Saturday 5 December 2009

क़ुरआन - सूरह अल्मायदा ५

(किस्त --१)

तअलीम से ग़ाफिल, फ़न-ए-ओन्क़ा से जुदा,
बदहाली में आगे, सफ़े आला से जुदा,
गुमराह किए है, इन्हें इनका अल्लाह,
दुन्या है मुसलामानों की दुन्या से जुदा.

"ऐ ईमान वालो! अहदों को पूरा करो. तुम्हारे लिए तमाम चौपाए जो पुरस्कार स्वरूप के हों, हलाल किए गए, मगर जिन का ज़िक्र आगे आता है, लेकिन शिकार हलाल मत समझना, जिस हालत में तुम अहराम (एक अरबी परिधान) में हो. बेशक अल्लाह जो चाहे हुक्म दे,"
सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (1)
मैं वयस्कता से पहले ईमान का मतलब लेन देन के तकाजों को ही समझता था (और आज भी सिर्फ़ इसी को समझता हूँ) मगर इस्लामी समझ आने के बाद मालूम हुवा कि इस्लामी ईमान का अस्ल तो कुछ और ही है, वह है 'कलमा ए शहादत', अल्लाह और उसके रसूल पर ईमान रखना, कसमे-आम और कसमे-पुख्ता. इन बारीकियों को मौलाना जब समझ जाते है कि अल्लाह कितना दर गुज़र (झूट को ) करता है तो वह लेन देन की बेईमानी भरपूर करते हैं. मेरे एक दोस्त ने बतलाया कि उनके कस्बे के एक मौलाना, मस्जिद के पेश इमाम, मदरसे के मुतवल्ली क़ुरआन के आलिम, बड़े मोलवी, साथ साथ ग्राम प्रधान, रहे हज़रात ने कस्बे की रंडी हशमत जान का खेत पटवारी को पटा कर जीम का नुकता बदलवा कर नीचे से ऊपर करा दिया जो जान की जगह खान हो गया. हज़रात के वालिद मरहूम का नाम हशमत खान था. विरासत हशमत खान के बेटे, बड़े मोलवी साहब उमर खान की हो गई, हशमत रंडी की सिर्फ एक बेटी छम्मी थी(अभी जिंदा है), उसने उसको मोलवी के क़दमों पर लाकर डाल और कहा" मोलवी साहब इस से रंडी पेशा न कराऊँगी , रहेम कीजिए, अल्लाह का खौफ़ खाइए - - - " मगर मोलवी का दिल न पसीजा उसका ईमान कमज़ोर नहीं था, बहुत मज़बूत था। दो बेटे हैं, मेरे दोस्त बतलाते हैं दोनों डाक्टर है, और पोता कस्बे का चेयर मैन है। रंडी की और मदरसे की जायदादें सब काम आरही हैं. यह है ईमान की बरकत. मुसलामानों के इस ईमानी झांसे में हो सकता है गैर मुस्लिम इन से ज्यादा धोका खाते हों कि ईमान लफ्ज़ को इन से जाना जाता है.
अहद की बात आई तो तसुव्वुर कायम हुवा "प्राण जाए पर वचन न जाए" मगर अल्लाह तो अहद के नाम पर चौपायों के शिकार की बातें कर रहा है। खैर, चलो शुक्र है दो पायों (यानी इंसानों) के शिकार से उसकी तवज्जो हटी हुई है, इस सूरह में शिकारयात पर अल्लाह का कीमती तबसरा ज्यादह ही है गो कि आज ये फुजूल की बातें हो गईं हैं मगर मुहम्मदी अल्लाह इतना दूर अंदेश होता तो हम भी यहूदियों की तरह दुनिया के बेताज बादशाह न होते. खैर ख्वाबों में सही आकबत में ऊपर जन्नतों के मालिक तो होंगे ही. मोहम्मद शिकार के तौर तरीके बतलाते हैं क्यंकि उनके मूरिसे आला इस्माईल इब्ने लौंडी हाजरा(हैगर) के बेटे एक शिकारी ही थे जिनकी अलमाती मूर्तियाँ काबे की दीवारों में नक्श थीं, जिसे इस्लामी तूफ़ान ने तारीखी सच्चाइयों की हर धरोहर की तरह खुरच खुरच कर मिटा दिया.मगर क्या खून में दौड़ती मौजों को भी इसलाम कहीं पर मिटा सका है. खुद मुहम्मद के खून में इस्माईल के खून की मौज कुरआन में आयत बन कर बन कर बोल रही है. हिदुस्तानी मुल्ला की बेटी की तन पर लिपटी सुर्ख लिबास, क्या सफेद इस्लामी लिबास का मुकाबला कर सका है? मुहम्मद कुरआन में कहते है बेशक अल्लाह जो चाहे हुक्म दे, यह उनकी खुद सरी की इन्तहा है और उम्मत गुलाम की इंसानी सरों की पामाली की हद. एक सरकश अल्लाह बन कर बोले और लाखों बन्दे सर झुकाए लब बयक कहें, इस से बड़ा हादसा किसी क़ौम के साथ और क्या हो सकता है?
