and that which came before.' Say: 'Shall I point out to you something much worse than this by the treatment it received from Allah? Those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom He transformed into apes and swine." A Jew must have said that a swine had made monkeys of men.
Qur'an 5:64 "The Jews say: 'Allah's hands are fettered.'" As do I. If Allah is Yahweh, why can't he do any of the miracles with which he so vividly demonstrated his power throughout the Bible? Have Allah's hands become fettered?
For a "new" religion, Islam sure seems fixated on old ones. And for a "tolerant" dogma, it's overly intent on condemning others. Muhammad protests: "Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for the blasphemy they utter. Nay, both His hands are widely outstretched, giving [Muslims Jewish booty] as He pleases. Amongst them we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Doom. Every time they kindle the fire of war, Allah does extinguish it. But they strive to do mischief on earth." It had been 1,500 years since the Jews had fought offensively, and it would be nearly that long before they would fight again. Banished from the Promised Land by Assyrians, Babylonians, and most recently Romans, the Jews were just trying to survive, to get along. They were among the least "mischievous" people on the planet. It was Muhammad's militants who spiked the mischief scale. They had lied and looted in the process of "kindling the fires of war" seventy-five times in the first nine years of the Islamic Era.
Qur'an 5:65 "If only the People of the Book had believed, We should indeed have blotted out their evil deeds [of rejecting and mocking] and admitted them to the Gardens of Bliss." Not knowing enough to be lucid, Muhammad takes a lame swipe at assuaging his conscience by inferring that the plight of the Jews wasn't his fault. "If only they had observed the Torah, the Gospel, and all the revelation that was sent to them from their Lord, they would have enjoyed happiness from every side." While it's true Jews would have been "happier" if they had followed their Torah and accepted the Gospel, Allah makes a fool of himself by saying it because he repudiates the Torah, dismantling the Ten Commandments, and his prophet's behavior was the antithesis of the message proclaimed in the Gospels. As a result, the Jews were besieged on every side by the Islamic terrorists who, in the name of Allah, stole their homes and possessions, murdered their men, raped their women, and enslaved their children.
Goebbels proposed a theory which states: "If a lie were repeated often enough and long enough, it would come to be perceived as truth." It's true today; virtually everyone - Muslims, Christians, and Jews, political leaders, media spokespeople, and common folk - are befuddled by Islam. They view Qusayy's Ka'aba Inc. and Khadija's Profitable Prophet Plan as a religion. They think that it's peaceful and tolerant because other religions are peaceful and tolerant - it's innocence by association. They believe that Allah is God and that Islam is one of many paths to him. As a result, over a billion Muslims live in religious, economic, intellectual, and political poverty, and five billion others live in fear of them. Islamic terrorism runs amuck because Islam runs amuck. And Islam runs amuck because non-Muslims tolerate it.
Qur'an 5:67 "Messenger, deliver the (message) which has been sent to you from your Lord. If you do not, you will not have delivered His message. And Allah will protect you from people." The opening lines are too dumb for words, much less scripture. The last is too sinister to be believed. Why does Allah need to promise to protect his delivery boy? Is Muhammad a coward? Is he so insecure that mocking, ridicule, and rejection have overwhelmed him? Or is the messenger afraid that he who lives by spewing poison will die by being poisoned?
Ever the hypocrite, Allah's poison pen proclaims: Qur'an 5:68 "Say: 'O People of the Scripture Book! You have no ground to stand upon unless you observe the Taurat [Torah], the Injeel [Gospel], and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord [Muhammad's recitals].' It is the revelation [of the Qur'an] that comes to you from your Lord (Muhammad), is certain to increase their rebellion and blasphemy. But grieve you not over (these) unbelieving people." It's another Islamic first; Allah's scripture causes people to rebel against God. And the reason is that Muhammad never understood the Torah's place in the Hebrew Scriptures or the Gospel's role in the Christian Bible, much less their relationship one to the other.
Calling Allah "God" was blasphemy of the first order, but for rebellion, consider this: from the dawn of recorded history (2500 B.C.) to the creation of Islam (620 A.D.) Arabs were among the freest, most self-reliant, tolerant, and least warlike people on earth. There is no record of them conquering or looting neighboring nations. Then everything changed. In the first ten years of the Islamic Era, under the leadership of Muhammad, they initiated scores of terrorist campaigns - pillaging their way to infamy. The following year, Abu Bakr's War of Compulsion forever sealed their fate. He forced every Arab into submission. They lost their freedom, self-reliance, tolerance, and peaceable nature forever. Over the next six years, Arabs - now Muslims - fought six bloody crusades conquering what is today Yemen, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. They would go on wielding swords over the necks of civilized people from Spain to India. Their victims were always given three choices: surrender and capitulate (accept Islam and pay the zakat tax); surrender and pay the jizyah protection tax in humility; or die. Islam was the sole impetus for the "increase in rebellion." And lest we forget, the collection of spoils and taxes was the motivation. So I challenge you - even dare you - to explain this change of heart any other way.
Muslims take this next verse out of context and use it to promote Islam as peaceful and tolerant. Qur'an 5:69 "Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the Jewish (Scriptures), and the Sabians and the Christians - whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, and does right - on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam says of the Sabians: "A people named in the Qur'an along with Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians (Qur'an 22:17), as having a religion revealed by Allah.... They were Hellenistic pagans with roots to the ancient Babylonian religions." Therefore, since the Sabians worshiped the Greek gods and followed the occult practices of Babylon, it would make Allah Satan if he revealed their religion.