"तुम पर हराम किए गए हैं मुरदार, खून और खिंजीर (सुवर) का गोश्त और जो कि गैर अल्लाह के नाम पर मारा गया हो और जो गला घुटने से मर जाए, जो किसी ज़र्ब से मर जाए या गिर कर मर जाए, जिसको कोई दरिंदा खाने लगे, लेलिन जिस को ज़बह कर डालो."
सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (3)
ज़रा जिंदगी की हकीक़तों में जाकर देखिए तो ये बातें बेवकूफ़ी की लगती हैं। आप की भूक कितनी है, हालात क्या हैं? हराम हलाल सब इन बातों पर मुनहसर करता है. किसी बादशाह ने मेहतरों को हलाल खोर का ठीक ही लक़ब दिया था, आज का सब से बड़ा हराम खोर रिशवत खाने वाला है. धर्म ओ मज़हब की कमाई खाने वाले भी खुद को हराम खोर ही समझें.
"और अगर तुम बीमार हो, हालते सफ़र मे हो या तुम मे से कोई शख्स इस्तेंजे(शौच) से आया हो या तुम ने बीवियों से कुर्बत की हो, फिर तुम को पानी न मिले तो पाक ज़मीन से तैममुम (भभूति करण) करो यानी अपने चेहरों पर, हाथों पर हाथ फेर लिया करो."
सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (6)
तैममुम भी क्या मज़ाक है मुसलमानों के मुँह पर, इसकी लोजिक कहीं से भी समझ में नहीं आती, सिवाए इसके की मुँह और हाथों पर धूल मल लेना, हो सकता है जहाँ मोलवी तैममुम कर रहा हो वहां कल किसी जानवर ने पेशाब किया हो? इस से बेहतर तो हवाई तैममुम था जैसे हवाई अल्लाह मियां हैं.मगर इसलाम में पाकी की बड़ी अहमियत है. इस तरह पाकी हफ्तों और महीनों बर क़रार रह सकती है भले ही कपडे साफ़ी हो जाएँ और इन से बदबू आने लगे. इसके बर अक्स एक कतरा पेशाब ताजे धुले कपडे में लग जाए तो मुस्लमान नापाक हो जाता है,यहाँ तक कि अगर वोह कपडा वाशिंग मशीन में डाल दिया गया है तो उस के साथ के सभी कपडे नापाक हुए. नापाक कपडे की नजासत को बहते हुए पानी से इसलाम धोता है और जिस्म पर बैठी हुई गंदगी को तैममुम से जमी रहने देता है. देखने में आता है बनिए मगरीबी यू पी में मुसलामानों को पास बिठाना पसंद नहीं करते.
"और किसी खास क़ौम की अदावत तुम्हारे लिए बाइस न बन जाए कि तुम अदल (न्याय)न करो. अदल किया करो कि वो तक़वा (तपस्या)से करीब है."
सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (8)
मुहम्मद कभी कभी मसलहतन जायज़ बात भी कर जाते है.