Returning to the core of the verse we discover that by including the "whoever believes in Allah" segment between the dashes - Muhammad dashed any semblance of tolerance. Muslims were the first believers listed, thus the dashed portion was established to require Islamic submission from the others to qualify for "no fear or grief." Additionally, in context, this verse contradicts any notion of Islamic tolerance. The previous verse said that Jews were blasphemers. Ten verses earlier they were called "apes and swine." And throughout, Christians have been defined as "disbelievers," thus evoking the wrath of the 8th and 9th surahs - the Qur'an's War Manifestos.
Before we press on, I'd like you to consider the 98th surah - one revealed about this same time. Allah said Christianity and Judaism were "false religions." Qur'an 98:1 "Those among the People of the Book, who disbelieve and are idolaters [making Christians and Jews pagans], would never have been freed from their false religion if the Clear Proofs had not come to them. An Apostle of Allah came reading out of hallowed pages, containing firm decrees.... They were commanded to serve Allah exclusively, fulfilling their devotional obligations, and paying the zakat. Surely the unbelievers and idolaters from the People of the Book will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures."
So I pose this question to the world's cadre of Islamic scholars: if Qur'an 5:69 is testimony to Islamic tolerance, why does Qur'an 98:1 contradict it? Further, if Allah was Yahweh, why isn't there an order for fighting in his cause, for paying the zakat tax, for observing holy months, for performing devotional obligations, for Ramadhan fasting, or for participating in the hajj pilgrimage in the Ten Commandments? And while we are on the subject of Exodus 20, most everything Muhammad did violated Yahweh's commands. How could that be if the Qur'an confirmed the Torah? How can Judeo-Christianity be a false religion if Allah revealed it and then confirmed it?
Preoccupied with the Jews, the Arab god attacks them again: Qur'an 5:70 "We took a solemn pledge from the Children of Israel and sent messengers to them; but every time a messenger came bringing something that did not suit their mood - they called one an impostor, another they slew. They imagined that there would be no trial (or punishment); so they became willfully blind and deaf." Muhammad is inferring that the Jews called him an "imposter" and that they "slew" Christ. But that's a problem for Islam because the Qur'an claims "Jesus" wasn't killed and history confirms that while he was crucified, the Jews didn't do it.
These next two verses, combined with Qur'an 5:17 and 98:1, condemn Christians to endure the cutting edge of Islamic terror - forever. Throughout the Qur'an's most violent surahs (4, 5, 8, 9, 33, 47, 48, 59, 60, and 61) Muhammad used the words "infidel," "unbeliever," and "disbeliever" to describe his enemy. Then in the 5th surah, the prophet defined his terms. "Infidels, unbelievers, and disbelievers" become Christians; and thus they inherited the legacy of Islam's sword.
While it was ingenious and efficient, it was also transparent and immoral. Muhammad had robbed, enslaved, and killed every significant Jewish settlement in Arabia. After enduring ten years of terror, the Quraysh had surrendered, as had most every Arab town within Islam's reach. There was nothing left to steal. But having turned self-sufficient and peaceful men into bloodthirsty pirates, Muhammad needed a new enemy.
So... Qur'an 5:72 "They are surely infidels who blaspheme and say: 'God is Christ, the Messiah, the son of Mary.' But the Messiah only said: 'O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.'" Now that the Qur'an has brought the 14th chapter of John's Gospel to our attention, we know that Christ, the Messiah, claimed that he was God. Thus Allah is doing what he does best: lie. "Lo! Whoever joins other gods with Allah or says He has a partner, Allah has forbidden Paradise, and the Hell Fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help." Qur'an 5:73 "They are surely disbelievers who blaspheme and say: 'God is one of three in the Trinity for there is no ilah (god) except One, Allah. If they desist not from saying this (blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall them - the disbelievers will suffer a painful doom."
With that said, "Christian" must now be substituted for "infidel" and "disbeliever" in every verse commanding Muslims to fight, kill, terrorize, plunder, or enslave. "Must" because of Qur'anic abrogation. Qur'an 2:106 proclaims: "Whenever We cancel a verse or throw it into oblivion, We bring one which is better." The 5th surah was the last handed down and thus its commands and definitions abrogate all others. The result is as clear as the skies over New York at 8:45 A.M. E.D.T., the 11th of September 2001. I'm sorry to be the bearer of such bad news, but this is why Muslims kill Americans. They believe we are Christians.
The prophet-less profit, the miracle-less apostle, the illiterate messenger of "scripture" (Latin for writing) felt the need to disparage the Messiah and his mission once more. Qur'an 5:75 "The Messiah, Christ, the son of Mary, was no more than a messenger; many were the messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had to eat their food. See how Allah does make His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded!" Speaking of deluded, the Qur'an previously revealed that "Jesus" didn't "pass away." We were told that Allah raised him. Qur'an 4:157 "'We [Jews] killed the Messiah, Jesus.' but they killed him not, nor crucified him. It appeared so to them (as the resemblance of Jesus was put over another man and they killed that man). Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself. Those who differ with this version are full of doubts. They have no knowledge and follow nothing but conjecture. For surely they killed him not."
The impotent Islamic god had the nerve to grumble: Qur'an 5:76 "Say: 'Will you serve something which has no power either to harm or benefit you?" This is followed by something that, considering the context of the Islamic Hadith, may be the most hypocritical statement yet spoken. Qur'an 5:77 "Say (Muhammad): 'People of the Book! Exceed not in your religion the bounds of what is proper, trespassing beyond truth, nor follow the vain desires of people who erred in times gone by, who led many astray."
Prophet of Doom