" अल्लाह लोगों से मुसलमान होने के बाद ही अच्छे कामों के बदले बेहतर आखरत के वादे करता है। बनी इस्राईल को उन के बारह सरदारों की पद प्रतिष्ठा की याद दिलाता है, जो कि युसुफ़ के भाई और हज़रत इब्राहीम के पड़ पोते थे. इन से इस्लामी नमाजें और ज़कात अदा कराता है. मुहम्मद अपने मज़हबी कर्म कांड के साथ चौदह सौ साल पहले पैदा होते है और साढे तीन हज़ार साल पहले पैदा होने वाले यहूदियों से इस्लामी फ़राइज़ अदा कराते हैं, अपने ऊपर ईमान लाने की बातें करते हैं, गोया दीर्घ अतीत में दाखिल होकर इस्लामी प्रचार करते हैं और यहूदियों के नबियों को मुसलमान बनाते हुए वर्तमान में आँखें खोलते हैं. अल्लाह इन से क़र्ज़ लेकर इनके गुनाह दूर करने की बात करता है. मुहम्मद को हर रोज़ कोई न कोई बुरी खबर मिलती रहती है कि कोई टुकडी इनकी समूह से कट गई है. अल्लाह इनको तसल्ली देता है. नव मुस्लिम अंसार ताने देने लग जाते हैं, हम तो अंसार ठहरे, उन को भी मुहम्मद क़यामत तक के लिए बैर और अदावत की वजेह से पुन्य के एक हिस्से से वंचित कर देते हैं. मुहम्मद अपनी किताब को एक नूर बतलाते है, और इसकी रौशनी में ही राह तलाश करने की हिदायत करते हैं जी हाँ! किताब यही हरे हुरूफों वाली जिसमें होई राह नज़र नहीं आती."
सूरह अलमायदा 5 छटवाँ पारा-आयत (9-16)

निसार ''निसार-उल-ईमान''


देखें ज़माना क्या कहता है - - -

The फ़ूड

All bad things must eventually come to an end. Glory be to God. The 5th surah, is the last of a lousy lot. With it, the heavenly fraud was finished.
"The Feast" opens as one would expect from a doctrine named "submission." Qur'an 5:1 "Believers, fulfill obligations." Qur'an 5:2 "Believers, violate not the sanctity of the symbols of Allah [the Ka'aba, Crescent Moon, and Black Stone], nor of the sacred month [which Muhammad had violated to acquire Allah's symbols]...fear Allah: for Allah is severe in punishment." Muhammad's mantra never changed.
The Qur'an provides a long list of prohibitions. Qur'an 5:3 "Forbidden to you are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by being gored to death; that which hath been eaten by a wild animal... This day those who reject faith give up all hope of your religion. Yet fear them not, fear Me. This day I have perfected your religion and have chosen for you Submission as your religion." Putting the commentary on not eating dead animals aside, the change of voice from "fear Allah for Allah is severe," to "fear Me for I have perfected your religion" is revealing. At best, the shift suggests that the author wasn't skilled at his craft - something that would be inconsistent with God. At worst, it's another confession - Muhammad slipped into first person because he was Allah. And the only thing "perfected" on this day was Muhammad's claim to the Ka'aba. The only thing "religious" about any of this was the tyrant's use of dogma to subdue his people.
The next verse confirms what the Islamic clerics deny and what the American media ignores. Allah is the name of the Islamic god - it was never the Arabic word for "God." Qur'an 5:4 "Pronounce the Name of Allah: and fear Allah; for Allah is swift in reckoning." Every time you read the word "God" in an Associated Press article emanating from the Islamic world, know that they are unwittingly propagating this deception. Muslims have a perfectly good word for "god" and they use it with great regularity. They say, "There is no ilah but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger."
This deception is at the very core of Islam, and thus of Islamic terror. If Allah isn't Yahweh, the Qur'an is rubbish - it's a horrid job of plagiarizing, nothing more. If Allah isn't Yahweh, Muhammad was speaking on his own behalf - and for his own benefit - he could not have been among the line of Biblical prophets. If Allah isn't Yahweh, the god of Islam is fictitious - an impotent mirage. But knowing that most people are blissfully ignorant - unwilling to read or think for themselves - they'll never know that Allah is the inverse of Yahweh. So the ruse works.
Ritual is the substance of religion, the control mechanism for obedience, the "opiate of the people." Qur'an 5:6 "O you who believe, when you prepare for prayer, wash your faces and your hands to the elbows; Rub your heads; and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If you are in a state of sexual discharge, bathe your whole body. But if you are ill, on a journey, come from the privy, or have been in contact with women, and find no water, then take clean dirt and rub it on your faces and hands." But why bother to pray? The very same god that is ordering Muslims to rub dirt in their faces proclaimed: Qur'an 78:37 "None shall have power to argue with the Lord, none can converse with Him or address Him." If that is true, prayer is a waste of time. If it isn't true, then Allah is a liar, which makes him the wrong god to pray to. And lest I forget, Muhammad just said, "women are dirtier than dirt."
This may be the last surah, but there is no evidence Muhammad and Allah got better with practice. Qur'an 5:7 "Remember Allah's covenant which He ratified with you, when you said: 'We hear and we obey.' And fear Allah." The "covenant" which they "ratified" was a pledge of allegiance to Muhammad. This was another confession: Allah and Muhammad were one. This man created his god.
The personality Muhammad attributes to Allah was as ugly as his own. Qur'an 5:10 "Those who reject, disbelieve, and deny Our signs, proofs, verses, and lessons will be companions of Hell-Fire." Returning to familiar religious patter, Muhammad slipped again - Allah was now plural. Could it be that they were a team - partners? Might Allah be to Muhammad what Mickey Mouse was to Walt Disney - a means to fame and fortune? Or did Muhammad know the truth? Did he recognize what he sensed the night all of this began, "I fear that I have been possessed?"
In a desperate attempt to legitimize his counterfeit, Muhammad attempted to usurp Yahweh's authority. Whether deceived, delusional, or just dishonest, these erroneous claims are advanced to cast Allah as Yahweh and to authenticate Islam: Qur'an 5:12 "Indeed Allah made a covenant of old with the Children of Israel, and We appointed twelve captains among them. And Allah said: 'I am with you if you perform regular prayers [obligatory Islamic worship], pay the zakat tax with regularity [the zakat was from Qusayy, not Abraham], believe in My Messengers..." Muhammad is referring to himself, not knowing that Yahweh never used humans as "messengers." Angels are Yahweh's messengers; it's what the Hebrew word for "angel" means. Men were called to be rabbis (teachers), prophets, and priests. "...obey and support the Messengers [i.e., fight for them], and loan Allah a beautiful loan [Yahweh didn't need money, but Muhammad did to advance his war machine.], verily I will wipe out from your evils, and admit you to Gardens with rivers flowing; but if any of you, after this [message from Muhammad], resist, you have wandered astray.'" Not only did Muhammad falsely claim that his Islamic mantra was Jewish doctrine, his voice slipped back out of plural to singular (Our to My). He didn't get any better at this, even with practice. Further, the Biblical paradise isn't about rivers, and godly loans aren't equated to forgiveness.
To help us understand these verses, the Noble Qur'an adds: "The Jews were ordered in the Torah to follow Prophet Muhammad." It references Qur'an 7:157: "Those who follow the Messenger (Muhammad), the Prophet who can neither read nor write whom they find written in the Torah (Deuteronomy 18:15) and the Gospel (John 14:16); he commands them to Islam." We've been through this drill before. While Team Islam couldn't read, I can. And I assure you that no Arab was called a prophet, and no man was called a messenger. But he was right in a way. When the Bible spoke of Satan, it said that he would use prostration, taxation, terror, a new gospel, and a boastful false prophet to deceive mankind.
Since the Qur'an translators were kind enough to provide the alleged prophetic Torah and Gospel references, let's check them out. First, Deuteronomy 18:15 "Yahweh [therefore not Allah], your elohiym (deity) shall qum (raise up or ordain) for you a nabiy (man who speaks by inspiration, predicting and teaching) from the qereb (midst or heart) of you, from your awkh (brethren) [i.e., a Jew] like me. You shall shama (hear) him." That was a repudiation of Muhammad's claims, not a confirmation.
A better verse would have been the 18th, but only if taken out of context, as Moses is talking to his tribe - the priestly Levites - about the Messiah who would come from the tribe of Judah. "I will raise them up a nabiy (an inspired prophet and teacher) from their qereb (midst or heart) awkh (a brother) like me, and will nathan (ascribe) my dabar (advice, book, counsel) through his mouth; and he shall speak all I appoint for him. And if anyone fails to heed the words he speaks in my shem (name, character, and authority) I will call him to account. But the prophet who ziyd (presumptuously) debar (subdues (i.e., imposes submission or Islam)) and recites a book in my name which I have not commanded him to utter, or who speaks in the name of other elohiym (gods [like Allah]), that prophet shall die."
While the 15th and 18th verses referred to Yahshua the Messiah, not Muhammad the perverted pirate, the 22nd verse was prophetic of Allah's apostle and his presumptuous recital. But not in a positive way.
Team Islam claims John 14:16 contains the Gospel prediction of Muhammad's arrival. So that we don't err by taking Christ's words out of context, I'll begin with the 6th verse: "Iesous [ Strong's Concordance says "Iesous" was designed to replicate Yahshua or Yehoshua, Hebrew for savior. There was no "Y" in Greek.] said, 'I am [Yahweh means "I Am"] the hodos (way or route) and the truth, and the life; no one erchomai (appears before or accompanies) the Pater (Father), but through Me. [Therefore, not through Muhammad.] If you ginosko (know or understand) Me, you ginosko My Father also. You have horao (seen, experienced, beheld) Him.... He who has horao Me has horao the Father. [Yahshua is claiming that he is Yahweh in the flesh.] Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father meno (abiding or dwelling) in Me does His works. Pisteuo (trust in or rely upon) Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise rely upon the account of the works themselves. [Christ performed countless miracles to confirm his deity.] Amen (This is trustworthy) what I say to you; he who pisteuo (trusts in and relies upon) Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I poreuomai (traverse, travel, or go) to the Father. And whatever you aiteo (ask, desire, or require) in My onoma (name, authority, or character), that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it. If you agapao (love in a moral sense) Me, you will tereo (keep an eye on) My entole (prescriptions).'"
That brings us to John 14:16: "And I will ask the Father, and He will didomi (give or bestow upon) you allos (a) Parakletos (Intercessor, Advocate, Comforter), that He may meno (abide, indwell, or be with) you aion (forever); that is the Pneuma (Holy Spirit) of Truth, whom the world cannot lambano (receive), because it does not theoreo (discern, experience, consider, or behold) Him or ginosko (know or understand) Him, but you ginosko Him because He meno (abides or dwells) with you, and will be in you. I will not leave you orphanos (bereaved, comfortless, or fatherless); I will erchomai (come back and enter) you. After a little while the world will see Me no more [He's predicting his crucifixion]; but you will theoreo (experience, behold, or look upon) Me; because I live [He's predicting his resurrection], you shall live also. [That's the Gospel: we get to live forever with Him because He sacrificed Himself as payment for our sins - the final solution.] In that day you shall know and understand that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you." The Spirit of the Messiah, Yahshua, is the Holy Spirit, which is Yahweh. They are three manifestations of the same thing, just as our height, width, and depth are three manifestations of our physical body. So, rather than predicting the arrival of an Arab terrorist who is long dead, Yahshua was promising us that his eternal spirit will reside in us. In all of the Bible, it's hard to imagine Islam picking verses more damaging to their claims.
Meanwhile, back in Medina, the mean, angry, intolerant, and racist false prophet behaved as the Bible predicted: Qur'an 5:13 "But because of their breach of their covenant We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard. They change the words from their (right) places [the illiterate prophet pronounced] and forget and abandon a good part of the message that was sent them. Nor will you cease to find deceit in them." It's the time bomb of Islam: "They change the words from their (right) places and forget and abandon a good part of the message that was sent them." In another translation we find the god who breached the covenant of Hudaybiyah preaching: "And because of their breaking their covenant We have cursed them and made hard their hearts. They altered words from their context and they neglected a portion of the message they were reminded of." There is even ambiguity between the translations. The first was written in present tense as if the editing were ongoing. The second was written in past tense as if the alterations were history. So the bottom line is: Islam is clueless. Muhammad didn't know what changed, when it changed, or why it changed because it didn't change.
The Jews told Muhammad that his version of their Torah was preposterous. Christians had done the same with regards to his errant recasting of Yahshua. Both knew that Muhammad wasn't a prophet, that Allah wasn't Yahweh, and that the Qur'an didn't confirm the Judeo-Christian scriptures. This placed Muhammad in an impossible position. Every literate and godly person around was calling him a liar, his god a fraud, and his revelations fictitious.
The Qur'an was clear: Muhammad purchased Talmud stories from the Jews in Medina. When Muhammad "changed the words from their right places and forgot a good part of the message" they held him accountable. They mocked him, rejected him, and disbelieved him. This tormented him.
The Jews knew he hadn't received the surahs from Gabriel or from God. They held the receipts. This is why they had to be eliminated. The evidence, and the people who held it, had to be obliterated before they obliterated Islam. The Nadir and Qurayza were hunted down and slaughtered to keep you and me from knowing the truth. It is why Muhammad mustered the largest raids of his life against Christians.
Muhammad's claim is impossible to defend. The People of the Book, the Children of Israel, the Jews, could not have "changed the words from their right places and forgot a good part of the message" nor could they have "altered words from their context and neglected a portion of the message they were reminded of." Unaltered, unchanged, unforgotten, and rightly placed words scribed on scrolls comprising the Bible were discovered in Qumran dating back to 250 B.C., fully a thousand years before the oldest surviving Qur'an. On them we find Yahweh's name written 6,868 times and Allah's not even once. We find no reference to religion much less to the religion of Abraham, Adam, or Noah. Despite what Allah claims, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Saul, David, and Solomon weren't Muslims. There is no mention of Mecca or the Ka'aba in the Scriptures, and yet stories of Jerusalem and the Temple abound.
It is absurd to believe that more than a thousand years before an illiterate megalomaniac, a perverted pedophile, a profiteering pirate, a bloodthirsty terrorist, emerged in Arabia that pious Jewish scribes purposely altered the whole of their scriptures just to foil him. The scope of their conspiracy would have had to have gone beyond millions of people plotting together to write Yahweh, Messiah, Jew, Jerusalem, and Temple into the written record and Allah, Muhammad, Muslim, Mecca, and the Ka'aba out - tens of thousands of times. All of Middle Eastern history, four thousand years of it, from Persia to Egypt, would have had to have been perverted, too, for the Bible to be as errant as the Qur'an requires it to be. Yet no scholar, historian, or archeologist has ever discovered any artifact to suggest that the Bible is in error. In fact, the opposite is true. Moreover, Yahweh's Ten Commandments and his message of choice, love, relationship, and atonement are nowhere to be found in Allah's mean-spirited and immoral rant. So the Qur'an's central claim is impossible. That means Islam cannot possibly be true.
There is a reason Muhammad, Allah, the Qur'an, and Muslim scholars don't explain how, when, or why the Jews "altered words from their context and neglected part of the message." They can't because the Jews didn't
Some have said, "It doesn't matter what you believe, only that you believe. We all worship the same God and there are many paths to him." That's like saying that it doesn't matter if a bridge over a gorge will carry your weight, only that you believe it will." To say that we all worship the same God is to say that God is schizophrenic. He's so stupid, he can't remember his name or message. And how can opposite paths - "fear and obey" and "choose to love" - lead to the same place? It isn't tolerant to allow or encourage someone to risk his or her life on a bridge that is obviously faulty. Their faith will only get them killed. Faith in the wrong object is fatal.
Qur'an 5:14 "From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We made a covenant, but they forgot and abandoned a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, stirred up enmity and hatred among them to the Day of Doom. Soon will Allah show them the handiwork they have done." The Christian scriptures consist of the most prolifically and contemporaneously documented writings in all of antiquity. There are a thousand times more manuscript fragments, dating ten times closer to the events they describe, than there are for the second-best documented book - the Iliad by Homer. Further, the central message of the Gospels is salvation through Christ's sacrifice on the cross - something Islam denies. Yahshua preached love, not fear; relationship, not jihad. The Gospel message is as different from the Qur'an as any two books ever written. To say that Allah delivered both messages makes Muhammad too stupid for words - or barring that, as deceitful as the Devil.
You'd think that after twenty-two years of making these things up, Muhammad would have come up with a more credible story. But at least the Bible and Qur'an have one thing in common't ey are both focused on the Jews. Qur'an 5:15 "O People of the Book! There has come to you Our Apostle, revealing to you much that you used to hide in your Scripture, suppressing and passing over much. There has come to you from Allah a (new) light (Muhammad) and a clear Book [the Qur'an]." Although it's a detail, it warrants mentioning: not a word of this was written. The only man who tried had been murdered. The Qur'an wasn't a book - nor would it become one for quite some time. And even when it was finally committed to paper, it would be poorly written, plagiarized, contradictory, racist, immoral, demented, violent, out of chronological order, devoid of context, and inaccurate. Simply stated: it became the worst book ever written. It inspires the hellish behavior we have come to know as terrorism.

Prophet of Doom

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